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Sonic Classic 2

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Hez, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Ah I figured it was something like that (didn't help the sage version has no music in the credits, also the last few pics in the credits repeat themselves a few times over). In the credits I think it's a nice touch, in the menus it more looks out dated.
  2. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
    I was having a good time, then lost all 19 of my lives at the Murky Mines boss and had to start over. Then the rest of my playthrough I kept on hitting softlocks:

    In Murky Mines there was a boulder you could push to break open a secret room with a special stage ring. However returning from that special stage ring the breakable wall respawned with no way out for sonic, as only the boulder could break it. Hitting restart put Sonic right back at the special stage ring with the same problem, and I had to reset the entire level through the save menu, but the game saved the one less life! It was weird...was this supposed to be a Knuckles only special stage ring? Also when I completed that run of act 1 I ran to the left offscreen and...fell somehow? Then the game wouldn't continue.

    While not a true softlock, in Talus Tempest at one of the horizontal rushing water tubes Sonic got stuck on a bottom corner that had no spikes and...couldn't move. Sonic eventually drowned and I got to continue.

    But one of the worst softlocks is in Space Chase and really needs to be urgently fixed. Whenever Sonic was in the "outer space with no air" portion of the level and when hitting a checkpoint or a special stage ring that was "outer space with no air" and reloading the level, either by dying or exiting a special or bonus stage, Sonic would be just standing in the air with no way to move, then the air timer counts down to zero and he dies, starting the process over and over again until he runs out of lives. I want to know if this bug has happened to other people.
  3. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Yes! I have had that glitch with Knuckles in Space Chase and what you're saying is likely the cause. He just floated there til death and I had to quit
  4. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
    I give up. The final boss broke me. I have been on the final boss for like 2 hours replaying Space Chase. I land the final hit on the final form with 9:40 on the clock aaand....the hit counter rolls over to zero. He then grabs Sonic and Sonic dies to the unkillable robot. The design, art and attacks are amazing...but it is just impossible. Too many times I instantly died to the fists because I fell through the crack between them when attacking the head. Or when I am off to the side of the fists but they are slightly too low and make a death crack with the floor. And the glitch where he just freezes in place, making the fight unwinnable causing the player to restart. In fact, in my first run through no rings spawned in Space Chase act 2. I thought it was a design choice at first, but on my next time getting there the rings showed up.

    Now besides the glitches above, there is one thing that causes what would normally be an awesome final boss to still be in the unfair territory...the 10 minute time limit. I got good grinding for lives in Space Chase act 1, but you have to play Space Chase act 2 PERFECTLY just to have a shot at winning. It takes me 2 minutes average to get to the final checkpoint, then you have to speedrun the final boss PERFECTLY. Miss a jump at the head? It could take a minute just for the pattern to go around again. You could try to sneak a hit in early in a risky jump on top of the fists, but that increases your chances of getting that dreaded instakill crush death. You think you are done when the first form hit counter reaches zero. It is 7:30-8:00 on the clock. But then the second form comes in after waiting for a cutscene, while taking people off guard in a good way, is still running up the clock. The 10 minute timer is the true enemy.

    So there are ways for this to be fixed, for example you could have the timer stop in the middle "you did it! Uh oh." cutscene. The timer could also not run for the second form fight, maybe have a checkpoint or set it as an act 3 and have the timer restart. It would give players some breathing room. You could probably get away with 8 hits then due to the damaging process being sped up.
  5. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    The bosses are a bit of a slog towards the end. The opening window to attack takes ages to appear and is fleeting at best.

    It doesn't need to be like Sonic 2 where you can defeat Eggman before he has a chance to attack, but being able to hit twice in succession would be nice.
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    That and maybe the hand rocket section could be sped up. What if all 8 rockets launched at once and then aimed after you one after the other? That or the missiles are just shot faster that phase isn't as much hard as it is time consuming.

    That boss also definitely does NOT need to restart its phase after you get hit. That mouth fire and the subsequent hand movements take forever, but if the flame hits you he starts over again after laughing, which also takes time.
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Ooh, Hez you sneak

    I didn't realize Mighty was in this game (I only know because the Google drive doc mentioned a level select that can be accessed by holding D + Start at the Sega Screen). Compared to the other "hidden" characters Mighty almost seems ready to go. He has a mostly complete sprite set, a functioning power, everything seems to work. The other characters save for yours are very incomplete.

    really love how Mightys hammer drop works in this game btw. You get a small upward boost which is great for reaching just out of place spots.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
  8. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Pause behaviour is also really flakey:


    Genuinely I had to pause for a phone call, wasn't really paying attention and got myself stuck. I've also left this shot in a Windows 175%-scaled blurry mess because it highlights a different issue - the "window size" option on the pause menu scales differently (and incorrectly) to the options screen one.

    Also lots of things keep moving when paused.
  9. Hez


    Yeah that dev select got leaked a few days after release. The stuff there obviously won't be updated in the upcoming hot fix release as it's intended for a DLC release.

    The mighty boost is actually a glitch. But, if it is actually a seemingly fair reward I am definitely not opposed to keeping it in there. Otherwise, yeah he is pretty much close to 100 percent in there minus his planned alternative paths. I did intend for him to be in this release, but the artist who was finishing him up had some other obligations come up and he was shelfed until DLC.
  10. Was the non-functioning "Extras" menu an accidental glitch, or an intentional tease until the later hotfix/DLC/full realease?

    Also, will save files transfer between the current version and later versions? The Special Stages are infuriating me (I never was good at S1 Special Stages) and I'd rather not beat my head against the proverbial wall only to find out that I'm going to immediately need to do it again.
  11. Hez


    Saves will transfer. Extras menu was intended to work and oddly enough functioned up right until this build. Somehow the two lines of code that detected if you were holding a key to make the purchase were just gone. Just those two specific lines. I added them back and they will be available in the hot fix coming late this week or early next. I'm trying to limit having people download a ton of builds so I'm opting to fix major things first and then having a fix release every two weeks or so. So check back frequently.
  12. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Yeah I've spent too much time trying to crack this. Not because I keep running out of time, but because it keeps breaking. It might not be so bad if the fists were just a tiny bit lower when this happened (so Sonic could get on top), but yeah, Robotnik wins.

    You can sort-of cheese things though. The camera lock can be broken by pausing on the second phase, and if you manually restart when the life counter reads 1, you'll get to play with 0 lives. Also in my case, the second phase plays out with massive slowdown , which makes things easier :)

    I should stress I do kinda love this in a weird way - before I became a wiki obsessive I was a fan game quality control obsessive, and we had the pixel-perfect Mario 3 clones and the crap so poor it would barely run, but the games that always stood out where the quirky ones that weren't quite there. It's almost inspirational in that you can spot a bazillion things and come up with realisitc ways to change them, without necessarily having to become the supreme expert in everything game related. Feed it back to the creator, or learn from the decisions made when working on your own project, and the output from the community as a whole gets better.

    It's probably why people go into teaching.

    Honestly I felt similar when Before/After The Sequel were released - that I really wanted to go in and re-draw all the badniks. But a good chunk of it was great.
  13. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Lol Before the Sequels badnik and mech designs drive me nuts too for how stupid they look but it's otherwise a very charming game with a fantastic soundtrack. This game definitely is up there as far as fan games are concerned, seriously I've almost completed this game 4 times already (Sonic, Knuckles, Fang, and partially as *hidden shit we shouldn't know yet*). That's more time than I've put into basically any fan game. This, Sonic BtS and AtS, and Axiom are prob my top 4 2d fan games, I may be forgetting 1 or 2.

    Shout outs I guess to Retro Sonic, Sonic Nexus, and Sonic XG. They were never close to completion but they were all achievements for their time, and 2 of them led the way to Sonic Mania, the ultimate "fan game" in a sense (obv it's professional but they're still all fans). Meanwhile the Sonic Chaos and Triple Trouble remakes could be in my top whatever, provided they're ever finished (Triple Trouble's going at a sorta slow but steady pace, but Chaos worries me)
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
  14. Hez


    I was so hesitant to release it, but am absolutely glad I did for this exact reason. Not that the direction of the game is going any different, its definitely changed in a good way. Had I kept it to myself and a few testers, I got very narrow sighted. These past few days has given me SO MUCH MORE to work with. What worked, what didn't. What people surprisingly liked that I anticipated hate, and what people hated that I figured people would love. It's all just so interesting and good.

    And to echo some of your other thoughts -- some of my fondest memories WERE back in the day when a fairly full fan-game would come out and I would find "bugs" and "secrets" and such. It would get me thinking about how to fix them, or what not. It made me try and exploit stuff more to find secret stuff the devs may have forgotten. Lost stuff, etc. It was great.

    Last note -- I do plan on releasing prototypes in the next few months. Obviously not every build (no one cares what november 1sts build is compared to november 2nds) but the more interesting ones that show a lot of change. I think it would be fun for everyone to see the development of the game.
  15. Skeit


    Just thought it would be perfect if a major hotfix could come as early (before this year's SAGE ends)
  16. Hez


    I've attracted some help -- but I don't think even 3 people could work that fast. It'll be worth the wait (not 10 years, maybe another week or two).
  17. Sally Rose

    Sally Rose

    i was wondering, you said there will be an update that lets you choose which soundtrack, like sonic cd style. how about a 3rd option, where every tack is randomly one ost or the other, like level 1 can ether play song 1 a or 1 b at random? i think that would be amazing then every play through would be unique, as your never shure what song is going to play next? is it tack a? is it track b??? who knows!
  18. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    Hi, Hez. Decided to try this, but I got an error when trying to open the executable:


    I would include the necessary Fusion extensions. Unless I've missed some instructions somewhere in this giant thread...
  19. Hez


    I thought this error was due to not having DirectX installed. I might be wrong, since it's been a long time since I've seen this one. I can provide it though if that doesn't work.
  20. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    I checked for the dxdiag tool. I have it, and it says DirectX 12 is installed.

    EDIT: Did some searching, and I came up with this: Cannot load joystick2.mfx. BLAH BLAH ( So maybe it's as simple as creating an installer for it? Or providing the MSVC 2008 runtime. I haven't tried it just yet, but I will let you know the result.

    EDIT 2: Finally found a download from Microsoft for the Visual C++ 2008 runtime libraries: However, the issue persists.

    Are you able to update the ForEach object as Yves stated on the Clickteam forum by chance?
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2021