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Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. ArtFenix


    New Sonic related Game Music Video
    Ah, how could I forget about him being in Sasasr?^^ Anyways, his model is a bit worse in that game if my memory serves me right, so Free Riders model is more preferable.
  2. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Generations handles terrain pretty much like this.

    -terrain-model file: Your model of any geometry you want(a plant pot, a tree). Doesn't need to be axis aligned to (0,0,0).
    -terrain-instance file: A 4x4 position, rotation, and scale matrix

    We don't have a way to import custom geometry yet, but it's just a matter of figuring out file formats(and the weird data after the "End of file" part is weird and have no idea what the hell it is). I was planning into making people just exporting an Ogre scene from Max(or any of the other 3D editors who have Ogre exporting plugins), and it would automatically get in all meshes, materials(which are human-readable and can be manually editted), and the .scene file says all the positions of instanced geometry.

    Alternatively I was thinking of providing the option to "Import .mesh file" inside the program and you can just place it around by yourself. Do note that for making a custom level you should keep handy an extra mesh that will handle collision of the whole level(and it will be invisible).

    We're pretty far off from even attempting to make a stage from scratch though. Also, someone needs to write a path file importer/exporter. It's just a bunch of XMLs, but I have no idea how to create splines in 3D. :( A max script will probably do the trick. (Path files handle quick-step paths, auto-running paths, grind rails, wall walking, loops, etc.)
  3. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Aquaslash, I'm not entirely sure Shadow even jumps in Generations, as stupid as that sounds. O.o though I suppose you could use a more red version of Super Sonic's jump.

    Anyway, I'm sure splines aren't that hard once you get the hang of making them. All they are are just the XYZ of the anchor point in 3D space plus the positions of the two handles, yes? If anything you could put in some manual imputs in a 3D editor if I remember right? I KNOW you can enter values into UDK (maybe even Unity) to get a working spline curve...
  4. KuroBit


  5. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Ok so we won't hack Sonic 4 to make it more classic and yet we will hack Generations, which is essentially a classic game plus, to become Sonic 4?!

    ...What?! :psyduck:
  6. Send that to Sonic Team, and tell them that is how we DON'T want Sonic gameplay to be.

    And I second fixing Sonic 4 now that its on Steam.
  7. KuroBit


    Hah, well, it's much easier to break a game than it is to fix it. Anyway, are we actually able to change the physics in Sonic 4? The lack of any kind of "fix" hack led me to believe that we have no method of changing it's physics so far.

    + - Although I am getting rather off topic, sorry about that.  
  8. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    Well you see, you can edit Generations physics in fucking notepad. Sonic 4 on the other hand you would need to disassemble it into either x86 or PPC assembly(depending the version you are editing) then do a few days of work to figure out where Sonic's physics values even are, and even then you have a very small chance of doing anything beyond changing his speed. Honestly I do quite believe you are suffering from a mental deficiency.

    Good day sir.
  9. KuroBit


    Oh, so I'm not crazy for thinking that would be quite difficult? I didn't realize we knew nothing of Sonic 4's engine. Though I guess it makes sense, it was just such a simple undeveloped game, I don't think the effort put into trying to fix it would be something anyone would want to waste their time on, since the end result would be somewhat decent at best.

    Generations on the other hand... The game is practically a half-closed/half-open source game development engine. I feel like there are going to be a lot of things we can do with this in the future.

    EDIT: Or should I say that developing on this closed source engine is half open and half closed?... I don't know.
  10. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Have another video.

    My priority right now is to get the levels playable at least. If it's fun it should hold up on its own anyway... right? :v:
  11. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    I didn't know about the problems with Sonic 4 compared to Sonic Generations in terms of modding. Its not like it was greatly talked about in detail, it was never talked about at all! I never saw anything menctioned after Sonic 4's PC release that Sonic 4's PC version was a heavier strain of editing/modding compared to Generations.

    I guess the "Show respect to fellow members. Don't be a dick." Rule gets to be absolved by you, Right? This is the second time you awnsered and been a dick to me over no reason. Don't like my posts? Ignore it and move on with the topic.

    You have a good day too. :)
  12. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    Don't mind him, he tends to always act this way towards other people.

    Anyways, its looking good Dario, fixing up that collision and objects, I couldn't get passed that Corridor part where you wallrun. I'm guessing thats done by xml as well? Since I never touch the xml stuff and deal with the model junk. Since me and your program have a bit of distaste for one another. Still looks great just needs those Trick Pads implemented in someway.
  13. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    I would like some opinions on what to do in Empire city. (Ignore the obvious material glitches and cameras)

    1. What should I replace the thorn fans around the big beams with? I don't know of any object in generations with a similar behaviour.
    2. Since there's no big chaser coded in the game, what could be used instead in the first section of the big bridge? (The GUN truck is an obvious suggestion :v: )
    3. Since there's no QTE Jump pads(the one you just bump into and press the button to go to the next one), what could I do in that shortcut?
  14. Felik


    1. Flamethrowers from crisis city maybe?
    2. you said it :)
    3. lightdashable rings?

    Also I'd suggest to look into objects that are only used in missions and use them in unleashed's levels. For example those flying spring things from pumpkin hill could be put to a good use.
  15. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member
    3. Or just springs? It would be an obvious solution, you don't have to come to a stop to lightdash at the right time, and it flows.
  16. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    For #3, Springs sound good I'd go with that. everything else I'd go with Felik's suggestions.

    So have you had any luck replacing mission stages with these unleashed stages or are they still going to be main stage replacements?
  17. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy
    • Eggman Springs. Hit one, and they launch you off the tube, likely to your death.
    • 2:10-End in the video below, but with Eggman Springs, spikes and obstacles.
    • Springs and Rainbow Rings, or if you wanted to get creative, platforming section.

  18. 1: Is it possible to chain together a few spike balls and have those do the same thing instead? (I'm thinking kinda like the dive from Unleashed's Rooftop Run)
    2: I'd say the GUN Truck is definitely the best option. Or have the Flying Battery and the small Chasers.
    3: Normal ramp taking the normal route, and a Rainbow Ring before it and direclty above the main path. Maybe make it harder to get to by having a boost pad somewhere before it.

    BTW, are those moving platforms original to the level, or are they reskinned from a Generations level?
  19. 1) Could you use the half-buzzsaws from Planet Wisp?
    2) YESYESYES. Also even better would be if you could make it look like it was just driving on that road and you just HAPPENED to land in front of it.
    3) Springs are the best option in this case.
  20. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.