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Sonic Generations Megathread II

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
    So I saw a video of the 3DS Time Eater battle. Wow. Why in the world is it the much better one? Why couldn't we have the main console battle be like that?

    Also, Modern Chemical Plant. I was hinted by the game that there is a secret path "right at the start." There are red hovering boost rings in the distance out of reach and it has been bugging the crap out of me. I looked everywhere in that first stretch and I can't find a hidden door or collapsible wall or whatever they are suggesting. Anything that LOOKS suspicious (designs that look like doors, the giant drum platforms on either side, deceptive scenery that looks hollow but there is an invisible wall blocking you causing you to fall to your death) just are dead ends. Does it have to do with the secondary criss cross roller coaster paths? I followed those to their item ends but couldn't reach anything from them afterwards.
  2. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Jump to the pipe at the left right when you start, and follow the path. You should hit a spring that will propell you up, then there are two other springs that propel you forward across some pillars. Now try to do some stupidly insane hard jump and boost to reach the red rings, AND after that a lightspeed dash. I've never done it correctly.
  3. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    It was not directed solely at you, there's other people in this thread similarly getting outraged over incredibly meaningless things.
  4. Travelsonic


    I dunno since that was, IIRC, laziness so far as changing the level select text.
  5. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    Okay, so it may be as "meaningless" as you say it is, but it still annoyed me, regardless.

    Also, I have to say that I find it ironic how so many people are getting on my case about this, considering the fact that this forum is just brimming with Classic fanboys. Seriously, this is the same forum full of people who've complained about even pettier things, such as the color of Sonic's eyes/eyelids, how long his legs and quills are, and yet everyone's making a big deal out of me hating the "Eggman" name? Could you guys possibly be anymore hypocritical?
  6. Tylinos


    Actually, I recall people getting just as annoyed at the eye color / quill length complaints as they are at your name stuff here. It's just that by now the eye color complaining has become a joke.

    Really, it seems like everyone's just getting annoyed because of the way you brought it up, by getting mad that the writers made a joke out of Classic Eggbotnik calling himself Eggman.
  7. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    I used to have an issue with the name Eggman for a while, but I got over it (besides, isn't his full name Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik?).

    It's not that terrible a name considering we have other famous heroes such as Spider-man, Super-man, Bat-man, Iron-man and even 'Mega-man' (all without the hyphen of course).

    So why not have an Egg-man (even if he's a villain)?
  8. Bostwick


    Well having that name certainly explains why most of his inventions have the word "Egg" in their names.
  9. How do you unlock mission on Sonic Generations on the 3DS?
  10. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    I'm entitled to an opinion, though, and I have the right to express it, regardless of how many people agree or disagree with it. Plus, that so-called "joke" was completely unfunny, and I failed to see any humor in it whatsoever. People can sugarcoat this as much as they like; I honestly cannot see this as anything more than a jab at a certain portion of the fanbase who happens to hate the "Eggman" the name. There's nothing anyone can say to convince me otherwise. As I said in one of the previous pages, I'm no fan of the "Eggman" name in the least, but I'd much rather they had solely used that for the scene (like in the Japanese version), instead of throwing the "Robotnik" name in there, only to cop out a second later. That's the thing that annoyed me about it.

    That's the problem. In addition to sounding utterly ridiculous in the first place, I just don't think that name is very suitable for a villain.

    So does his first name, since it's been stated that "Ivo" is the Latin word for "egg" spelt backwards.
  11. Titan


    Can I just point out that his first name being Ivo has NOT been carried over to the games? His last name being Robotnik has after SA2, sure, but not the first name.
  12. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    How hasn't it? Sure, his first name was never used in-game before (as far as cutscenes are concerned), but it's still official, regardless. Even the digital manual for the recent Sonic CD remake had "A.K.A. Dr. Ivo Robotnik" listed in it.
  13. Titan


    Well yeah that's kind of the point I was making, Ivo has not been used in-game, and not confirmed as being his first name in the game universe...but apparently the manual for SCD 2011 does confirm it? Hmm.
  14. LockOnRommy11


    Actually, Sonic Mega Collection's description of Sonic The Hedgehog's plot uses Ivo as his first name. Although the source is based on the original description, Sonic Mega Collection updated all of it's wording to fit with the international version of the series. Ivo has been used again since once or twice I'm sure (though I just checked every single other Nintendo Sonic game manual but nowhere else uses it), so it does technically count as his first name, but it's one of those things which is a bit too personal. They're already trying to use Eggman rather than Robotnik, so they wouldn't exactly want to keep using Ivo either.

    Edit; Also, if the Sonic CD 2011 manual confirms it too, then it's right.
  15. I'm weighing in here purely because I'm curious to see if anyone else remembers this, and I believe it's relevant to the current discussion.

    When I first played Sonic the Hedgehog 1 on the Mega Drive, shortly afterwards (or it may have been before? I don't remember well, I was very young) here in the UK, there was a magazine/ comic companion released. I believe I bought the 1st issue.

    In this issue, the story went that Sonic's speed shoes were made for him by his scientist friend Dr. Ovi Kintobor. I think then there was some sort of incident in the lab. Regardless of how it happened, he turned evil and became Dr. Ivo Robotnik. I really don't know if this was the actual origin of the name or not, but that's where I first read it. It may have been that Ivo Robotnik had already been decided and it was just made backwards for the backstory. This was definitely before the release of Sonic 2. I remember reading it because I thought I was really smart figuring out that the name was backwards (I was very young!).

    Does anyone else remember this?
  16. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    Sounds to me like you're referring to Sonic the Comic - my all-time favourite comic book (which is now continuing online)!
  17. Jaseman


    The programmer has a nap! Hold out! Programmer! Member
    LOL at the time limit:

  18. Prownage


    You unlock them mostly with play coins. I remember unlocking about 20 of them by just playing the game but I have no idea what you're supposed to do to unlock them. They just appeared randomly while I was playing some levels again and doing time attacks. But even so, you'll need lost of play coins to get all of the missions so I recommend taking your 3DS with you where ever you go. I think you can also unlock missions by streetpass but I've had the 3DS for months and haven't met a single person through streetpass yet.
  19. MastaSys


    Actually that's just a awesome coincidence and not quite.
    Latin for Egg is "Ovum", however the genitive form is Indeed "Ovi"
    But the reason the name was chosen is because how the name is pronounced (well actually how it should be pronounced, "Eevo") which sounds like Evil.
    There's a more detailed threat around here somewhere.

    Taxman might give a more correct statement since he was strongly involved on the CD re-release, but I think "Ivo" alone is only used nowadays release just to say "No this isn't Gerald Robotnik"
    Other the that "Ivo" usually only apears on Sonic 1 re-releases, but I remember that was also used on the Sega Blogs when them anounced the Colors new voice actors.

    As someone who like both names I saw it (Generations cutsceen) less as a joke and more as to help cement the idea that the mustached scientist is just one guy.
    Serious that cutsceen , is full of "of the past" "of the future" "me" "my future self".
    Of course anyone here might say "oh I know that", but considering the "fandumb" (forgive me for the term) I saw out there, and alternative continuities, I'm not surprised they play it defensively.
    It's incredible how some people are still on denial about the character. (about being the same guy, not opinions about which name is better btw.)

    My personal philosophy on the matter is using "Eggman" when referring to material made in japan, and "Robotnik" in material made in the "west", seems fair to me.
  20. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    Wow. All I took it as, was a simple self-deprecating meta-joke concerning the confusion of the two names, and them being eventually consolidated. Therefore, because of this reason, I did think it was a bit funny. I don't see how or why you took it in such a defensively paranoid manner, as if they were directly attacking the 'Robotnik' Fan-base. How anyone took this as an insult is beyond me...