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Sonic Megamix

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Stealth, Feb 20, 2009.

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  1. GasparXR


    I'm back! Member
    I love the art edits you guys made to LZ. The layout, judging from the pics looks more like a speedy level than in the previous release, with all the slopes and such.

    And the background is still awesome. =D
  2. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    Now, I do have a question. What's up with those palettes on Knuckles and Tails?
  3. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    Looks like an underwater pallet issue with the emulators

    So I played Megamix 4.0 for the first time, and I definitely enjoy this hack. To be short and brief, I'm not the biggest fan of the zone layouts, but the issue I have with it is common among most level designs in hacks, so I won't go there. One thing that bothers me about Zone 1 is for some reason, despite all the graphic changes, I still feel "Green Hill Zone," rather than a fresh new zone. Whether you were attempting that or not though, I don't know. To me the highlight of the hack is definitly the Dark Fortress Zone boss. It's challenging; it's not "RANDOM SHIT EVERYWHERE;" it's one of the most original bosses I've seen in a hack yet. The Eggman sprites for it only make it better.

    Good Job Team Megamix :thumbsup:
  4. Mr. Mash

    Mr. Mash

    All fanbases are awful Member
    About the grass;
    it fits ARZ, and the art posted above well, long grass would look silly, I think, since it's *presumeably* moss-like, growing over stone, rather than well-rooted long grass in soil.
  5. Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Taking a Sand Shower Tech Member
    Lyon, France
    Sonic 2 Long Version
    Sometimes in water levels, the underwater palette remains on screen for a frame or two because a VBlank was missed. Maybe that's the case here?
  6. Karl


    This looks really interesting, and it looks like a lot of time and care has been taken with it.
  7. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.
  8. Mr. Mash

    Mr. Mash

    All fanbases are awful Member
    Sonic's extra game is good fun, so shadow's... :)
    Although, might I suggest that instead of playing a 'super' theme, change the level's instruments or something to make it sound more aggressive and dramatic? The same music looped over and over gets a little annoying.
  9. Glisp


    That one weird guy that does stuff. Member
    Bloomington, IN
    None at the moment I'm afraid.

    Doesn't bother me. Of course, I've never been labeled as neither normal nor sane so yeah that might explain why I didn't care about the music.

    Also, the video WAS in 60 FPS BEFORE I uploaded it. Unfortunately though, youtube's conversion to M-PEG ruined it and lowered it down to 30. :(
  10. Flygon


    Can I suggest you upload your videos to DailyMotion? I've had video games with flickering sprites on there no problem (The effect works partially).
  11. Kurosan


    Samurai of Gaming Oldbie
    If I may make a suggestion too, perhaps something other than Chaos Blast would be more ideal for Shadow? Chaos Blast is very fitting for the character and having the ability to blow up all on-screen enemies at will is awesome, but there's a problem with that: What's the point of being able to kill all on-screen enemies when you're invincible and as such cannot be hurt by them? Again, Chaos Blast seems ideal in theory, but it's kind of redundant.
  12. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
    Hyper Sonic did it in S3&K, so I don't see the problem. Hyper Knuckles did it too whenever he glided into walls. It is just a perk.

    For example, what if there is a badnik rush or some kind of "blow this up to activate door" trigger ala Sonic Rush/Sonic Heroes/Sonic Boom? In that kind of situation it can shave off a few seconds.
  13. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    But then again, that was just a side effect to their main ability.
  14. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    You do it for the Score :specialed:
  15. Ridiculum


    If it's possible, maybe make Chaos Blast destroy monitors? It could make it much more useful that way in general situations.
  16. ShadowsofYesterday


    I have no idea what's going on. Member
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Sonic and the Magic Hat
    Several pages late, but what the Hell?


    Personally, I love dithering, as long as it's well done. And this artwork was indeed done quite well. My sombrero's off to the artist (apparently StephenUK).

    EDIT: Also, I now realize that this is a decently sized bump. But hey, this is the Megamix thread. It is kinda ageless.
  17. All of you that worked hard on it, I must say it was a job well done. :)

    Anyways, what I thought of it:

    Being able to play as Mighty and go Super is epic win. Question though. The item boxes on the bottem right of the screen when super...what do they do? I've pressed every button imaginable on my Keyboard to make it work. Is there something special you can do, or what?

    The level design was epic win. Even the music. Nice choice with the Michael Jackson song, too. Even the Megaman song in the Options Menu sounded perfect for this game. I loved the design and the music. Just great.

    So far, I've beaten it with Mighty and Knuckles, and am almost done with Tails. I haven't had this much fun on a Sonic game since the early Genesis days. And this is on a computer, which I can get picky using sometimes.

    There were a couple glitches I found though, where you go through the wall, and Tails can go off the screen by flying. It wasn't anything major, though.

    I'd rate this game a 9.5/10, easy. Congrats to those who worked on this game for a job well done!

    By the way, I have another question. There are moments where it won't load the game, so I have to quicksave, re-load the game, than quickload to get to the next map. I also couldn't access the credits at all. Is there a better Emulator besides Gens to use for this game?
  18. Use Kega Fusion it ownes Gens, Get it over at the inn, :)
  19. Sweet, thanks. I'll give it a whirl. :)
  20. Kurosan


    Samurai of Gaming Oldbie
    Use a game controller for PC / compatible with a PC. It makes playing those games a hell of a lot easier and more enjoyable.
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