I know I might be late on this, but welcome aboard, Asmodeus. (Do you mind if I still call you Shyguy Commander or The Overmind?)
Man, the registration test sucks! I think it should have less shit about M68K (:wtf: is that?) and more questions about sonic!
If you don't know what an M68k/68k/68000 is, then you are less likely to do well here. This forum is very specific about its members. We want intelligent people who are good ROM hackers, not ten-year-olds who know a lot about Sonic and want to discuss him in LARG MISPLET CPAITAL LTETERS.
Yes, but just because they're hackers, doesn't necessarily mean they're mature. Just look at "perfect chaos". There are also intelligent members who don't know the first thing about ROM hacking, but would still like to participate in serious discussions regarding S2B.
The M68K questions involve mostly definitions and simple facts that have very clear-cut answers. It's also a good test to see when people face something they don't know, whether they'll a) look it up and try to learn about it, or b) twiddling their thumbs and let ignorance be a source of bliss EDIT: If they're truly "intelligent", sure they'll know how to find the answers. It's all basic stuff, no full-blown ROM hacking knowledge needed. We want researchers (not necessarily ROM hackers), not people who say "since it's all opinion I can make up whatever I want, because, it's 'possible' right?".
I see what you mean, but this site wasn't made for rom hacking. I really don't know much more than the basics, but I'm doing fine. Plus, the test was rather easy.
I found it easy too. Google was a big help with research. I think simon made a good choice with the quiz. It could help get rid of all the n00bs. Also, people who played this game for a long time should do well. I;ve been playing it since I was 4.
Well, I think that a lot of that quiz is really easy. I breezed right through it, and everything I needed to know came from S2B or what I already knew. I think the quiz is a great idea (it and the great cleanout) to keeo n00bs away. I'm just concerned about how I will fare in validation, as this is my last post. I don't see myself as a troublemaker, and I have been as helpful and supportive as I can. I dearly hope that I'm accepted here. if anyone has opinions on my behavior, I'd love to hear it (albiet I can't respond). again I truly hope I'm good enough to be validated
Well, I don't know. The quiz is a good idea, but I think it should be longer. It's currently short to an extreme. I don't see how anyone couldn't answer those questions in less than 5 minutes.