Ugh. Sonic "themed" shoes. I mean ffs Sonic has a pretty iconic shoe, design them after that. What is this blue felt nonsense?
I was considering it, but the Sonic pair looks awful and the Eggman pair looks okay at best. I'm going to pass on this, unfortunately. Went can't they just release a simple, yet stylish pair of shoes based on Sonic's actual trademark red and white pair? A 1:1 design would look horrible, but a creative twist to make them more conventional would be easy more appealing to just about everyone. These Pumas are unfortunately very childish in design
Ya exactly, there are ways to make the Sonic shoe design ok on actual shoes. Like these, these both function as shoes and have Sonic's red and white stylings on them.
Now that looks like something people would be more interested in. It tells people, "Yes, I am a Sonic fan, but I'm not too much of a Sonic fan." And besides, now it looks more like a regular shoe. :v:
Hmm, these are valid points. They do look very childish. Maybe I should just buy 1 pair of each and not wear either. I don't recall another Sonic Shoe except for those Annipon ones, and they aren't really big time like Puma is. Are these not worthy of buying for collection purposes? Whenever I see old clothing merchandize I tend to wish I had bought it long ago. Like one of those Sonic letter jackets, gawd I wish I had one of those...
I saw some cool Shadow themed shoes on Twitter, they had the words "CHAOS" and "CONTROL" on the back of shoe 1 and 2 respectively. Pretty cool but I can't really see myself wearing them because of how big they are
But is this a real shoe? I can't find any google images of the actual shoe. Full disclosure: I didn't watch the linked video as it didn't work for me. There are a lot of fake and fan painted shoes out there, but I don't think there are many legit Sonic collaboration shoes. Imagine you saw these shoes 15 years from now, ugly as they may be, you would want them for your collection?
Best sonic promo shoes are the iconic soap shoes from SA2. Did they ever made them IRL? I would kill for one pair, for sure.
If you accept the shoes as a collectors item, like a piece of art, they are really cool actually. The classic characters on the insoles are an excellent touch too. If you don't intend on actually wearing the shoes, they are endearing and kitschy... I'm really happy to get these!
Sorry for double-posting... The release date for these Puma shoes is coming up and I've decided to buy a pair of each, but keep them for my collection and never wear. Thus my question... What size shoes should one purchase for a collection? Should I get my own size, or should I get the largest size available, or is there some sort of "ideal" shoe collector size?
$40 , requires 1,000 units to be bought before July 12th if it's going to go into production (release is planned for October). I'd have bought it already if SEGA would sort their shit out and allow European customers access to the official store's products. But nope. Denied.
I wish it was a Sonic Popcorn Maker 2.0. SegaSonic Popcorn Shop was pretty damn rad, right? I don't see what's stopping them from making a compact version of that.
How come Australia & New Zealand aren't too far away or small to deal with, but Britain, France and Germany are? Sort it out, Sega.
I would assume it's a legal thing. Either way, it's bullshit and massively unfair, especially when it's a community thing like the toaster.