That's good to know. So I guess the rest of us will have to wait this one out then and see what happens.
I also come spreading good news: It might (keyword here, might) be possible to get this stuff running in software mode, so people without NV1s can play.
I don't understand the mentality behind this. If I had the files, I'd release them, and keep a hard copy, and be left with a very warm feeling that I shared something awesome with the world.
Needless to say though, whatever we see from this release wouldn't be representative of how far Ofer was able to develop the engine. PoV worked on the engine, but from the accounts we have, failed to do anything substantial to make it work while Ofer and Senn worked separately and got the game working smoothly on Saturn hardware. EDIT: Though I agree, the game from a design perspective seemed like a lost cause. There's no way the final product would have been able to touch the refinement that Andrew75 has been able to create for AXSX.
Then what do we do here? forgo the find of the year (this will seriously trump Windy Valley Beta if this comes to light) to respect the word of an old developer that probably doesn't even care about this anymore?
He's respecting one of the original team members wishes and not make it publicly available. I think its honorable yet difficult.
But isn't he trying to make it publicly available? Isn't that why he's getting this machine? So he can make something publicly available? That's where I get confused in all of this. And don't let me seem like the guy who's shouting "SHARE IT ALREADY". I get that it's nuanced. I'm just saying that, if it were me, I'd make a big ol' post so everyone knew that I was the big hero who got the content, make it available, and keep the original. That way you get the glory, the original, and the people are happy. But again, that's just me.
He's going to release binaries. We'll get content, just not the engine. And yes, while that sucks, we're still going to obtain something from this; unfortunately, just not everything.
Awesome and amazing that you're applying so much effort into this CoolJerk. I've also been avidly following your thread on NeoGAF. When you say that you and the dude from Assembler Games have "worked it out" what do you mean exactly? Could you shed any light or details on what I presume is an amicable and agreeable compromise you two must have come to? Also I think we should all be immensely grateful that the guy is being as co-operative as he is. I've read so many stories of members of that forum keeping things locked away out of elitism. This guy's actually being cool about it.
He wants to release a build but not the source code. Seems more than generous to me. We get a playable game and the engine isn't distributed as source. He is also respecting the guy who created the engine.
Well from the sounds of it we may be able to get something to play around with assuming what Cooljerk said is right about getting software mode working possibly.
I know there's been talk already about getting a software version out there but how feasible would running a virtual machine environment be? I know you're suppose to have one of those NV1 cards, so emulating that may be quite difficult but it' something I've been pondering on.
I think there was someone who was trying to make an NV1 wrapper somewhere, don't know who... EDIT: It was blueshogun96 from VOGONS. He/she made a basic wrapper that only does little function, so it's useless, but you can download it anyway:
I mean that tomorrow I should have the proof I requested in order to verify if this guy has a legit copy or not, and that we've worked out the logistics of how he can have a board to work with that works for both of us