Looks spot on. Didn't reveal too much either... hyped Bravo! Edit: 1/2/3/K/M at the end of the trailer - nice touch
Purchased a copy on Steam; will double-dip on Switch when it comes out. Good luck, guys. Hope we can have you back for another.
We're evaluating elevator buttons in a promo animation. Good work everyone, we've transcended to a new level of insanity :v:
I love the artwork of Eggman juggling the Emeralds. It's very clever and finally explains the emerald differences between Sonic 1/2 and Sonic 3.
Sonic 2 is 1MB. S3K is 4MB. The file size is much bigger because these assets are likely not made in the same way, instead being made using modern image editors etc. stored in 24bpp. There's no point wasting effort on task-specific compression when PNG is good enough and disk space is a lot cheaper than it used to be.
Same here. Up until today, I have never pre-purchased / pre-ordered / pre-whatever'd a game before, ever.
Can I just say that £14.50 is an amazing price for such a great game. I'm getting this on multiple consoles, so this price really helps out :specialed:
I really want those animations to be part of the game! Already pre-ordered the collector's edition for PS4 awhile back and would like to grab a Switch copy too, especially if they announce a physical release.
Purchased. Everything is perfect. The reveal of colour in the animation seems like a strong hint to cut-scenes to me, otherwise it's very strange to make that happen for a couple seconds at the end. Music/editing fits so well. I cant think of a way it could have been better. I actually had no idea what the new level was until I came here. I can only remember a couple of CD's stages, and none other than present. Weird that a CD stage is included but not on the elevator. Which is sort of fourth wall breaking so I'm kinda hoping that's just a trailer thing. Loving it all.
I used to be a big fan of Boxer Hockey, and it's been so surreal to see Tyson go from 'guy I read each week/month', to being a part of the Archie Sega crew, creating the 10/10 Sonic Mega Drive, to THIS TRAILER. Also meeting the guy in London, I can confirm he's a humble cool dude. top man. Speaking of the trailer, I really wish I was able to add something new or exciting to the pot that hadn't been said already, but man. My brain is simple and I'll instead just say how bloody brilliant that was! From the beginning music (are those tuned bumper sound effects being used?) to the new gamplay bits and pieces... The hype is starting to get a bit much! I've got my PS4 special edition pre-ordered. I don't know what else I can do to make this easier on myself. (...except finish sonic pocket adventure time attacks...grumble...)
I had the biggest, stupidest grin on my face at the office all day. This is wonderful. If the Collector's Edition doesn't arrive on August 15th, I'm buying it digitally again. Getting real True Blue Initiative in here. As for the apparent Stardust Speedway reveal, I'm feebly hoping for Metal Sonic race as Act 1 boss, and Metal Sonic Kai as Act 2 boss. I want my Chaotix, damnit.
Welp! I smashed that pre-orer button so hard you would not believe it! Good to know the game comes out while I'll be in the middle of my vacation too. Plenty of time to play! Purchased on both PS4 and Steam, my wallet is bleeding out, and I don't even care!
This. I was having trouble working, too, all while listening to THAT AWESOME MUSIC. Regarding the filesize, where are you guys seeing that info? Is that the final size? Is possible that the game is already final to know that, 3 months before release? That color animation at the end of the trailer was TOO good and TOO short to not be a hint at animated cutscenes...