Object $20 (The burning fire) and object $11 (The GHZ/HPZ bridge) don't relate in any way ;.; I tried to put them together. I also tested all their routines. I only tested Sonic 2 Beta.
Ordinarily I'd point out that if they'd had the relationship between the fire and bridges coded in, that it would have probably been implemented into the levels in some way. However, that would be opening myself to ridicule given the fact that many objects, including the fire itself, seem fully coded and yet aren't used anywhere in the levels. In conclusion, this post was useless. (And also started before LOst's post above, hence why it doesn't take anything in that post into account - it hadn't been posted when I began writing. Interesting to note, though, that that unused fire looks strikingly similar to the fire that orbits the 'Gola' robots in the final version of Hill Top. Can anyone confirm whether or not that enemy uses those same fire graphics, albiet minus a few frames?)
Yep! You only need to add the art to these sprites, and I can make the object/mappings under a hour of work. I can do the snail, the frog, the bumping ball, the fish. The mother bubbler can be done but it takes longer time. EDIT: And the Sand Crab comming up from the sand may be hard to do since there are no "dust" graphics.... or are there?
You could always use the dust Sonic leaves behind when braking. Make it so it spawns the dust object many times until the crab surfaces and voil?.
Actually, it's not. It's supposed to be a moth (and the glitter it drops is kind of the the dust on a real moth's wings). Remember, all of Sonic CD's Badniks were bugs (grasshoppers, spiders, scorpions, various types of beetles, water striders, butterflies, mosquitoes, etc.). So it couldn't have been a bat. Anyway, this an EXTREMELY interesting find. This is something that no amount of hacking could have earned for us. It's a totally different artifact. As several people have already stated, this is a great discovery to kick off the new year with! Alright ICEknight! This answers most of our (or at least, my) questions about prototype Badniks. Dissapointing, though, that it doesn't mention anything about the two different dinosaur robots, or the unused bat, or the crocodile. I suppose that's because they probably didn't really do anything special, though. All the Badniks spoken of here seem to have unusual or complex behavioral routines.
Do you really think that? Check the boss of HTZ and wait until he disappear under the lava. I always thought that this fire is an old sprite for the fire tossed by the HTZ boss. Nice! I will not work on that right now, but I will want to try to implement the fish (lost piranha)(GCZ), the mother bubbler (with bubblers)(GCZ), the frog (DEZ), the bee burning logs (WZ), and the sandcrab (DHZ) under my hack. All were already planned for my hack since the beginning (instead of the logs on fire and the frog for obvious reasons). I think this is high time to make them soon. With your help, we maybe succeed into restoring some of them, the lost levels will have their own badnicks, and I will upgrade a lot into understanding the 68K ASM language.
Well, the butterflies appeared in some Collision Chaos concept art... Maybe those were originally the enemies that left the sparkling thingies behind, that would make sense.
Hmm... Now that I look at it, the Hill Top boss arena looks like it could have been designed to have two log bridges (which might or might not have been set on fire). Even the supposed places to put them are set at different heights, so the sprite limit wouldn't screw things up.
Like idea that is used in S3's first Robotnik fight? I think this is one of the greatest finds. Nice job, ICEKnight, this site is probably going to need an update now thanks to your info. This info will definitely help quiet down old rumors from days of old, so it's good to know that kind of info. Again, great job, ICEKnight!
Why does this stuff always gets posted when I am not around :P Anyways, awesome job ICEKnight! Those sketches are wow. Banper xD
Hi, 1st post hope I don't make an ass of myself anyhow I was looking at the concept art and noticed something interesting the ball image that's been hiding in the beta... could it be that it originally was... Sketch the simularity is uncanny, if you look at the sketch, even the size proportion of the ball is similar when compaired to sonic, it may not have the stars on it like the sketch but the shape is the same, im guessing that the stars could have been removed so it would fit in better with most zones, with stars the only zone it would really fit into would be casino night zone although I could be completely wrong... and strange how I managed to miss the part that states 4x4 cells :-p
The ball was supposed to be 4x4 cells. That one is 2x2 cells so it is not the same! Also the sketch has star bumpers instead of red glowing (if the palette is right) spots.