Erm, I took this test again and I found a way to bypass it! Simon you may wanna look at this... when you fail all you gotta do is change the address and then it'll take you to the sign-up page! I didn't do this origanally, I passed second time (first time was one of those old page questions) but I felt like trying again cause I was bored and I managed that trick, cause il ike to meedle around with web urls like when lycos gives a error it prints it in the address, so you may want to look into that flaw simon
Not like I want to be banned much of an ass does anyone have to be to get banned from a forum??
I personally think the quiz is a jolly good idea. </Britishness> I've been browsing for a while and I know how NOT to behave in a forum (having been a moderator in two and administrator in one) and even so the question about the Sonic 1 beta threw me.
Im not biting your head off, just remember you need to mention things like.. no offense intented and things like that, otherwise members may get angry at your posts, just a hint on your guide to staying here for example
I visit that board also my sn's Sonic fan 1 (notice the simualraties) but the mb is down all of a sudden.
geez, you really took that to heart didnt you? Im British (and proud of it!), you can't deny that our history loads of people talked like that in what we see is a comical way (just look at John Cleese, he stresses the accent sooo much).
I hate the way that everyone automatically assumes that brits speak in a "posh accent". Kind of irritating how we're stereotypically judged.
Yes but that's the problem Ben2k9, its only us proper brits whom know. no one else does, they think we talk all posh style... well I'll tell you one thing now, nobody I know acts like those posh brits do in movies
Yes, but like I said im not against Americans I don't like to diss them as I know better then what some English people portray them