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Sonic Generations - Unleashed Project v1.0 Available

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Dario FF, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    Right, so 95% of those players won't care about S ranks, will they?

    A rank is perfect. S rank is above and beyond perfect, the extra credit to boost your grade. I really don't understand how this has become such a big problem.

    I'm not just talking to you, but to everyone who has a problem with with the S ranks in this mod: when my best is not what it takes to get an S rank, I get better. I don't complain that my idea of being good isn't good enough (as in reality, I really suck at most Sonic games. I love them to death, I know the ones I've played back to front, but I still suck), and I notice that only the people who claim to be good are having issues, which makes me think it's just a wounded pride issue. All of the stages are able to be completed with S ranks without skills or exploits, and as long as that's the case all of you put on your big boy pants and deal.
  2. AnimatedAF


    Lol all I ever get on the mod rank wise is B or C because my computer can just about run Generations (runs even choppier than Unleashed on consoles) so my timing is all out of wack, and I was never that great at the Unleashed stages to start with, but they are still enjoyable, if anything I think these stages are more memorable than the Generations ones and the cute added touches (dressed up badniks, the new in-coming traffic section) and the replacement of Unleashed QTE fetish go to make them even better than they were before.
  3. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    "Suck it up and get better at the game pussies!" vs "you're a bunch of elitist fucks that can't balance a game fairly for shit!": The Thread
  4. Truner


    You are being ridiculously stupid. I said that beating the stages weren't impossible. That means, the accessibility is right there in the game. You can beat it without much of a problem. You are getting pissed off because you can't get the BEST FUCKING RANK in the game. What did you expect? There's a reason it's called an S rank. In most games you have to work really hard to get that. Just one example would be the Devil May Cry series, where you really have to do your best to pull off Double or Triple S combos and and the stage with such ranks.

    Face it, you can beat the stage, everyone can beat the stage. The stages are easy but if you want to be the best (ie S rank), you better work for it. Arguing about this makes you look like a retard. All this time you are spending here could be spent making yourself a better gamer. What, is the mod not fun enough? Is not not good enough, so you don't want to spend more time playing it?

    The problem is, SEGA fucked this one up. In Sonic Rush, getting S ranks were mildly hard (still absolutely possible in roughly 3 runs). In Rush Adventure, they upped this with even harder scores. After that, the S rank matter kind of went away and they started throwing them out for basically not getting hit, or dying or shit like that. That's no excuse for a perfect run, to be honest.

    Either way, you can still beat all of the stages, so you can't say that the game is made for elite fans only.

    AAAAAAAAAND I just looked up the other posts. Sorry for still going on this, but I don't want to delete this post. I promise to stop. Blaze, we can continue in PM if you want to. Believe it or not, I'm not angry or anything and would like people to understand this (just like you, I'm coming from a game developer's POV).
  5. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    It doesn't require skills. At all. The S rank times are like 3-6 seconds above my no-skill runs, and I don't know any of the "speedrunner" techniques people keep talking about.

    EDIT: New Project announced!

  6. Falk


    Should have made each of the launchpads on the board section a QTE launchpad.
  7. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    They are. They just don't work with the sled. :v:
  8. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    Too bad I don't have a 360.
  9. brianuuu


    Sonic Colors Porting
    Non-speed runner = Don't care about S-rank?
    Seems legit

    But drifting on water to become faster is a glitch, normally you won't need it to get S rank.
    Why don't you guys make a run on getting S-rank on Jungle Joyride and feel the pain of playing as a normal player, k?
  10. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    Oh man, the White Space facelift in the Unleashed mod was excellent, I can't wait to see what you guys do with the hubs for this mod!
  11. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    The camera angle during a full 90 degrees rotation during the building running section at the end of the stage looks so much cooler than what actually happens in game. Real talk
  12. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Why do you keep saying that you need to use speedrunner techniques for this?

    I did none of what you mentioned in this run. All of that is perfectly achievable and is intended by level design (and I didn't even pick even faster shortcuts that are also intended by level design). Not to mention that I'm not using any skills.

    Jungle Joyride is probably the most lenient one with the time. It's more of an endurance run.
  13. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Heh. Looks pretty achievable to me.
  14. brianuuu


    Sonic Colors Porting
    most lenient? orly?
    BTW does the ring count matters? cuz even I've checked the remove 999 ring limit in SonicGMI the max ring is still 999
  15. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    You only need 100 rings to get the 5000 point bonus. Anything extra doesn't count.
  16. Truner


    I started lauging at the "HELP" part and started crying when the split screen trailer started playing. :D Probably the best April fools prank, even if it was an obvious one. :D
  17. brianuuu


    Sonic Colors Porting
    But it looks like if you can more rings you have more ring bonus, also as I know the S-rank time for Jungle Joyride time is 4:03.83, you've got 4:02.15, so there is just 1 second mistake can be made. Considering other stage, you should be able to make at least 10 seconds mistake to get an S-rank, so why the range is that small for Jungle Joyride? Especially it's a long stage, the range should be even larger.
  18. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    I purposely took slower routes here to show that the S-Rank time is very achievable. There's plenty of shortcuts you can take on that run. There's one at the start where you don't really need to go at all to the springs at the right, which is the reason the breakable barriers are there. The moment you hear the barriers break, you're safe to jump at the spring further away. There's quite a big shortcut that is intended by level design on the 2nd water part, and it saves up to 5-10 seconds compared to the route I took. There's even another intentional shortcut at the end with the peak of the jump and the fake springs.

    And why does the gap need to be 10 seconds (it already is, but let's say it's not for the sake of your point) on every level? It's the last level in the mod, it's easily justified by a difficulty curve. And a difficulty curve isn't even necessary, due to my next point...

    I'd rather people stop bringing "game design" discussion into something that is clearly an optional goal. I'm pretty convinced the whole issue is not with the mod (although I will admit the lack of feedback is the biggest problem with getting this system to work) but with the previous bias of how Sonic games have handled ranking up until now, and I'd like to keep that discussion for another thread.
  19. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Well, that's a real big shame. I would've thought you would be more in favor of preserving Sonic Unleashed the way it originally was. Guess I was wrong about you.

    Well, that's a real big shame. I would've thought you would be more in favor of preserving Sonic Unleashed the way it originally was. Guess I was wrong about you.
  20. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    The ranking systems in Unleashed and Generations are pretty different. Sonic Generations only takes the amount of rings and your time into the final score. Unleashed also counts the enemies you defeated, the rainbow rings you went through etc. I don't think it's actually possible to port over the way the ranking system worked in Unleashed.