And In The Magazine Interview, Look what Yuji Naka says about Death egg: "And Death Egg, Where you get to visit robotnik's ship" The Villan is Called ROBOTNIK, so No way to be a reference to Eggman, and there's "Robotnik Ship", what proofs than "Death Egg" is a reference only to the Ball in Earth Orbit. [Joke]Why it's called Death Egg if it is a ball?[/joke] Way! I'm not a Oldbie! DAMN! I FALL IN THIS SHITTY APRIL'S FOOL JOKE!
- The interview was most likely translated, with "Eggman", a name the western public had no association with, being replaced by "Robotnik", which is the name they would have known him by. To the Japanese, he's always been Eggman. - The 'Egg' is likely a reference to 'Eggman' - Wing Fortress contains numerous signs with 'Egg' or 'Eggman' written on them, so why shouldn't Death Egg be named after him? - The 'ball in space' IS Eggman's 'ship'. =P So, yeah. =P How this got from 'Banper's amazing school of facts' to the 'Death Egg Debate', I don't know. But it's pretty damn self-explanatory, AFAIK.
OMG! It's write Eggman-01 in Wing Fortress! (Now I Saw that.) But Keep in Mind in Magazine, There's no reference to Wing Fortress, (probably Wing Fortress is "Death Egg Act 0", Because Music is Avaible on beta.) And the discussion about Bumper/Banper was turned in this discussion when I mentioned the article mentioned before (in another page here) for contest some odd things in Article.
I know this part has been 'a bit' taken care of, but this is the one time in the entire history of Sonic that I can remember that "Emerald" refers not to Chaos Emeralds, but to emeralds' traditional green color. Thus paints titled 'Emerald Green', Ireland being called the 'Emerald Isle', etc. As in the sencond statement, I, too, choose to think that the Death Egg is a Star Wars knockoff (obligatory link to my Star Wars ending with Death Egg hoax: My Hoaxes. It's hoax #7. I was unaware of that name for the boss. I always called it something along the lines of, "Robotnik's big ***damn robot that looks like him and has spiky hands of doom" EDIT: Fixed link
*Big the Cat impression* Froggy! Where are you? *shot* Sorry, couldn't resist. :P Anyway, I dunno about you guys, but I think the bumper ball sprite is Casino Night-ish.
There are 8 signposts between the 2 acts. More than enough to get all the emeralds in that zone alone.
Yeah, seriously. Even when I was 10 years old, I was zipping through and collecting all the Chaos Emeralds before entering Chemical Plant. lol. Now if only I'd had friends back then to brag about that to... 'cause I was young at the time, it was a big thing for me... I'm gonna shut up now.
*blink blink* Did I kill the General Sonic Games forum or something?! No one else has posted since I posted on July 2nd!