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Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) movie

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    We don't know anything about the redesign other than he'll wear gloves. A step in the right direction but I still fully expect it to look like ass.
  2. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    I'm disappointed that they're changing the design, I was looking forward to this movie being as awful as possible. Now I don't even have that.
  3. ^ Look on the bright side, it'll probably be worse! So we may get a design that's even more bad than before for all to enjoy! :D

    (Strange string of words to say, but eh. haha)
  4. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection
    This in before the redesign is just the same model but with gloves.

    In all seriousness, the plot and dialog look terrible. Even if it was the model ripped out of Generations, it will still be garbage.
  5. I kinda feel the same...

    With the redesign it might just be forgettable rather than so-bad-it's-a-cult-classic
  6. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Given the two, I'd much rather forgettable.
  7. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    Putting the movie Sonic design aside (and the use of Gangster's Paradise for the trailer music), everything about the movie's story and presentation looks like boxing crate Hollywood; and the AMA leaks, while having some eyebrow-raising plot details (like Sonic being an alien from another planet and having his speed influenced by his emotions) doesn't actually seem to have any insanity to derive from it. Unless we're being bamboozled through trailers/previews and the film is actually a giant mess behind the scenes, Rise of Lyric a la mode; I don't think there would be much unintentional hilarity to derive from the movie we're going to get, even if the original design was still there (or if the redesign isn't all that different from the old design).

    I'd personally opt for a so-bad-it's-good movie itself if they were going to go for outright lunacy, a total monstrosity, or some other inspired approach over being a faithful adaptation, but all signs point to the movie being forgettable more than anything else. Which is honestly the worst move they could had done given the budget this is being made with.
  8. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Be that as it may. CGI movies all look a bit samey. A little variety in their appearance wouldn't hurt. Not everything has to be a friendly furball. It's making me stupid.
  9. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    Yeah I get that there's more entertainment value to be had out of a "so bad it's good" disaster, but the Sonic franchise has had so many of those and frankly I get tired of like, talking about a potential Sonic Mania 2 or whatever online when some tryhard shits on the whole conversation like "HEY HEY REMEMBER SONIC 06 AND SONIC BOOM LOLOLOLOLOL I FOUND SOME DIAPER FETISH FAN ART OF AMY ROSE ON DEVIANTART CRAZY RIIIIGHT" that having just one less of those would be nice.
  10. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Live in hope that "redesign" means "we redesigned our spreadsheets for our upcoming film schedule, and Sonic is no longer on them".
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  11. Stooner


    Pending Member
    I think Sonic was always going to get gloves in the movie...

    If those test-screening reviews were any indication, then it seems that they serve a purpose...

    He might still be without them for a majority of the movie.

    Plus, it seems that people who have seen the movie early disagree on the sentiment that it will be bad...

    And another "movie review" popped up on reddit recently...
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2019
  12. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Even if he's not lying this alone means his opinion on it is near worthless.
  13. lupinsmask


    There is no reality where I'm a Sonic fan and would find this movie good. As stated there's a lot more than movieSonic's design that I have issues with.
  14. Stooner


    Pending Member
    Of course it is...

    It’s at least good to know that the movie itself isn’t bad, from a casual audience person...

    And, like some people were saying when Tim Miller said that the fans will be pleased...

    The fans will never be pleased...

    And fans will always find some way to be pessimistic, even if there is evidence that something is good...

    If it were not for these test-screenings, I’d probably be just like them.
  15. Stooner


    Pending Member
    I bet if Tyson were to say something positive about it, fans still wouldn't believe him....
  16. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    No, Sonic Mania already proved this to be wrong.
  17. sonictopfan


    *Raises hand* I’m not a fan of Sonic Mania, didn’t like it since the reveal, it’s everything I expected it to be, a cheap copy/paste remake of the superior Sonic 3 which came out 20+ years prior, it doesn’t even implement any of the improvements the Advance trilogy added with Tails being exactly like he was in Sonic 2, just a broken miss.
  18. So some random guy on reddit who's not a Sonic fan said he liked what he saw of the movie. Casual fans and non-fans may like the movie, but they also tend to like things I don't about the series, so I'm going to take that opinion with a grain of salt.

    Sonic Mania was pretty alright in my book. While it's not the ideal 2D Sonic, it accomplished what it set out to be: a celebration of the classics. Not my favorite Sonic game, but it could lay down the foundation for better 2D games in the future, if SEGA chooses to make more games in that style (as long as they use competent devs like Morning Star for it). I just hope they use completely new stages next time, instead of revisiting old stages with a 'twist'.

    Anyway, back on the movie, I'm curious to see what Sonic's redesign is like, but that alone isn't enough to salvage the movie for me, since I tend to be cynical and have other issues with the initial trailer that was released, but hey if some folks are excited for the movie, more power to them, I guess.
  19. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    okay, cool story bro.


    As for that Reddit poster who allegedly saw the movie, I seriously gotta ask around if "better than that Mario movie" (I presume he's referring to the 1993 one, not the upcoming Illumination adaptation) and "2014's TMNT but good" are supposed to be considered high barometers of praise.

    On a similar token, "perfectly fine" and "not bad at all" sounds like on-the-target descriptions for a lot of Sonic products that here or elsewhere are widely considered to be average. "Not a dumpster fire" isn't exactly a great motivator to go see this movie; dedicated fans, casual moviegoers, professional critics, or otherwise.

    If by "improvements" you mean throwing speed boosters and bottomless pits everywhere and giving everybody redundant secondary mechanics that overcomplicated an otherwise simple control scheme, then thank God they didn't implement them in Mania. You got twenty years of games that had "improvements" and "new things," those of which included a game that was marketed to be a direct sequel to the Genesis games.
  20. I know it’s ironic for me to be saying this but this forum which I’ve always enjoyed just reading for over a decade now is starting to feel the impact from not having the trial system in place. I don’t recall this movie having these kind of defenders before the forum upgrade so it’s kinda like the floodgates have opened up.
    I’m trying to remember what they changed to Tails to “improve” him, could he cancel out of a spring jump into fly? That’s always been common in fan games/hacks and I was hoping it and canceling into a spinjump from a spring would be be in Mania. The extra moves in Advance where always either pointless momentum killing ones that belonged in Mario or hilariously broken like Sonic’s air dash or the Sonic & Tails team moon jump in Adv3, the dropdash on the other hand fits 2D Sonic like a glove, has multiple uses and never feels cheap unlike the air dash specifically the one in Sonic 4.