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The Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 7, 2010.

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  1. Not sure if this has been brought up before, but...when Sonic reaches his 'wheel-o-feet' speed, I think it would look better if he had his arms behind him, like in Sonic CD. Maybe it's just me.
    (nitpick nitpick nitpick)
  2. glem3


    The fanbase would be pissed. That's what he did in sonic advance.
  3. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    I don't think the entire fanbase would be pissed, only a selected few hundred or so would. (I wouldn't like it, but I wouldn't be pissed.) I honestly like the lighting on his sprite, it reminds me of Sonic 3's sprite a bit.
  4. That and his feet and legs look even more silly.

    Just goes to show how much he cares about this game.
  5. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    Or, you know, there are people like me who would love to have this on their iDevice to enjoy on the go when away from consoles.
  6. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    the iPhone is popular, has a shit load of people using it, and a good portion of those will also be nostalgic Sonic fans from years ago

    so it's a pretty smart investment
  7. LockOnRommy11


    I don't get everyone bitchin' about the iTouch version. That wasn't cause for delay, no matter what you hear. There are a lot of people who use their iTouch devices on a regular basis. I, for one, use it to game a lot more than my DS now when I'm out and about, and I'm sat in a restaurant right now before going to work using it to reply to this thread. The iDevice version isn't smashing the other versions, it's just nice to have. I'll be getting the Wii and iTouch versions, because I'm often out and about.
  8. I think the reason why people are complaining about iTouch gettin more love is cause DIMPS + Rush Physics + iTouch better tweaks = more proof that Sonic 4 was better off as a "Rush 3" title on a handheld.

    Although I could be wrong, thats how I interpret it.
  9. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    The only thing I'm complaining about right now is people calling it iTouch.

    A Rush 3-style game sounds fine to me. I'm not big on this physics stuff. I'll buy it either way, although the classic physics would be nicer.
  10. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    My understanding was that they used to the delay to change the console version, and that it was the, har har, "iTouch" version that was left more or less as-is.

    Or am I misreading the sentence?
  11. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    The iDevice version is just Iizuka's attempt at weaseling out of the real reason for the delay. You should know this.
  12. LockOnRommy11


    I'm sure iTouch is the correct phrase that covers the iPod Touch, The iPhone, and the iPad. Am I right?
  13. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    If I get this game at all (I probably will), it'll be on XBLA most likely. I refuse to ever get any of the iPod line, I hate Apple with a passion, and especially hate most of the fans (who happen to be elitists).

    Also, the main reason I'd probably get this game is to play as Super Sonic in all levels again. I'm not embarrassed to admit that, because I've wanted to see it done well in a 3D game for a long time (regardless if it's a sidescroller or a action/platforming game, though it'd be cool to see them do it in a game with fully 3D areas like Colors- or a fully 3D adventure like SA2. But seems like Sega might not make more of those because they now seem to like mixing 2.5D with 3D- not that I'm complaining, I loved Unleashed aside the Werehog and QTEs. But maybe Sonic 3DS will be a 3D platforming adventure in more than one way).

    Besides, the game was fun at PAX, so it's not like it's a terrible game. I already know the problems to expect, so I definitely won't be underwhelmed by the game as I'm already putting my expectations pretty low.
  14. dsrb


    Just sounds like an abbreviation for IPod Touch to me.
    A 'catch-all' name that I have heard is iDevice (though personally I don't like that either ... or said devices :P although my iPod 5.5G is acceptable)

    Back on topic, I'd like to think that wasn't the reason for the delay, although any dissenting claims from Sega will now just sound like (and probably are) backpedalling. Iizuka and Ballough seem like incredible chumps; Aaron (RubyEclipse) certainly faces an uphill struggle in trying to sugar-coat what they say.
  15. NomadTW


    I ain't gotta impress you fucks. Member
    Not to mention his job must be a lot like babysitting a room full of screaming children and having a bunch of neckbeards in the back of the room scoffing at him the entire time. :v:
  16. Shadix


    Or that Iizuka just did blatant PR damage without realizing the lengths SoA has gone to through trying recover the game from it >_>.

    Whether it be Iizuka being ashamed to admit he's actually listening to fan input or the reveal that SoA twisted a very unrelated delay into something that seemed like a direct response to fan impressions, someones try to pull a fast one on us.
  17. Mad Echidna

    Mad Echidna

    Gone Oldbie
    Moral of the story: Ken Ballough is full of shit, and Ruby Eclipse or whoever feeds him his info is as well. Here we have it straight from the horse's mouth: The delay had nothing to do with our baaawing, it was simply because of the ill conceived iPhone port.

    And to think some of actually believed they might fix the physics. God fucking damn it. Welcome to the new SEGA folks: They have the best PR and community relations people in the industry, but in the Sonic game development department they still have the same old Japanese xenophobic out of touch with reality fucks that we've had to deal with for nearly ten years now.

    Sega's main strategy at this point seems to be to bend over as ass backwards as possible just to please those same idiots like Iizuka and pay people to make us feel better about it rather than actually, uh, DO IT RIGHT.

    Yes because corporate higher ups never lie.

    Best case scenario at this point is that Iizuka has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. Even if that's why he said that, then what exactly has he been doing during this whole development cycle? He's the director of this game, isn't he supposed to know stuff like this?
  18. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    I like how quick people are to read "IPHONE VERSION WAS THE CAUSE FOR THE DELAY", forgo actually reading the article, then bitch about how Sega has been lying to us this whole time.

    They aren't delaying the game to work on the iPhone version. They're delaying the game to make the console versions not play like garbage while leaving the iPhone version the same.
  19. Frozen Nitrogen

    Frozen Nitrogen

    Wouldn't the door have been easier? Wiki Sysop
    Well then it just comes down to a question of what you believe less; Iizuka's dubious ramblings about the iPhone, or other mystery higher-ups' dubious ramblings about fixing things due to our outrage.

    And neither of them are particularly believable. On the one hand, this is a man who thinks classic-style Sonic games need a boost button; but on the other hand, why would 2010 be the year Sega suddelny decide to give a rats ass about what retrofag neckbeards think?

    I really don't know which way to roll on this, so I'll suspend judgement until more rumor and innuendo trickles in. :v:
  20. <a href=";title;1&mode=previews" target="_blank">Gamespot Hands-On with Lost Labyrinth Zone</a>
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