That's why we have the Trial Member phase. For the record, bumping old topics may not healthily affect your chances of making it through.
I think that the pre registration quiz is a sensible, smart and challenging away of keeping out n00bs and others who don't really want to talk about sonic 2 beta but would rather talk about there own lifes I.E boyfriends, babys, Big Brother and other stuff, They don't contribute anything to the S2B community message board or to the research of sonic beta, there is a place of that and is not here, S2B is a hardcore research site. Its interesting to see that you can't just join with out knowing you sonic beta stuff first and the trial member phase show if you are a assclown , and Simon I congratulate you for coming up with this great idea, its about time someone did somthing about these n00bs WELL DONE SIMON GOOD ON YOU MAN!!!!!! :cool: the pre registration quiz spits up the ture sonic fans, hackers and researchers from them who don't know who sonic even or what is, for all's they know sonic could be type of plant to them rather than a video game by SEGA. I think the pre registration quiz needs to be much harder hitting questions, like asking questions of configuration and more tech. I would take out the hins let them figure it out themselves if you was taking a test at school of one you would revise I.E lean about sonic beta before you take the quiz wouldn't you that's what I always do. THINK before you think you know it all. Well like I said before I fully congratulate you for coming up with this great idea, and I am in full support of you and the site's pre registration quiz. - hoaxer
In my experience it's better to analyse critically the choices rather than blindly follow - if you have a problem with it then by all means say so. Hoaxer's actions so far seem to show something of a sheep mentality. (No offence intended, just a quiet observation.) That said, the test etc has done a fantastic job - it's kept out the idiots (at least from what we can see - I'd appreciate a feature for Techies to see statistics about the number of people passing/failing so I can speak more knowledgably about this) and the aura of the forum is professional and scientific. However, the forum DOES have the image among certain communities of being elitist (some people claim the elitism continues to the level previously established by SCARZ) - I wonder if this is however just a vicious rumour spread by those too inept to pass the test. EDIT: Oh yeah, almost forgot. {{don'tbumpthreadswarning}}
I wouldn't mind if the quiz was taken down for a week or so, purely for entertainment value. The GoD (Gallery of Dumbasses) is afterall lacking in activity other than the Spanish branch (*cough hack wheeze*), and you never know, some people might have ground breaking news on the beta or other betas, yet not know enough to pass the quiz and just give up trying. (Yes, I see the flaw in my own argument here when there is a nifty device known as "Electronic Mail".) Still, just an idea. :P
Non taken Quick Man. Everone just sick to death of n00bs thinking they know it all they don't think, I had a sonic site but had to shut down coz of n00bs putting nasty things in the forms :no: , that's way I'm in am in full support of Simon's pre registration quiz.
We do the same, but we go a step further and prevent n00bs from joining at all. Prevention is better than cure.
Well, we don't prevent all of them from joining - if they're smart enough to pass the test but stupid enough to fuck up then they get 30 posts then the good old limbo that is PA.
Hmm. I DID find very hard the registration quiz, it took me up to 15 minutes to solve it. Things have changed now for me, of course. I have watched how many people have registered here, but only a few of them did join and post in the conversations. Does this mean that the quiz is easy, or most people go here just to lurk?
Seeing as this was horrendusly bumped. I found the quiz reasonabley easy, but a few of the technical/hacking questions I had trouble with, as I am definatly not a hacker of sorts.
I found the test really easy, since most of my free time last year was used looking at betas and other stuff, the last question is easy, you should make it something else, because n00bs that use a Gameshark might know an easy answer for that while entering codes.
Anyone who was around during the days of the old SSRG and look through this site should easily pass. Even if you aren't from back then the test is easy enough just by looking through the site.
And that, I think, is Simon's whole goal with the quiz. Make sure that people look through the site in-depth, before contributing.