Infinite's literally a cheesy over-the-top 'dark' anime villain with the kind of music a 90's dubbing company would slap in on the background.
Anyone who compared Infinite to Mephiles when he first showed up in the E3 trailer seems to be right on the money. :v I'm pretty sure Forces will be as much of a parody of the Adventure era of Sonic games as Nine Lives was as much of a parody of "*insert actor here* is turned into a talking animal" genre of movies. Nive Lives wasn't a parody, it was an unironic straight revival of that genre of films. :v
I'll give them one thing: no more Sonic getting smacked by something and bouncing around like a little pinball. Those wall slams look like they hurt. Also I guess the whole Liam O'Brian voice means that Infinite isn't like some evil version of your character given the whole gender option, but I still feel like he'll be a personal rival to the Custom Hero.
Yeah, I think we knew from the beginning it was either gonna be that or infinite can bring back dead loved ones or something.
In light of that Shadow stare, I wonder if that Chaos hiccup is actually a glitch or means something to the plot, as if he's been artificially reconstructed by Infinite's devious red Lego bricks.
I think Sonic Team are totally aware of how stupid and edgy it is. In fact, I agree that they are intentionally pushing it as grimdark as possible, both to satisfy Adventure fans and as a parody of those early years. On one level, I love it, because it's so fucking stupid. On another, I do think it's sad that this is what 'Modern Sonic' has become. Like, the only way for him to stay relevant is to laugh at his own awful past. Oh my God. If Infinite got Shadow on board by promising to bring Maria back from the dead that would be so fucking hilarious.
I'd say it's less sad and more deserved, you just have to remember that it was all the attempts to shift direction into a more serious, "badass" franchise that led to this. At some point, if you look like an assclown long enough, the only way to keep people interested is to become self aware and embrace the laughter. It's why the Sonic Boom TV show easily trounces 90% of the adaptions before it.
Part of me thinks this is cool, in a retro Sonic Adventure 2 era kind of way, and then part of me thinks this just a clusterfuck and Sonic Team have lost their minds. I think I'll stick with Sonic Mania for now, and wait to see the reviews and impressions on this one.
[Tails] "Wow! He's even faster than Sonic" I don't think that should be allowed in a Sonic game. //
It's not like the games really give a good estimate of Sonic's speed. There's always the concept and idea that he holds back, especially if you take Sonic Battle's final fight into the equation, but it really does seem like either everything can run and fly faster than him or Sonic just doesn't give it his all for almost the entire franchise.
A fanfiction, and I mean that in the most "I stopped caring and I'm just rolling with it" sort of way.
That cutscene was hilariously bad, but something tells me that that was the intention. It's like a parody of their Adventure-06 era games, only this time they're not taking themselves seriously and they're being intentionally cheesy & edgy for comedic effect. Pure genius. I wouldn't be surprised if Sanic is the final boss.
Well Japanese animation has consistently portrayed him as pretty lazy despite all his super speedy heroics. Just look at the OVA or Sonic X. Maybe he's like Saitama, so overpowered that he has to do his best to limit his speed just to escape nihilistic depression at having no possible true rival? :v: