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Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Yarharhar


    So, are you actually able to make these 2d planes that classic sonic orients himself to?

    And if so, can these planes be not-static? As in, attach and orient themselves to sonic? In that case, since sonic keeps his reference to the 2d plane, if you could keep it orienting to his look direction, the spindash direction would stay updated. This is of course a workaround at best, but hacking is always little steps :)
  2. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    I've stopped having problems with classic's spindash (other than before the first 2D plane) since I started using the iz3D driver with generations. Now I can spindash in the correct direction. :psyduck:
  3. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Erm... I'd like to know how this could be hacked into the EXE via hex or x86 ASM, because this looks like a stretch...

    So using a 3D video driver you can spindash correctly in 3D?

    Video or it didn't happen, sorry.
  4. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    I must know.
  5. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Can't you equip the skill modifying the lua scripts(if there's any available) in the stage file? At least for missions you can equip any shit you want that way.

    Also an interesting problem for someone who might know the answer, past a certain coordinate in some levels we're testing(rooftop run in particular since it's such a long stage), past a point there's a bug where collision is screwed up. It's like any game logic still works, but havok dynamic physics and stuff stop working. Sonic can't collide with enemies and objects, and the bug stays after restarting the level. Even if the pieces of a blown enemy fly past that point they just stay in the air right there.

    My guess is that this problem is Havok related since the objects are going out of the broadphase box and so, it asserts and the havok simulation just stops. Since sonic's handled by in-game logic and they seem to do their own collision with the rigid bodies, he can still walk around. I've tried increasing the aabb limits in the world info, Chimera was testing changing how the broadphase handles objects outside of the box(city escape has one particular definition for it), but no luck. If anyone has any more experience with Havok I'd appreciate if you can help. :(

    EDIT: Also, does anyone not realise you can make custom animations instead of doing those lame ass model swaps? :v:

    Just use some settings in the Havok filters, import a model with Darkspines' script since the skeletons are named accordingly, animate the keyframes and done. :v: It's been known for a while but apparently the answer has to be spoon-fed I guess.
  6. synchronizer


    To be honest, I think the original Unleashed version of the gameplay engine is superior to that of Sonic Generations. Unleashed has a light-dash that can be used almost everywhere, there's foot collision, and also Unleashed has a longer air boost. The only thing that Generations improved upon, from what I can tell, are the drifting controls and implementation of trick combos.
  7. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Blank out the light dash aura and you got the same.

    Generations has that.

    Tweakable in the XML configuration files.

    As for improvements:
    • Support for proper 60 FPS framerate, which helps a ton with timing and no control lag
    • Support for more resolutions than sub-720p, and PC gaming knows no bounds on that.
    • The quality of the assets in Unleashed plus the DLC Global Illumination data is bigger than an average Generations stage. Rooftop run has about double the filesize than the Generations version, and that includes 270 MB of global illumination data.
    • A PC version of the part that is considered good of Unleashed, without having to deal with the werehog

    In its current state there's not much to wow anyone, but once all materials are working plus shadow casting it'll look much, MUCH better. That's why I'm currently researching into the terrain format as well thanks to Darkspines.
  8. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    As Dario explained, those are all incorrect reasons to think the Generations gameplay engine is "inferior". Technically speaking, it is very much superior to Unleashed in every way, and any nitpicks you have with the gameplay changes were INTENTIONAL design decisions, not at all the fault of the engine.

    By the way, each ring has a toggleable option for light-dashing, so Sonic Team merely decided Sonic can only light dash with specific ring trails in Generations.
  9. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    Okay put in some real drifting in there and not the ball action. Oh wait, I think that just uses the jump ball animation anyways. Oh well. But if not, someone get right on that.
  10. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Tbh I actually like the ball drift; it fits Sonic's style a little more IMO. Plus; the spinball spawn is hardcoded IIRC.

    Also, for clarification, this bounding box probelm also happens in Cool Edge and that stage isn't even that big, so no doubt it could randomly happen in other stages we didn't completely finish yet. Just a little extra incentive for people to help out I suppose :p
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Random comment, but the one thing I liked about that empire city video is that Sonic's drift actually works around that corner now. I always had to slow down and jog around that corner in Unleashed.

    Oh and now that we have Super Sonic in Shadow's level, try and do it in Perfect Chaos for real since... well it makes sense. And one thing I had in mind that I was curious about, would it be possible to create new maps for rival battles? Sonic vs. Metal Sonic in Sky Sanctuary would be pretty awesome.
  12. Even just putting Modern and Classic in each other's boss battles with a few tweaks so they work properly. I think THAT would be interesting to see.
  13. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    Not unless he did it with cheat engine some how.
  14. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy
    I can't believe I haven't asked this before, but how easy is it to edit textures? I really want to retexture some signs in Crisis City and City Escape.
  15. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works

    So I liked Unleashed's drift, I finally figured out how the spin ball works and got it set up to play Sonic for the animation. Just need to animate him properly, then we can have Sonic drifting like he did in that Cg trailer. Since I liked that drifting than this ball stuff.

    Faceplant Drift = Epic
  16. Vangar


    I think I need to see a video of faceplant drift.
  17. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy
    Would it be feasible to rip the animation from Sonic Unleashed?
  18. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    That has a different compression from the pc version I believe? I would love to do that though, would make it much easier than making an animation like this. But its fine though.
  19. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy
    Is there a way to cheat the system on this one by maybe importing it and exporting it through some animation software, or at least have a way of using the original animation as a guide?
  20. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    It's the same reason we can't import collision files. They're havok specific files for the xbox 360 only, not readable by the PC sdk. Unless you got 50k dollars to spare for a full license, you're gonna have to use your imagination. :v: