Those of you with twitter accounts, do something constructive. Hint hint.
Sega should at least bring 3D After Burner and Outrun to the west... For crying out loud, it's After Burner and Outrun! No respect for the classics, I tells ya.
I did my part. They need to quit holding the games hostage. Granted that article is from May and since Thunder Blade is still on the way we may have to wait a little longer. If we don't get them I'm gonna be pissed, because it's not even a wordy translation process and they're frigging ARCADE PORTS that need no additional tweaking. If Sega can't afford that then I've lost faith in them doing anything worthwhile here.
I hate to rip open the wound, but WTF...? The Sega 3D games are getting a retail Japan. -_-
God damn it, I want that here now more. What the fuck, Sega? It's a minimal process and you don't care enough about this?
That collection will also include Space Harrier 3D and Outrun 3D, which aren't 3D Classics but ports of the Master System games.
Seriously Sega, what gives? You leaving your international gamers out in the cold while Japan gets all the cool stuff?
Wow, that sucks enormously. This is another reason that the 3DS needs to lose the region-locking bullshit. No-one else is bothered about that any more.
Maybe we need to wait for December for the rest like the first wave? I mean, we won't get the retail collection but I'm sure we'll get the rest digitally...
But they said that there was no chance of releasing it overseas if we didn't show enough support, isn't it? I tweet @SEGA from time to time to tell them we want it, but it's probably useless and only makes me look stupid at sega's eyes. But well, I had to try.
I've already tweeted at them several times. I'm pretty sure if last year was any indicator we'll find out about them before December. If not, then I'm gonna start pestering.
Before you mentioned who drew that, I thought "damn, Space Harrier looks like Lt Surge from my old Pokémon Cards!" That's a great cover, I wonder why Sonic The Hedgehog 3D's not included in the package...
We'll be getting them after all, but spread out over 5 months because the manner in which Sega does business defines Insane Troll Logic.
I'm just glad to be getting them at all. I'll be buying all of these to appease SEGA for answering my prayers So beyond ready for OutRun 3D