The release of the movie was moved from November 15 to November 8.
If Solo is any indication, Star wars won't affect Sonic's gross much. On that note, has there been any confirmation on what the budget of this Sonic movie is?
$90 million reportedly - which is quite cataclysmic for something like this. They're positioning it as a big budget major release.
....My God, why? Oh, wait, I know. Most of that budget goes to paying actors with name recognition who they hope will sell the movie (See 2013 movie Epic). Come on, Jim Carrey, you're our only hope.
Yeah I think that was their intention - going old-school Hollywood style with the big name stars (Paul Rudd would have been very expensive etc.) but Carrey might not cost much - at least at first. In his heydey he commanded $20 million a movie but that dropped dramatically in later years and sometimes he forgoes payment entirely for a portion of the film's gross instead (paid $0 for Yes-man up-front but because the film was super successful he received $30 million when the film was released). But God, if he did that again. Fuck the up-front payment I'm going for the film's profits - then he might just go bankrupt. Joking of course. He was more than likely paid a tidy sum in the realm of $5 to $10 million or something - realistically speaking. Marsden wouldn't have been cheap either. Big star in Westworld.
Release date was moved from 15 November to 8 November. Should help out its opening weekend. (Edit, oh someone said that higher up...)
Solo's underperformance is an anomaly from how the other recent SW films have performed at the box office, and its underperformance was the result of a perfect storm of problems. Troubled production, bloated budget, lackluster marketing campaign, and heavy competition (namely Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinity War--itself a Disney project since that's from their Marvel Studios department). Solo itself was also a spinoff anthology film that while still SW was supposed to be a smaller project (although with that said, even the previous anthology film, Rouge One, was still the second highest grossing film of 2016). Episode XI is the third / last mainstream entry in the sequel trilogy and so far isn't on track to receive any of the mishaps Solo faced (or at least, not on such a severe level). Like The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, Episode XI --barring some unexpected event-- will still likely end up as the the highest-grossing film of next year when all is said and done. (Although given the films Disney's other departments will be releasing next year --Avengers 4, The Lion King remake, Toy Story 4, Frozen 2-- their other departments have a legitimate shot for the title crown.)
You left out the backlash from the Last Jedi which itself damaged the brand to the point of boycott and the calls to fire Kathleen Kennedy (which seems to be the case after Solo's flop). It's not an anomaly, it is what happens when you deliver a spectacularly bad product that hurts consumer confidence (even without the "100 million in reshoots" that gross is disappointing). Given how badly things have gotten, I don't see Star Wars as a competitive brand and expect the next movie to do poorly. On the subject of "trouble production" that has been the case in that Episode 9 has already lost its original director. But this is all off topic. If we're talking about the Sonic movie, it could be that it isn't banking too much on box office gross and more on merchandise and toy sales. I see potential there but only time will tell.
I agree, and treating Star Wars like it's the Marvel franchise doesn't help. Back to the Sanic de hagehag movie, I'm looking forward to the Red Letter Media review, now that will be entertaining. Logic tells me a full cgi approach a la' wreck it ralph/pixar would have been better option. Even better, full anime. The current template they have is terribly dated, I though we where past that era of bad real life/cg (woody woodpecker, smurfs etc) stuff, someone needs to tell these guys.
We're also past the era of Sonic being popular enough to be in a Hollywood movie. Maybe that's the aesthetic they're going for, outdated. Spoiler Also Episode IX was better than Episode VII. Come at me.
But being in a decent movie could re catapult the character into the mainstream. Spoiler Episode XXVIII will be better than Episode XXXIII. Come at me.
@Laughingcow Eh, the overall point I'm trying to say with my original reply is that I personally wouldn't recommend counting Star Wars out of the count just yet in regards to its box office capital. @High Fidelity Woody Woodpecker came out earlier this year (albeit direct-to-video) so you can't say the era isn't entirely gone yet. :v: You can also include Peter Rabbit if you wanted, although the reviews for that was surprisingly more "eh it's okay" rather than "ugh this is horrible" most of these type of movies are reviewed by. As for Sanic Movie and his $90M budget--it's way too early to call anyway; but I'm gonna say it regardless: if the movie makes enough money to be profitable, most of that money will come from from overseas territories (most likely from Europe / PAL regions). I think the US has been burned by the brand enough for audiences to not turn out in droves, especially if the reviews are poor. This also follows on the trend of recent videogame films--the international box-office haul films such as Warcraft, Assassin's Creed, Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, and Tomb Raider are much higher compared to those from the US (neither of these films even surpassed $100M domestic).
Sorry for the double post. But people have taken notice of a Ladysmith Council Meeting (posted back in June) where Abraham Fraser, (who works for Paramount) talks about what he has planned for the Sonic movie. Among other things, he clarifies that the story will feature Sonic will originate from another planet with anthro animals (or alien, if you will) and through some accident he will end up on Planet Earth. (In other words, we're getting another adaptation that invokes the "two worlds" / Sonic X concept.) He also there will be an interior scene filmed at an Inn and a ‘tearjerker moment’; and proceeds to compares the film's story with E.T. (actual quote below, it's reportedly in the video at 3:03): "The story is kind of lot like E.T., there's a small town that comes to together to help the Sheriff (Tom Wachowski) save the alien from the bad guys, that are chasing after him. It's very heartwarming and I'll think it'll be a big hit." Gee, that sounds awfully familiar to a colossal box-office bomb Paramount released last year... (Are we sure the writers weren't just handed a rejected script treatment to a Monster Trucks sequel and were then told to rewrite it into a Sonic film?)
I don't know man. I can't tell if this Paramount dude is a genius and this will be a worldwide smash hit - or he's just insanely deluded taking inspirations cues from such a throwback like ET in a modern Sonic movie. I mean yeah, ET was a great and heartfelt movie - but that story template was done perfectly 30 years ago and has been copied since then. So how does forcibly melding that with Sonic make sense? Where's the originality? I'm not sure if this kind of film is compatible with Sonic in all honesty. Sonic's supposed to be cool. Even Sonic Team knew that when they developed and marketed Sonic Adventure 2 in America (though admittedly seem to have forgotten so in recent years - though I guess Forces did try to be cool also). But hell, what do I know - he's the all-powerful film executive. Perhaps he'll be proven right and film will gross $500 million or something. It just all sounds so cynically and creatively bankrupt - but it could also work.
TBH, Monster Trucks had the insurmountable task of making audiences care about an unintelligible, nondescript squid that lived in car. Sonic at least has an appealing design and a semblance of name-brand appeal.
@Yeow - yep that sounds terrible. Although if they keep pumping out the same story year after year then one of these movies has gotta be a hit amirite :v: Not sure who this movie is aimed at. 30 somethings who grew up with the classics will take their kids but both audiences will be alienated by the whole set up. The whole thing is ludicrous but I strangely love watching it unfold.