It's quite funny you would say that, as Sonic was edited and shaded to fit a Chaotix world, and this sprite wouldn't fit inside Sonic 3. As is everything else that was adjusted/created to match a Chaotix style and look without going full geometric like you'd find in the BG's of Chaotix So..... yeah...
Huge image in spoiler tags: Spoiler This is a screenshot of an early WIP. Any ideas on where to take this? Please disregard Sonic, he is a placeholder stolen directly from SRB2 and tortured beyond recognition. Me and a friend are going to make a new sheet eventually. Edit: this thread is a bit slow I guess. Since I don't want to double post, here is a more up to date iteration:
Looks good so far, if a bit blurry. My only real complaint is that I think the timer and ring count could use a more "natural" feeling font, so that it blends in a bit better with the surroundings, it'd actually be cool if it changed a bit to fit the stage you're in.
Those square tiles sitting on the rock wall don't make much sense. The tile doesn't work with the crevices giving the wall depth, it makes the tile look like it's floating or the wall flat. The drop shadows are way too blurry, those should be tightened up. Also consider how the shadows would affect the highlights, and use a bit more color besides translucent white and black for highlights and shadows, you don't want monochromatic shading. Also, those spikes have no depth to them. I can see shading but it's so low contrast that they look flat.
Really nice art style! Things that need to improve: -Sonic's sprite set could be bigger, more detailed to match the art style. -Palmtree contast is too high for the very bright greens, reduce it a little and not have the white glows at the end -Sand in background and on the surface is too bright, needs to be reduced. -Minor tweak in the sand to have little dots like in the first level of Sonic Advance to make it look better.
Hi guys, I got some screenshots for you. Also, I have gifs Other screenshots So... any thoughts? Any comments or feedback is greatly appreciated
Gosh darn it, looksl ike Elsa's back to screw with everyone. Joking aside, that looks great. Keep it up, my only complaint is that the shields look very awkward, and the explosions are a bit overkill and look unnatural with the games art style.
Yeah, I know they look really rough around the edges (Especially the way the Lightning shield looks. I'm not a good artist.). I'm still playing around with the shields to find out what works, and what doesn't work.
I like the zone mashups you did there, and the art in general. About the shields? Magnificient ideas, I love how you incorporated Sonic 3 & Knuckles's elemental shields, but with innovations. All in all, looking forward to further progress of this game and see where it goes.
Looks good! My main issue is that the bumps in the terrain seem a bit too rough and jagged, they could definitely be toned down a bit, unless you're using a foreground effect that looks like Sonic's feet sink into the grass. What I mean is that they could be a bit more curved and less jagged like the slope to the right. Also, the background looks a bit simplistic for my taste, but it's a beach level, so an ocean background is fitting nonetheless.
Grass is in fact a foreground layer so actual terrain is much smoother than it appears to be. Also the background is more visually diverse than you might think as shown on the picture below
One minor nitpick about these screenshots - all the artwork (which looks lovely, by the way!) seems to have been drawn with true white as the 'white-point' - except for Sonic and the badniks, whose white areas are a sort-of dull off-white. Both the background and character graphics are looking great independently, but there's a slight disconnect between them when combined due to the white-point difference. If it's possible to rework the sprites to also use true white as their 'white' shade, it'll help immensely with making it look like everything inhabits the same physical space.
Official in game screen shots of my revival project that was once cancelled, now coming back bigger than ever! The zone is still being develop but the results will be great once it will be done. When my demo's done I'll make a thread soon. And yes Sonic look a bit dull but I'm working on him with better palettes.
The title screen Sonic looks alright, but the "dull" player sprite is just the Sonic 2 sprites... :v: