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Sonic 3 Complete

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Tiddles, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. Vague Rant

    Vague Rant

    Deceptively cute Oldbie
    Wet blanket alert.

    I just discovered the 47-minute file select music bug for the first time, which was apparently fixed in the original S3K. Sonic 3 Complete preserves this bug, even in S3K mode, which I was using when I heard it earlier. The bug was discussed in the Other Knowledge thread, where you said ...

    ... so I'm assuming this is something you've kept in on purpose and don't intend to fix. Since it's really not something anyone's going to turn on or off on a whim, is there any chance we could get this fix as a customiser option/patch?

    I do agree that it's kind of a cute error and was entertained upon hearing it, but ultimately (and personally) I'd prefer for Sonic 3 Complete to be the ideal, finished, bugfixed version of Sonic 3 and/or Knuckles rather than one which preserves "funny" bugs. That said, I obviously defer to your preference, and would be happy for the bug to remain included by default. I just think it'd also be nice to have the option of going without it.
  2. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    That would look more like he's getting hit... Facing the camera and moving up and down a little would work better in my oppinion.

    I mean, like he already does in one of the endings, I think?
  3. Ah yeah, like in the All Chaos Emeralds ending. That would work too. KingOfHarts has a good point too though. Either way I'd love to see S3 Robotnik laughing again.
  4. dsrb


    Hey, nice idea. I support it as an option and am interested to see what Tiddles and co think.
  5. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Dunno if I ever mentioned it on here but I know a coupla people on my youtube channel were asking if it'd be possible to quickly skip past the score ticker with start, sort of like what Dynamite Headdy does, and I guess Megamix too.
  6. Tiddles


    Diamond Dust Tech Member
    Leicester, England
    Get in an accident and wake up in 1973
    Here's that patch I promised, which I'm hoping is the last one for this version. As usual, you can get it from the Sonic 3 Complete (hack) wiki page or head straight for the customiser. Here is the news:

    Bugfixes over previous S3C versions
    • Fixed SCD93 spindash dropping player through some objects
    • Fixed Super Cancel being always enabled when using original controls; it is now always disabled as intended.
    • Fixed Competition Time Attack results not respecting Competition Results music option
    • Fixed Blue Sphere results not showing correct sprite versions and palettes in certain places
    • Fixed follower Tails being able to invoke a broken Super transformation with a certain combination of control options
    • Fixed front two propeller stacks not appearing on Carnival Night to Flying Battery transition scene in certain situations
    • Fixed manual-control CNZ barrels causing the SCD93 camera to shift sideways
    • Fixed sinking platforms in Icecap carrying the player through the extra floor in Easy/Normal modes

    New Features and Options
    • Fixes and improvements to both sets of Tails sprites.
    • S&K Collection music tweaks from ValleyBell, including some volume adjustment
    • Smoother rotation in the Slot Machine bonus stage (thanks to Cinossu).
    • All monitor types are now available in debug mode.

    Bugfixes over S3&K
    • Fixed a number of cases where Sonic or Tails would stay in midair and gain odd physics if a pillar was smashed from beneath them
    • Stopped 2P Tails from being able to misfire the cannon at the end of CNZ.
    • Tails now shows his full victory animation on the Blue Sphere difficulty screen.
    • Fixed players standing in the ground during their victory animations if they were previously rolling.
    • Fixed control improperly unlocking if a hurt player falls in a Carnival Night cannon
    • Sonic and Tails can no longer use super powers to break the switch back into Knuckles' route at the end of Launch Base.
    • In a Sonic alone game, Tails no longer gets stuck jumping on the ground after flying Sonic in.
    • Fixed rare issue where the AIZ2 cutscene bridge collapse would trigger too soon.

    The timing being close to Hacking Contest week is entirely coincidental, by the way.

    Also for this release, we have box covers and cart labels available, which you can find linked from the external S3C page. There's some wallpaper there too. I am too lazy to make individual direct links from the forum, but I would be happy for someone with super Wiki skills to add them to the hack page in a suitable manner. Dark Sonic designed the Japanese box, my long-time comrade at arms Rangers51 and I designed the US/EU box, and the splendid character and US/EU background artwork was produced by Hazard the Porgoyle. I'm very happy with what we've managed to put together, and I hope you like it too, even if you don't feel like building a repro. :)/>

    Edit: unlazied myself enough to at least add some previews to the thread; links to the actual covers are still only on the site unless someone feels like doing the wikiwork.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    In other replies,

    Might be nice to go with the classic sprites, though without looking, I'm thinking fitting it into VRAM might be an interesting task. It's not a no, and that's the most committal I tend to get for these things.

    Since the idea of Time Attack got leaked by VRAM inspection, I'll confirm that one of my intentions for such a mode would be a "full run" option in which you wouldn't have to wait around for that sort of thing, but obviously it's still only a maybe-feature at all.
  7. Knucklez


    Man, you just made my day.

    Oh, and you can be damn sure this is my new desktop wallpaper. :v:
  8. Faseeh


    Love the stuff you've added man, digging the box arts too!
  9. redhotsonic


    Also known as RHS Tech Member
    United Kingdom

    This is due to the glitch in the Regen emulator itself, not the game. All games do it. Although, I have come up with a code that will be present in my Sonic 2 Recreation release that will happily solve the Regen glitch for your hack if you're interested.
  10. Tiddles


    Diamond Dust Tech Member
    Leicester, England
    Get in an accident and wake up in 1973
    I would certainly be interested; I assumed Regen was just refusing to save anything above a 1KB boundary and that I was out of luck without the program itself changing.
  11. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    That slot machine rotation is pretty badass, it reminds me of Sonic 1 on Android and iOS.
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I just got such a stupid grin on my face after seeing my user name in the credits XD I'm happy that I was able to contribute to this project in some way. Hope you all like how the Japanese box design came out. And for those of you who would like a desktop background in a similar design, I will get around to making one soon enough (It'll just require some alternate designs to make it fit on a whole desktop).

    Also because I know that I definitely want a boxed version of this game (I want 2 actually. One would have Sonic 3 sprites and would have the US boxart designs and the other would have Sonic 2 sprites and have the JP boxart designs), where/how can you dump this on a cartridge and where can you get empty Sega Genesis cartridge boxes (Although I suppose I could pick up some crap games on the cheap and just use their boxes). That and where can you print these in high quality.
  13. Tiddles


    Diamond Dust Tech Member
    Leicester, England
    Get in an accident and wake up in 1973
    I suppose I should at least be non-lazy enough to post some previews of the boxes in the thread, eh.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Massive thanks again to the folks who worked on these!
  14. That PAL boxart is a thing of beauty I swear to god.
  15. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    I don't even have any way to play the cartridge... I'm buying one.
  16. Vague Rant

    Vague Rant

    Deceptively cute Oldbie
    Tiddles, just spotted the 47-minute save screen bug again. I mentioned this on the previous page as potentially worth fixing. If it's just something you want to keep in, that's fine, just wanted to ensure you hadn't missed the report entirely. Cheers.
  17. Tiddles


    Diamond Dust Tech Member
    Leicester, England
    Get in an accident and wake up in 1973
    I did miss it, actually - sorry about that. But it is indeed deliberate - S3K fixed it and I put it back under the guise of restoring Sonic 3-ness to the proceedings; probably the only outright bug I'll ever put back, but it's a bug that looks like a hidden feature, so I like it. :)

    You can play the fixed version manually from sound test 3A, but that doesn't help on the save screen. Once upon a time there was code to swap that track around based on SRAM, but it was never hooked up to the menu, to keep it uncluttered, and it got dropped later to fit the extra PC and Classic options in.
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Gentlemen, I need to know. Where/how do I purchase and configure a cartridge with this game one it? I would love to have this playing on my US Genesis.
  19. Chaud


    This is breathtakingly beautiful, dear god. Just looking at it makes me feel like I'm 11 years old again.
  20. Tiddles


    Diamond Dust Tech Member
    Leicester, England
    Get in an accident and wake up in 1973
    The most cost effective way to play S3C on a real MD is probably to get an Everdrive MD (the Mega Everdrive is better, but more expensive, so I'd only get it if you really want something it offers over the normal ED). The great benefit is that you can throw anything else you like on the SD card too.

    But it's not ideal for a pure replica, as it'll always boot to a master game menu, and you'll generally want to have a hole in the cart for an SD card (not sure if you can get away with putting a half height one in a normal shell or something); it'd also be strange to put S3C art on it when it could have a bunch of contents.

    For a more realistic S3C cart, the best off-the-shelf option is the old-fashioned MD Pro 32M from Tototek, as far as I know - no sticky out bits, no movable parts, and can boot straight to the game. You won't be able to fit anything else on the 32M version, but if you want a multi-game cart, it's really not the best one to go for anyway these days. The big downside is that it can only be programmed via parallel port, and the official programmer is extremely picky about what kind of parallel port will work, rendering most add-in cards useless, though I believe Oerg's custom software makes things easier in that respect.

    Failing that, you're getting into either seeking out repro builders (of which there are a few, though I can't comment on any from experience) or trying to do fancy things with programmable chips for yourself, which I don't have the first idea about.