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Sonic Generations Megathread II

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well he knows bits and pieces of his future, but he doesn't know the reasons behind the levels and such.

    I was hoping to see some revamped cutscenes from the past, then having them randomly jump to somewhere else. Sonic could have had some snark comments at the first encounter with Shadow or something, since he knew everything. They could dick around with the past, and it'd be fantastic. But instead we got what's going on in the white abyss of time. Not as fun.
  2. Flare


    I know I was expecting him to flash in and out of time... doing a deja vu sort of dialogue. Making fun of the past games, alas for what ever reason the game does lack the story side. Maybe Sega will get, we like story but it has to have a delicate balance with gameplay, not too much, not too little.

    Though, seeing as they have been mucking about with gameplay the last few years, the lack of story is hardly going to spoil this game to me.
  3. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    This man speaks the truth.

    As far as I can tell, Modern Sonic was simply saying that Classic Sonic is going to get better at using that air boost technique that he attempted to at the end of the game.

    That still didn't make sense, period, since even the Modern/Future version has referred to himself as "Robotnik" on some occasions.

    Like I said in my other post, they could have easily added stages from the Game Gear era to even things up, but instead, Iizuka ended up giving some BS excuse about them "[not being] of recent memory", even though they've been released on compilations like the Genesis games have. They've been in Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Mega Collection Plus, Sonic Gems Collection, and even the Virtual Console (even though those were technically the Master System versions, but they're virtually the same games, but with minor differences), so how could he say they're not of recent memory?

    That doesn't count, because it's still the exact same game, even if it was built with a different engine.
  4. Clutch


    It was a dark and stormy night... Member
    1) Not outside of SA, SA2 (arguably) or Chronicles that I recall. Assuming everything (except maybe Chronicles, but it doesn't look like we're getting closure on that story anyway) released before Generations took place before it, "anymore" still applies.

    2) "Nobody calls me that anymore", not "I don't call myself that". The only ones who referred to him as Robotnik in SA were his own robots, himself, or the people of Station Square who were flat fucking terrified of him. In other words, people who respected him or things programmed to do so. After that game, even the President calls him Eggman to his face while about to blow the Earth to pieces. Seems he's accepted it as a nickname by then.
  5. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    Not exactly. If you stand around for a little while in the Final Egg adventure field, Sonic will say "This must be Robotnik's base!". Also, I'm pretty sure Tikal referred to him as Robotnik at one point, right before the Chaos 6 battle. Touch the hint ball, and she'll say "Robotnik ran away to the front of the ship. Hurry up and catch him!"
  6. Herm the Germ

    Herm the Germ

    Hmm, not bad. Well done, doctor! Member
    Dresden, Saxony, Germany
    MIDI-to-SMPS-conversions, mostly. Takin' requests, too.
    I'm a guy who really likes his Sonic canon and stories and all that; I'm just nuts like that. What does it say when even I don't give a shit about the whole Robotnik nod? Well, at least in a "it fucks up canon" kind of way. It was a fun nod to things just like Sonic's mention of Secret Rings and Colors was, nothing more.
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    My only problem was there wasn't more of those. The Robotnik nod, the secret rings and colors nods, remembering chemical plant, Tails not knowing about GHZ, "Where does Sonic keep his rings," those things were all great. But half the scenes were just "We're traveling through time, you've restored quite a bit of this world."

    Although classic Tails is fucking adorable.
  8. Herm the Germ

    Herm the Germ

    Hmm, not bad. Well done, doctor! Member
    Dresden, Saxony, Germany
    MIDI-to-SMPS-conversions, mostly. Takin' requests, too.
    Yeah, the game needed more of that, but then, it does feel as if they had cut out a couple of cutscenes. Maybe it's just me watching the scenes online, but it does seem kinda weird that we go from Death Egg Robo to "suddenly, Classic Tails."
  9. Falk


    There are two ways to skin a cat. Design content, build story around it, or write a story, build content around it. Generations was (if I remember correctly, and if Mr. Webber was talking in context in that one interview) largely the most in-demand stages as per community feedback, as opposed to a strictly thematic game like SatSR, Black Knight, Colors, etc.
  10. Clutch


    It was a dark and stormy night... Member

    Still has jack shit to do with the point I was making as Eggman/Robotnik/Admiral Stinkybutt wasn't being directly addressed. And again, it was chronologically over 5 games ago.

    The line's not a canon wormhole, just enjoy the gag.
  11. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    How can I possibly enjoy that if it's just not my kind of humor? It doesn't exactly help that "Dr. Eggman" is one of the worst villain names of all time, but as much as I despise the it, they might as well not have even bothered using the "Robotnik" name for that scene at all, if they were just going to cop out the way they did.
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Anyways, I finally got the 3DS game but couldn't talk about it due to the fact I was banned. Overall, not bad, but two things

    1. The requirements to unlock missions without using those play coins are extremely annoying. What if I don't want to play 2 player over and over again

    2. Radical Highway is possibly one of the worst levels I've ever played, especially classic Sonic's act. So bad.

    The rest of the game is pretty fun though, I really like Water Palace and Emerald Coast. Those are my levels of preference in versus mode. I do hate when people pick Special Stages as levels though, extremely boring. It all comes down to who presses X first after collecting an energy sphere.

    Also those fucking purple orb traps. AHHHHHHH
  13. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    There was some discussion about the length of Generations.

    I actually think it's a pretty good length, to be honest. It's almost the same as Sonic 2.

    And apropos of this, pointless connections in the way that only someone posting on a Sonic forum can present.

    - Emerald Hill > Green Hill
    - Chemical Plant > Chemical Plant (where am I going with this)
    - Aquatic Ruin > Sky Sanctuary, a ruin in the sky. (Oh, that's where)
    - Casino Night, a city by night > Speed Highway, a city by night.
    - Hill Top Zone > City Escape, which starts atop a hill (tenuous, but hey)
    - (I'm not even pretending to find a connection between Mystic Cave and Seaside Hill. Bugger off.)
    - (Ditto Oil Ocean and Crisis City)
    - Metropolis Zone > Rooftop Run, set in a European metropolis (of sorts)
    - (No connection between Planet Wisp and Sky Chase/Wing Fortress either. Your gonads smell.)

    Factor in the boss/rivals and the mandatory 1 special stage mission per act, and this makes the game about Sonic 2's length. I approve of this, heartily. I know some people won't agree, but then again some of you weird folk like the idea of cats as pets.
  14. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    Mystic Cave was called "Dust Hill" in Sonic 2 Beta. Does that count?
  15. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    Yep, the "no one calls me that!" line is a brutal assault on the loyal fanbase and has ruined the franchise, nay, the universe forever, Eggman is a terrible name while Robotnik is the work of an expert wordsmith, the ending is clearly a conspiracy by Sega to make people hate classic Sonic and worship the Cult of the Green-Eyed, and Takashi Iizuka is literally worse than Hitler.

    Do you guys ever realize how fucking ridiculous you sound?
  16. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    Orange-ish background and the fact that they are both levels which are mostly suspended over long spans of some 'flammable and hazardous substance' (Fire/Lava, Oil)
  17. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    Wow. Way to put words in my mouth. I don't recall saying anything even remotely close to that in either of my previous posts.

    I'm just simply expressing my opinion on how much that copout line annoyed me, as well as the "Eggman" name. I don't see anything wrong with that.
  18. Ch1pper


    Fighting the Battle of Who Could Care Less Member
    It's a one-liner in a game with hardly any story to sink your teeth into. But the way you're going on about it does come off with a hint of nerdrage, which seems a bit much for a quick gag. We get it, you hate the name Eggman. Robotnik is just as ridiculous. I don't give a shit either way, but the fact that they brought it up at all was a nice little nugget. That's all. The points you're using for your defense, which are because of a single line from throughout the entire game, are just irrelevant fodder. You're looking for a story-related reason when there's hardly any story in the game. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here.
  19. LockOnRommy11


    That wasn't what I meant. What I meant was that we don't need to be reminded of classic Amy; a game starring her in her original form was ONLY just released, so having her in Generations to show that SEGA 'remember' isn't justified.

    With regard to the whole Eggman/Robotnik thing, they really just need to install an option to change the name, because I'm mega tired of these discussions.
  20. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    What am I trying to accomplish, you ask? Nothing. Like I said before, I'm only stating my opinion. In fact, that very same question could be applied to you and pretty much everyone else who had something to say about my "Eggman" bias. Neither of your words are going to change what I think and make me hate it any less, so why bother?