Knowing SEGA's propensity of whoring out Sonic to anyone and anything that'll throw them a buck, the only similarity to ET this movie could possibly have is some Reese's Pieces product placement.
But Sonic swearing though (and encouraging gambling)... seriously? What audience is this film actually aimed at? I mean, Sonic is basically aimed at kids, so for him to be outright swearing isn't going to go down well for the kids' parents. Is this going to be certified a 15 [UK] then? It definitely has the Deadpool vibe to it (unsurprisingly) Secondly, Spoiler Eggman eating a ring? What are they, magical doughnuts? And Sonic calling Burpo Tails? It just keeps getting more stupid by each leak.
Can't find the Twitter source as of this writing, but apparently filming for the live-action segments has wrapped for the film. Guess that just leaves the CG composition for Sonic (and maybe other characters from the series).
Are we sure they're just not shouting out the amazing time in the OVA where Sonic yelled "SHUT UP TAILS!" :v:/> (heavy sigh) I keep forgetting that just because a topic is on the first page, doesn't mean I'm not necroing something. Will be more careful.
Sonic The Hedgehog Film Teaser Shown at Paramount Presentation in Brazil (via ResetERA) Thanks to TailsChannel who just relayed this. As for the news. Welp.
Well then.....the design may not be too far off from the fan film! EDIT: NEVERMIND, it's WAY Past WORSE
It's been too long since Sonic has been the laughing stock of the entire internet. Thank god Paramount is here to save the day.
I don't know if to be worried, ready to die with laughter or be *EXCITED* for this. My first thought seeing this was "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck here we go we're gonna get some cringy crap aren't we" but Marza Animation Planet gives me a slight bit of hope in terms of animation quality for the characters.
Oh god it's awful. Just truly horrifying. “It would be weird and it would feel like he was running around nude if he was some sort of otter-like thing. It was always, for us, fur, and we never considered anything different. It's part of what integrates him into the real world and makes him a real creature.” Hedgehogs are real creatures. They do not have furry spines. That is not how spines work. What you have created is something with horrific spiked tumours growing out of its skull. "We looked at every different variation of what shoes he's worn and we're trying to pay homage to that and also make it current and present day in what we think a Sonic of today would wear” You just took out an iconic part of one of the most recognisable characters in popular culture and replaced them with cheap red trainers. Wow. How in the fuck did anyone think this was a good idea? Any good work done for the brand by Mania will be ruined by the cavalcade of memes from every still shot of this unsettling monstrosity.
ahahahaha that's the best thing I've ever seen!! Truly glorious and should replace modern and classic Sonic bwahaha brilliant
Oh. my. god. This is worse than I possibly imagined. Oh I hate it. The fucking legs, the fur, the strange muscle features. EEEKKKKKKK. This may be the worst adaption of cartoon to CG I have ever seen. How did Sega allow this? This really is going to be a modern day Super Mario Bros movie isn't it? I mean I had an idea I'd hate this but WHAT THE FUCK am I looking at? EDIT: Hold on a sec. Remember when one of the people on the crew drew this image? Initially I passed that off as them just not knowing how to draw the character but I think this is closer to what Sonic looks like in the movie than initially realized. So he doesn't have a uni-eye and he potentially doesn't even have the muzzle? Jesus.
What. The. Fuck. That has to be the most disgusting thing I've seen. Why oh why is Sega letting people do these atrocities to their mascot's design? And I thought the Sonic Boom designs were bad.
OK, the design looks bad. Guess I'll keep on enjoying what I like Sonic-wise and ignore this then ? Or mock it a little. But I don't need to SCREAM and PANIC and yell that THE FRANCHISE IS DOOMED. The franchise survived Sonic Labyrinth, Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Boom. It will survive this.