I didn't find a dedicated topic for it, apologies if I missed it. Eukaryot released the full version of Sonic 3 A.I.R. So yeah, that's pretty huge. The entirety of S3&K is now playable in 16/9 on pc. The physics are also pretty damn accurate if I remember the demo correctly. As far as I'm concerned, this is the closest we'll ever get to a Sonic 3 remaster by taxman. ?
I've been playing it, and I absolutely love it. Widescreen is nice of course, but I like the other additions too, like the really high quality music.
This is fucking awesome and deserves a dedicated thread IMO. Was going to post one but we already have news on the front page so was a bit hesitant. There's lots of coverage on this elsewhere also. It's performing extremely well for a fan created work. Everyone loves it. EDIT: Posted a dedicated thread anyway which is here. Credited both of you guys here.
Sonic fangamers and hackers tend to have great abilities and talent in producing absolutely beautiful looking projects. I, however, am not even remotely one of those people. :v: I'm more of an engines and ideas person, and barely that. (If you hate style clashing, this following video might bug you a lot. There's no coherent sound style or source, and I use actual sprite rotation and translucency despite the Sonic Pocket Adventure aesthetic. I'm very sorry about this.) http://youtu.be/NHK_VXG17xQ Here's a game where instead of being Sonic or Tails and collecting lots of rings, you're a single ring that is trying not to get collected by lots of Sonics and Tailses. You get touched, you lose. But you can hide and then possess those Sonics and Tailses, and make them attack each other. They have an "eye for an eye" sense of justice, so if they see any dudes get attacked, they attack the attackers. The longer you last, the more dudes spawn and the more dudes that can be active at once. It can get to be quite chaotic, since it eventually snowballs and never stops. I managed to make my own Sonic engine somewhere around the end of 2017. Putting this concept to that engine started as an April Fools' joke for MFGG. Part of me wants to fix this up (as in, totally gut it and replace Sonic Pocket Adventure with Sonic 2 or 3) and make it a more polished experience. I made a Mario game with this exact concept for a MFGG minigame competition back in 2012, and it seemed to go over pretty well. Perhaps a Sonic version of the idea can be about as fun, at least to start with; this type of gameplay gets repetitive rather quickly, unfortunately. (I'd make a topic for this, but I'm not really super likely to finish it. I don't have a good track record with my projects.)
I was going to say wasn't there a similar idea with a Mario fan game once? And I guess there was because you made it :v: I saw Vinny Vinesauce play it once I think in a fangame showcase. I like the idea, and honestly I think the art style looks nice as is.
Here's a mock up image of a upcoming project I'm working with someone on Discord. Yes It's a remake of Labyrinth zome. It's going to be less blocky I can assure you on that. (Sonic sprite was done by Swift/Stardust) I'm sorry to say that we don't have a background for the zone atm, and the HUD is a placeholder too btw.
In addition to the silver pillars, I love the added green, pink, and blue shades to the foreground rocks/statues in the Labyrinth environment art. Gives it a really nice, aged look to it that makes it look partially made out of quartz.
Thanks so much guys. Here's another mock up but this time it the background is in it [fully done and finalize] I've chosen purple was cause my previous attempt were too colorful or was similar to the foreground [which I didn't like at all]
Here's another thing I've been up to this pass month or so. Reviving my old fan game under "Sonic: DVD", a sequel to Sonic CD, instead of time traveling, it's dimension traveling. So far I've been only reworking this particular zone, Prism Palace, it's base on my interpretation of the unused zone R2 from CD.
The idea of dimension traveling sounds pretty cool, not gonna lie. And these two screenshots look amazing. Looking forward to more!
Amazing work so far! I imagine with dimensions, it'd give creative ways to have different style stages. Loving the tile work, too.
I really love that tree, and the gem looking designs, they are so nicely detailed! And I can really appreciate the light/shadow direction is consistent, well done =3
Thanks a lot man. It's a honor coming from that comment (happily fainted) Yeah you got me. Thanks a bunch.
So, this is the guy who made and then cancelled that Construct 2 Sonic project. Well, I've returned only to post this thing I made for fun.
I want to show you these videos guys. One is Jazz Jackrabbit 1(remastered),JMPForts map from one of local/online multiplayer(however servers are dead because jj3d was never finished just like ut4)level map mod for Unreal Tournament 2016 and another one is Sonic Mania Jazz Jackrabbit character mod. Do you know why sprites colors got reversed? Including Sonic 3(remastered)intro animation that I did in Blender.