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Assembler games member has Sonic xtreme POV stuff

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Spinksy, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Just to clarify - this isn't a full new Sonic game within this build, but rather a unique fork of this project which hasn't been shown off.
  2. Bobinator


    My thoughts on your posting Member
    Can we expect to see screenshots/video/general information on all this as it goes, or do we have to wait for the entire source to be released? I mean, either way, this is great news, it'd just make the wait a lot less painful if we knew what to expect. :P
  3. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Increase attention to this awesome news? But it sounds like it's best to wait for a release because of reasons stated in this thread.
  4. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    I think as we have parts to release to people, we'll release them. So likely a small release here, small release there. This isn't really an official project or anything, just something being worked on in free time. I don't think JR has any real intention on holding back or anything, save for the lack of something to actually release at the moment.
  5. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Yes AXSX will benefit enormously from this leak. I've spent years re-creating assets from crummy Magazine scans. But having the official assets at our disposal with this next release is a true Godsend. I've had the opportunity to rummage threw the assets, and am currently in process of organizing them for a future public release. This first release will not contain the original folder structure, It will however be very similar to the last Def pack release structure wise. ( likewise for you guys who need to look at original folder structures and unchanged files, that may have to wait for a later time)

    Speaking with Jollyroger we've learned that there are multiple builds of the engine (I believe he said 5) or so , and there are multiple versions of the def files, you can see how they had evolved threwout the development cycle.

    So, um, yeah ! my organizational adventures here....I've actually had to be a little hacky by changing some of the .DEF files and corresponding .PCX map layout files so that they are compatible with SANiK's fisheye viewer. Even with my modifications, the DEF files should still be compatible inside the actual level editor (Most of them In theory), I don't have time to go into the details regarding the technical aspects. Rest Assured that you guys are all in safe Hands with JollyRoger on the job.

    As for AXSX! I will include both versions of levels: my version with my older recreated assets and the new leaked version assets.

    When will you be able to hold dreams in your hands? I'm not entirely sure, asset releases will be in increment release and very close to JollyRoger's playable engine and level editor release.
    So please remain calm , and hold out for awhile longer, this may be a long while longer.( I know this is breaking hearts here)

    If you have any questions Please try and hold off in asking JR himself, As this will help JR to contribute a lot more time into getting things where they need to be.
    That's what me and Cooljerk will be here for.
    Please keep in mind that we won't be able to answer all your questions. Some things need to be reviled when the time is right.
    I think everything that's been said so far throw-out the posts here and on assembler is about the limit to the knowledge we have so far, When we get some results, we will keep you guys posted! For now Code is being looked-threw. I think that will be about it in the news sector until JR's development environment is complete.
  6. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    You three are the best. Take all the time you need, it'll certainly be worth the wait.
  7. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Well , Its Jollyroger mainly, I'm just a rabbid X-treme fanboy who's familiar with sonic x-treme assets and how some of them work.
    I'm very grateful for being given the opportunity to be a part of this awesome release.
  8. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    This is crazy. I remember reading about X-Treme on Sonic HQ when I was 7 or 8. Letting my mind go wild from the screenshots we had back then, ogling over magazine scans, imagining how cool this would have been if it came out (Obviously that's not the case now, but it was fun to picture back then :v:). I wish I could go back in time and tell little me that we [are about to] have a playable version of this. It's absolutely unreal.

    Bravo, all involved.
  9. Saidian


    Blast From The Fast (Fangame)
    I'd suggest putting up a front page news story, put it on Facebook and all that too, however even with a warning saying there aint gonna be any releases for a few weeks there would still be idiots going like this


    Still, I'll wait long as needed, excellent work you guys!
  10. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Yeah I'll echo what Andrew75 said, I feel incredibly honored being a part of a major release like this. I've been hunting for Sonic Xtreme as far back as I can remember being in this community. I remember back when I pissed off Pachuka by talking to some of his coworkers at Sega and asked them about the game, lol. That was back when Sonic Cult was brand new. There are a good number of people here on this forum that I've known now for a majority of my life, entirely online. I'm happy to finally contribute in anyway to a community I've loved and been a part of for over a decade now.
  11. Spinksy


    This is all alot to take in lol.

    I can't imagine how you three feel actually seeing this and working on it!!

    As others have said take all the time you need, knowing all of this is in safe sensible hands is a MASSIVE relief to be honest!!

    I'd keep this low key too, the last thing we need is random people bugging anybody about release dates etc - it's just NOT needed!

    Exciting stuff....
  12. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    So not only do we have genuine builds of PoV/Ofer's work on Sonic X-treme, but there is a never-before-seen Sonic project for the Saturn inside Jollyroger's treasure trove of PoV Sonic stuff. That's like striking gold at the bottom of a well and finding the bones of a previously-undocumented specimen at the same time.

    This is amazing news. I'm really hoping that the new project is another attempt at a Sonic platformer for the Saturn unrelated to X-treme.
  13. winterhell


    Saying couple of weeks might have not been a good idea. While it might be reasonable enough, stuff happens and then it turns out you cant render quads without glitches or the whole thing runs at 3fps.
    Just say it'll be on SAGE 2015 and surprise everyone with earlier release :ssh:
  14. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I have a feeling it will be many months sadly. but who knows. JR's plan is incremental releases as things are built.
  15. NoNameAtAll


    MY HAT'S ON FIRE. HALP! Moderator
    It'll take as long as it takes people. You've waited years. What's a couple more weeks or months? The stuff's been preserved, right? That's the main concern in my opinion. ;)
  16. Rockman Zero

    Rockman Zero

    Hello there, my little friend. Member
    Videos for Hellfire Commentaries.
    Sounds there is months of work ahead for a proper release. A release of a Xtreme build is a fanboy's dream come true. Finding an unknown Sonic game in the code is icing on the cake. I can wait as long as it takes.
  17. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    To echo what many others have said, the team should take as long as they need to get done what can be accomplished. This could potentially be one of the most amazing accomplishments from this community in this site's history, so we're just grateful for what you guys are doing...especially what Jollyroger is doing. Dear lord, that sounds like a massive amount of work.
  18. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Definitely. This is potentially the most amazing and profound discovery since the Sonic 2 Beta which was the genesis of this very site. It's all dependent on what we actually see when we're able to observe the build but thus far everything is looking extremely promising. Also we waited years for this so three or so weeks of hard work to get this playable and observable is nothing compared to that previous time frame. We should just be patient. Excited but patient. Andrew/CoolJerk seem to be handling this with care and grace so I say we just leave the heavy lifting to them for the time being.

    It's paramount that we don't rush this guy so he remains as cool and co-operative as he's gracefully being at the moment.
  19. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    "A couple of weeks" is just my southern drawl coming out, I'm afraid. Its common slang down here for "couple" to mean an indeterminate amount instead of the literal "two." I should be more deliberate with my language, this will likely take a months.
  20. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I'll just leave this here,