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Sonic Generations Megathread II

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Thanks as usual man. can't wait! :)
  2. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Awesome. I can finally get rid of the game rip then.
  3. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.

    Just a note, there is some tracks missing from the final soundtrack as usual with all sonic soundtracks. I would double check to see what tracks have not been added.
  4. Ashram


    I want to say the main ones that aren't added are some of the remixes of the older songs that you can only listen to through Generations' soundtest in the media room.
  5. Energy


    Finally got Sonic Generations - so I'm poor, deal with it. Really enjoyed it, better than any other sonic game I've played since SA2. It probably tops that too.

    Has anyone else experienced the bug where in the shadow battle, Shadow just gets stuck on the side of the course and the game refuses to continue? In general the boss battles seemed to be where most the bugs were. The final boss was completely crud and broken. Overall the game was good fun though. Gave me a good weekend of enjoyment now just doing the odd challenge.

    Cause I didn't preorder the game I didn't get the casino night level, is it worth tracking it down? Anyone got a 360 spare I could purchase or something heheh (;)).

    Do you think they'll ever try and do a 3D sonic with tails following ala sonic 2? My sister and I used to spend hours playing sonic co-op... something you just don't get now.
  6. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    It's never happened to me, but I remember it being touched upon earlier in the topic. You're talking about this, right?

  7. Energy


    Yup very similar - only difference with mine was that if you went near him you'd be attacked. He had just got a power coil. It happened on my first attempt against Shadow and I went around the course a couple of times trying to work out what I needed to do lol.
  8. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    Said names are in the 06 strategy guide >_>
  9. Ashram


    Quick update: Apparently CDJapan just now shipped my Generations soundtrack (First time in three years I've ever seen them actually ship a pre-ordered album on what would be considered the release date, at least in Japan) but FedEx is saying it'll be here tomorrow. I'll ballpark it and say it should be here by Friday at the latest.
  10. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    Thanks to you, I can keep my copies in mint condition. :D
  11. Mad Echidna

    Mad Echidna

    Gone Oldbie
    So I finally got around to beating the game last night. Total game play time: 8 hours. Is it just me or was this kind of a short game? It was fun, but shit, I spent months trying to finish games like Mario 64 and Diddy Kong racing back in the day, I was expecting a few more zones than this. Also,

    When I finally got to turn into Super Sonic and that fucking Sonic 4 theme came on, I wanted to puke. Couldn't they have used Open Your Heart or something? It was like picking up a really hot girl at a bar, and when you finally get her home and get her clothes off, it turns out she's really a hairy old man. Really spoiled the moment for me. I gradually realized that the entire point of this game was a contrived plot device to canonize Sonic 4. HERP DERP SONIC KNOWS HOW TO DO HOMING ATTACK BECAUSE MODERN SONIC TAUGHT HIM. Clap clap clap guys. The credits medly was neat at least.

    Also, that boss was fucking EASY. I had a MUCH harder time defeating Egg Dragoon than Time Eater. All you had to do was doge a few attacks and touch his chest? FFS. Then, I finally get to try the zones as Super Sonic, and he's not even faster or anything? It was a glorified costume change! I was so excited about tearing up the levels as Super Sonic and it ended up being completely underwhelming.
  12. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    It's supposed to be short, because we've been bitching about collectibles, hub worlds, extra characters, grimdark story, and gimmick Acts for about a decade. And all those things were still included, they were just seriously toned down.
  13. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    Now that I've had the chance to play the full version (starting with Christmas), I'll go ahead and throw in my two cents. In my opinion, this game was somewhat of a letdown.

    For starters, the game was way too short (like I and many other people have said already), only having a whopping nine zones (even the Genesis games had more than this; with or without a save feature). A while ago, some Sega representative claimed that it wasn't the total amount of stages in the game, but it turned out to be a complete lie. Secondly, the stage types in the game are a bit too random, and really lacking in variety (since about half of them are city stages), and like I said when the list was leaked, it seems as if they just randomly pulled them out of a hat. Number three, the game claimed to be covering "all twenty years of Sonic", when it didn't cover even half of it as far as stage representation is concerned.

    Number four, I hate how Modern Sonic had pretty much all the boss and rival battles, while Classic only had one each (not counting the final boss). Adding in a Game Gear era would have evened things out a bit. Not only that, but it would have been the perfect opportunity for Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper to return, and they completely blew it. Oh, but wait! According to Iizuka's logic, the Game Gear games weren't added, because they "[aren't] of recent memory". What a load of crap. They weren't added, simply because he didn't want to include them. It's as simple as that. As a matter of fact, speaking of Nack/Fang... A few years ago, they deluded everybody into thinking that he, Mighty, Ray, Bean, and Bark were going to return, and then we come to find out that their so-called "return" was nothing more than pathetically minor poster cameos, and they didn't even bother to explain how or why those characters ended up missing in the first place. While it was nice to see that they were being acknowledged in some way for a change, at the same time, it was still a total kick in the nuts, because I've been waiting for Mighty to return ever since he was left out of Sonic Heroes, and that was about eight years ago. At this point, they've completely crushed my hopes of those characters ever making a return.

    I also hate how they failed to acknowledge that any character other than Sonic, Tails, Metal Sonic, and Robotnik had Classic counterparts. Another thing, out of all the anniversary games so far... No, scratch that. Out of all the 3D Sonic games in total, Generations, in my opinion, had the most disappointing story of them all. Speaking of a which, do you want to know what else pissed me off about this game? Some of the dialogue during the pre-final battle cutscene.

    Modern Tails: Eggman! But how!?

    Classic Robotnik: He had a little help.

    Classic Tails: Dr. Robotnik!

    Classic Robotnik: Nobody calls me THAT anymore. If you would be so kind as to explain, gentlemen genius Dr. Eggman from the future?

    Modern Robotnik: It will be my pleasure, most excellent and efficacious Dr. Eggman of the Past!

    *Facepalm* As you may (or may not) be aware, I'm not a fan of the "Dr. Eggman" name. Not in the slightest. I've never liked the name back then, and I certainly don't like it now. In fact, Generations made me loathe it even more than I already did. I just can't tell you how disgusted I was by that. What an utterly pathetic copout that was. Honestly, when I saw this scene for the first time, I wanted to throw up right then and there, especially after hearing the "Dr. Eggman of the Past" crap that followed it. Ugh, they just couldn't keep a good thing going, could they? What was the point in even USING the Robotnik name if they were just going to cop out like that?

    You want to know what else was wrong with that "nobody calls me THAT anymore" line? It doesn't make sense! In Sonic Adventure, Robotnik (as his "Modern" self), got offended after Sonic called him "Eggman", and corrected him, saying that his name was Dr. Robotnik. In Sonic Chronicles (again, as his "Modern" self), he referred to himself as "Dr. Robotnik" again on several occasions, so that made absolutely NO sense for his Classic counterpart to say. I honestly cannot think of any valid reason why they would do that, other than to piss people off. If that was their goal, then they definitely succeeded.

    Also, before anyone says anything, yes. I'm perfectly aware of the fact that "Eggman" was always his name in Japan, but I don't care. That doesn't change my opinion. I still think it's one of the worst names to ever be thought of for a villain, period. They should have left that generic, crappy name in Japan where it came from, and continued calling him "Robotnik" in the U.S.

    Another thing, I absolutely hated their piss-poor handling of Super Sonic in this game, for both Classic and Modern (with the latter being the worst of the two). First of all, they didn't even give Super Sonic a proper theme song that could be used for his transformation in the non-boss stages (like he had in Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and Sonic Colors), and in my opinion, that makes it a lot less epic. Supposedly, they didn't give him one this time, due to people complaining about it being "repetitive". If that's the case, then why not give people an option to turn it off if they hate it so much? Secondly, Classic Super Sonic's controls are way too sluggish, and he got little to no increase in speed like he's supposed to have. As far as I can tell, all they gave him was invincibility and a slightly higher jump. Honestly, even Sonic 4 handled it better than this, and that's saying a lot. Also, Modern Super Sonic... He wasn't handled nearly as well as he was in Colors. Honestly, what possessed them to make his boost connected with the ring count? Because of that, it only takes mere seconds for Super Sonic to lose all of his ring energy. It doesn't exactly help that he already loses about two rings per second (as opposed to the usual one), and/or that the stages have such a low ring supply.

    To wrap this all up, I'm not saying that the game sucked. I did have my share of fun with it, but at the same time, I don't think the game is all it was hyped up to be. I just think they could have done a lot better.
  14. dsrb


    Fourth-wall breakage for comedic effect. You shouldn't read any more into it. I'd go as far as to say that the entire storyline of SG and the associated past-fiddling should not necessarily be considered canonical (like that really matters in this franchise) but perhaps just a ‘What if?’, at best; I doubt future games are going to incorporate knowledge of the Eggmen's fourth-dimensional dalliances into their storylines.

    Well, they didn't. And unlike future Eggman, they don't have the luxury of time travel. What else could they do at this point? Not mention it, or have a little joke with the fans (with what might be an implied jab at themselves)?
  15. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    re: "Nobody calls me THAT anymore"

    Half the fucking fanbase still calls you "that" anymore you silly fat twat! It was rather painful to watch that. In fact, I'd rather Classic Sonic had not returned at all now, or at least been a Sonic from another dimension rather than a young modern (how the fuck your cranium shrinks and eye colour drastically changes into adulthood I'll never know). All they did throughout was subconsciously try to convince us (and themselves) that the Modern world is superior to the Classic. "You're only gonna get BETTER!"... wrong.

    While I get the impression I enjoyed it slightly more than you mr ninja, it was indeed a bit of a letdown. They REALLY dropped the ball with the classic gameplay, because I found myself enjoying the modern even more (which says alot, believe me). To answer the question posed in another thread about whether the franchise is picking itself up, I'd say yes. But right now the franchise is like a swimming pool, and Sonic 4 is a big piece of shit floating in it that they refuse to scoop out.
  16. Clutch


    It was a dark and stormy night... Member
    Modern Eggman told past Robotnik/Eggman that nobody calls him that anymore; Same as he later told him would never defeat Sonic.

    Occam's razor guys, it's not a big mental leap.

    EDIT: Also, Robotnik has been a cannon name in both regional continuities since SA2 (because Eggman's grandfather was Gerald Robotnik). It's only a matter of when he just gave into other people calling him Eggman/adopted the nickname, like Oswald Cobblepot/the Penguin.
  17. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    Nearly all? Classic got one each, and Modern got 2 each. That's twice as many. Keep in mind that of Sonic's 20 years of existence, thirteen of those years have been Modern Sonic (staring with Sonic Adventure in 1998), and Seven of them were Classic Sonic. Since Modern Sonic has been around nearly twice as long, it makes sense that he'd get nearly twice as much representation in a celebration of the entire history of the franchise.

    Now personally I'd have liked to see more boss fights in general (hell, one per act like in S3&K would've been awesome), but for the number of bosses/rival battles there were, the division seems fairly logical.
  18. STHX


    SEGAAAAAAAAA?!? Member
    The world of Trophies
    Sonic In Mushroom Kingdom
    I always see this being brought up, and everytime I think people are blowing it too out of proportions. This is a Sonic game, the story is simple, there isn't some kind of "evil scheme" to make everyone hate Classic. Think about when that scene happens: just before the credits which end with a big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONIC, WHOOOOOO", as well as the whole point of the game (an anniversary game, so a birthday party for the series). Modern isn't telling Classic "Don't worry, you will become me, so you'll be awesome", Modern is actually telling Classic, his past self from 20 years ago, "Don't worry, even after 20 years you will still have fans, still sell millions, still be a videogame icon loved by many, so enjoy your life, it's going to be great". Not great because he will star in great games, but great because 20 years are a big leap for the videogame industry. How many series, how many characters can say the same after 20 years? Or 25? Or even more? Classic has a bright future before him because the series is still going strong after 20 years, and will probably still go strong for a lot of time, not because "he'll become Modern lol". Do you truly think that anyone in 1991 would have predicted such a thing? Yet here we are, in this very forum.

    Just my 2 cents.
  19. LockOnRommy11


    Wow, just wow.

    I really enjoyed the game, didn't and couldn't give two hoots about Mighty or Fang the Sniper, liked how they acknowledged that his actual name is Ivo Robotnik but how they call him Eggman in future, perfectly linking both names and perhaps also creating history with the future Sonic Adventure's dialogue, and liked how the actual game itself was 5 or so hours long (short, but still longer than the original games, considering I get bored very easily nowadays) but has a shedload of optional collectibles, missions, easter eggs and such to lengthen it out by a good 15 or so extra hours, meaning that I ddin't feel forced to play a game with obvious crap added in for the sake of it.

    I was a bit disappointed with the final boss- it was a confusing mess which I beat easily without even knowing what I was doing, and the lack of an actual theme tune or proper abilities for both Super Sonics during normal play is also a bit cheap, but I still thought this was an amazing game and had more fun with it than a lot of other Sonic games since 2005+.

    Lastly, they didn't have to acknowledge that every single character had a classic form- we already know this. We've played the originals to death, and classic Amy was included in Sonic CD's re-release. Putting things in a game for the sake of it to show something plainly obvious is silly. Who knows, they may well go back to this in future. I don't know how they'd have implemented Classic Knuckles anyway, I sure as hell didn't want Dan Green soundalike Travis voicing him, as that would have spoiled the character.

    I also have now gotten in to the habit of calling Dr Robotnik "Eggman" now, it's quicker and easier to say- it spills out the mouth quite easily. Frankly, I'm fed up of this whole Eggman/Robotnik shit that's been going on since I first bothered to glance at the Sonic interweb scene in 2003. Yes, for the first 13 years I called him Robotnik exclusively too, and I can still do so with free will. It's something so friggin' trivial with a good solid reason behind it. Call him Robotnik, it's still his actual name, "jesus tapdancing christ!".

    Edit; This isn't a personal post, I'm just giving my thoughts. Opinionz :v:

    Edit; I also thought Modern Sonic telling Classic Sonic that his future was going to be "GREAT!" was quite funny.
  20. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    The more I think on it, was there any point in Modern Sonic saying that? After all, Classic just saw his future, so of course he knows what's ahead. :psyduck:

    Then again I'm thinking too much into a cutscene in a Sonic game.