Little experiment for a future fangame by PicsAndPixels and myself. Hello everyone you're tuned in to Stardust Radio where the jams don't stop round the clock. It's midnight and the city's free so let loose and lose yourself to the music.
I'm really afraid to show this off since it's so early in development, but I'm having a hard time moving forward without the knowledge on how to make enemies in Unreal. Please don't kill me for using Sonic GDK.
Why would anyone kill you for using Sonic GDK? That's what it's for. Now if you were using Sonic Blitz maybe.... I mean looks alright, except that default model is derpy as hell. Looks a tad bit too realistic texture wise though, have a little fun with it, make some wacky deco art textures or something.
There are a lot of projects here that use GDK, which also isn't garbage so I don't understand why you're worried.
Ya seriously don't hide at all. It's a well made engine designed for people to use to make Sonic games.
Now that I've found out how to make enemies, I can continue working on development. Have a video that was supposed to be in 60FPS.
My personal suggestion is to quite literally make a playground for your first map. Have fun, and learn the basic ins and outs of UDK / SGDK. After that, think of doing a more "structured" level. Just treat it as a learning process and you'll enjoy it - I'm still learning after using SGDK for years. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
The song can be found here. The fangame is a really unique concept, unlike the traditional platformer formula of most Sonic fangames. I think others will find it fascinating. More will be shared here in the future, as it grows. Right now, just planting the seed.
@ThatGuy...Brian - No one is going to get on to you for using Sonic GDK. However, the GDK community did earn a bad reputation for stages that are slopped together with the terrain editor and use default lighting. Those are some of the two biggest ways to get someone to just walk away after they see a stage. My advice would be to learn how to model in something like 3DS Max or Maya and know that good lighting can make poo look like diamonds, and vice versa. You can get Max or Maya free with a student licence. It's okay to use the tools a game engine gives you like the terrain editor or the foliage thingy, but a ton of GDK stages look awful (see Green Hill Paradise) or exactly the same because that is all they use. If you need to, copy paste models and paths from the test stage and change their material then put them together to build your stage and have variety along with BSPs. I'm not saying you shouldn't use the terrain or foliage editor, but I do question it's purpose as far as Sonic environments go and that they are pretty high-poly and inefficient. You want as many people as you can to be able to run the stage at a playable framerate. Keep going, and I hope to see more of your stuff.
I have an idea of where this may be going, May be something similar to what I revealed for AXSX in our skype group chat sometime back. haha If so than, people have something interesting to look forwards to. keep up the good work ! Edit: After our Current skype chat, I guess I may have been off quite a bit ! I was assuming it was a Music based idea where Music effects the environment, and or visual elements of a level. or perhaps changes gameplay situations depending on the tempo or beat segments of a track.
It's beet quite for while here so there's this All the beautiful art was done by none other than sprite magician himself Pulse0! Also: yay first post on a new page
I absolutely love the saturation and while I think the art style still needs polish the ideas are just fab.
It's the shading more than anything else. Though if you really wanted to you could just edit Sonic to match it rather than the other way around, go for a more Chaotix look rather than Sonic 3.