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Banper's amazing school of facts!

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by ICEknight, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. Qjimbo


    Your friendly neighbourhood lemming. Oldbie
    No I believe you were right the first time
    It would've been quite big :P 4 cells across and 4 down. 16 cells altogether.
  2. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Even if they had decided to change its size, that "Ball" is pretty obviously the concept for the other "Ball"...
  3. One thing is for sure: Sonic Team loves stars inside balls.
  4. Kama


    Sittin on my Bench, Watchin the sunset. Member
    Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
    Becoming a freelance artist and writer
    I always thought that Sonic 2 had time travel, due mostly to how some levels seem to relate to one another. (Wood and Metropolis for example)

    Nice Update, ICEknight
  5. Lostgame


    producer/turnablist. homebrew dev. cosplayer. Oldbie
    Toronto, ON
    The O.I.C.
    "you are warp"... LOL
  6. LOst


    Tech Member
    Yes, it's the same size as the checkered ball in Sonic 1

    And when I'm thinking about it, the checkered ball got scaled down to 2x2 in Oil Ocean, and so did that Ball!

    One more thing:
    The frog and the snail enemy both appeared in Launch Base Sonic 3.
  7. Qjimbo


    Your friendly neighbourhood lemming. Oldbie
    Yup you did, as you posted your theory on my site! Speaking of which....
  8. McAleeCh


    To elaborate on that further, they probably just hadn't updated the music pointers for that Zone since Sonic 1 yet, like with the extra-life with 100 rings playing the Death Egg music because the pointer hadn't been updated.

    Check it out - both Marble Zone in Sonic 1 and Wood Zone in the S2 Proto are level ID 02, and both use music ID 83.
  9. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    The frog is too different, this one seems to act like more like the frog in Sonic Advance. But the old banper was also reborn in Marble Garden under a spiky appearance.
  10. Quickman


    be attitude for gains Tech Member
    omg porjcet
    I gave you your recipe.
  11. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Just poking in here real quick to show off, as I did over at SOST. Don't plan on staying. :P


    Hivebrain asked me over at SOST if he could use that in a romhack and I said okay. I hope he doesn't mind, but I noticed Lost mentioned putting the frog in - if you guys wanna use this sprite for that, go ahead. I made sure to the best of my ability to keep within what I thought were Genesis color limits (the frog consists of 15 colors + 1 transparent color), so he should fit in somewhat easily.

    This is cool stuff, indeed.
  12. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    Sonicteam loves to play with their balls.
  13. Quickman


    be attitude for gains Tech Member
    omg porjcet
  14. Wetflame


    :D Banned
    There's one lession your should all learn - it comes from Tim Skelly himself, from when I emailed him a while back -

    "Sorry if that doesn't add much, but having scoured my memory for details I can only come to the conclusion that most of the conjecture about Sonic 2 is based on fragments of artwork and level design that were abandoned at various points in development, sometimes very early. What I've seen on the web is probably as much as I ever saw."

    Think about it.
  15. Weird Person

    Weird Person

    You lost two seconds reading this Member
    Who knows?
    Well... after reading these 5 pages... I'm new here, but there aren't any prohibition of me posting here!

    This is a interesting article...

    [Hidden Palace Really Hidden?]

    If Hidden Palace is so Hidden, Why It's the 3rd. Level show in The demo mode in Sonic 2 Beta ? Maybe Hidden Palace could be just A SIMPLE LEVEL. (Like Aquatic Ruin, Really Pretty, But isn't Hidden, and there's no purpose to be Hidden...)

    People can't say things by the name, examples:

    "Emerald Hill" WHERE IS THE EMERALD?!
    (I Know! The Emerald was moved to HPZ!)

    "Death Egg" WHERE'S THE EGG?!
    (The "egg" format of Death egg can't be comproved in Sonic 2, causin you don't fell an oval format in Death Egg... I Fell a "square" walking trought DEZ... Just a Tube with Mecha Sonic and that Huge Robotnik...)

    Just because "Hidden Palace" have "Hidden" in his name, don't means it's hidden, Can be an expression...

    Like we can't say "Genocide City" is a place where people is Killed, or a place full of corpses and lots of blood on the Floor... Because GCZ have no graphics.

    [Tails alredy named, and I can proof that! ]

    In Sonic CulT, There's the First page of that article, and yes, they say "A Fox with two Tails, We call him Tails naturally... And help Sonic to defeat enemies... (and lose rings too!)"

    [New Green Hill, The Sonic 1 Green Hill with new Graphics]

    Maybe is that Naka want say when he says "New Green Hill"...

    [The Burning Fire is in The Wrong Place]

    Cool, There's a Fire that could be the Burning Bridge Fire... but there's no Bridge in Hill Top Zone. Of Course the Hill Top Graphics are the same of Emerald Hill, But make more sense it be in EHZ Than HTZ...

    And I not understand why Bumper is connected to a Time Travel ... Just a Rock with two Springs, That's Bumper. a Badnik like...


    Sonic jumps over That "Spikes", and They Work like Springs, and This "Thing" shoot balls in two directions... This is our Banper?
  16. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    To tease the player?
    The interviews and magazine previews state that it was indeed hidden.
    Emeralds are green.
    The "egg" is a reference to Eggman. Also, it looks like the final boss is also called like that, and has Eggman's shape.
    Just some way to denote evilness in the title, I guess.
    Their designs state how they use different palettes in the past and present levels.
    Yes, that's what it was turned into. You can see the bubblers turned into rocks in Lava Reef as well.
  17. Weird Person

    Weird Person

    You lost two seconds reading this Member
    Who knows?
    Nope. Death Egg is a reference to the Flying BALL in the sky, IN SONIC 2, and I CAN PROOF THAT!

    In level select screen, When "Death Egg" is selected, what you see in the "Preview" Icon? A FLYING BALL IN EARTH ORBIT.

    So, the Death Egg should be our common flying ball in Sonic 2 too. I don't think is a reference to Dr. Robotnik...


    Sorry, I wanna quote only the text about Death Egg.
  18. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    1- You didn't need to quote all that.
    2- The final boss is also called Death Egg, OMG.
  19. Sonic 65

    Sonic 65

    Tech Member
    I thought the final boss had no official name.
  20. McAleeCh


    I was under the impression that it was called the 'Eggsterminator', though that was probably the U.S. name. Hell, I used to call that thing the goddamn 'Technobot' when I was a kid, so who am I to comment. =P So, yeah. Guess this post was actually kinda pointless.

    And, the whole Death Egg argument? Look, it's a flying spherical space station which looks like the Death Star (similar in name aswell as looks, aren't they?), except with Eggman's face structured onto it. =P Look closely if you can't see that; it took me the best part of eight years to realise that wasn't something they just added for Sonic 3 / S&K.

    It's also a Death machine, made by Eggman. Death. Egg. What part of that isn't simple? If the final boss is also named 'Death Egg', it still makes sense for that - it's a Death machine, that looks like-- Do I really need to continue? =P