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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Frontiers' narrative with the characters is very explicitly about them wanting to move on beyond Sonic and explore the world on their own.

    * Amy wants to go on a road trip,
    * Knuckles wants to explore the world outside of Angel Island (which is something that he was already doing, but Frontiers re-establishes that protecting the Master Emerald is his status quo and that Knuckles wanting to do more is an intentional character decision and not just Sega forgetting about Angel Island),
    * Tails wants to become his own hero (which isn't too different than what his character arc was in the past, but Frontiers makes it clear that he wants an adventure on his own).

    That is definitely expanding on the characters.

    Regardless of future games actually following through on this (which I somewhat doubt myself, in so much the idea that they'd get an actual game to themselves), it's the willingness to do so and the fact that this is considered to be a new start by the developers that they keenly intend on following up on that says yeah, they very likely would develop Sage in the future.
  2. kyasarintsu


    I don't want to see Sage again if she's going to be an antagonist. I find it hard to believe she'd want to go destroy Sonic and cause all sorts of mayhem after the events of this game. And if they're going to be erasing elements of her character (in- or out-of-universe) to do so, then I especially don't want to see her again.
  3. According to Ian Flynn, she never actually turned good in the end. And even if she did, the version Eggman brought back may not be as kind as the one Sonic knew.
  4. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Sage turning villainous again after Eggman reprogramming her could be an interesting plot point. Throw in some sorrowful scenes with the heroes about her forgetting being able to feel kindness towards Sonic and I think you've got a pretty good dynamic.

    Who knows, maybe she could also serve as a sort of replacement for Orbot and Cubot since they're strictly comic relief and the tone the games are going for is clearly gonna be more serious from here on out and they wouldn't fit into that. (Not that I want Orbot and Cubot gone, I love those goofy little guys, but I don't think it's out of the picture for them to go away for a while in favor of Sage.)
  5. Bluebobo


    Weird take central Member
    It makes sense for Sage to not be "good" exactly in the end, yeah she helped saved the world but i can still imagine her being more sympathetic towards her own father's goals, Eggman saved the world too in SA2, things can be complicated.

    But that last line, oof.Don't like that.
  6. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    It would actually be very fun to have Sage be aligned with Eggman and send robots after Sonic and stuff but still just be his friend who is happy to see him. Play it for comedic interactions between her and Eggman, who wants to destroy Sonic but also support his daughter.
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  7. MastaSys


    You're going to get backlash if you're going through with this idea Ian...

    It's not hard to have Sage like Sonic but acting like an antagonist because she's a daddy's girl.

    I like Ian's stories but sometimes a very bad idea pops up.

    Sega would never aprove Sticks living in secret in Angel Island for example. (I don't think Sega will ever want any secret santient life in the island after Penders)
  8. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Idk what’d be wrong about Sticks living on Angel Island?
  9. Snowbound


    I also really like the idea of Sticks living on Angel Island.

    I haven’t played Frontiers yet but I see the danger in the revised Sage being a copy of the Sage from Frontiers. I’m never a fan of when characters are clones of preexisting characters. Then again I haven’t played Frontiers so maybe it could work
  10. serpx


    So, what's up with this Ian stuff again?

    I was in the process of typing up several paragraphs on how I wasn't bought in to Ian yet, and then I saw that he wrote the Knuckles Prologue and completely deleted everything. I haven't read the IDW comics, nor do I plan on it (I'm still burned out from reading Archie comics for years).

    Is it that SEGA's story ideas is watering down Ian's potential? I feel like Sonic Frontier's story was okay. I love all the references to past games, and I was excited for who the Ancients are, and the potential that means for the future of the franchise. I feel that the Ancient's enemy was a completely wasted opportunity. The fact that we fought
    : a MOON was such a major disappointment to me. While I like Eggman as the main villain, we could've had a temporary new bigger villian that was a whole advanced alien race that was responsible for wiping out the Ancients. That would've been way more interesting than blowing up a ****ing moon. Imagine, Eggman bringing back SAGE and her being on the good side to help Sonic continue to fight this bigger threat.

    And while everyone was in love with the dialogue in the game, I wasn't blown away from it. In fact, sometimes I found it to be kind of odd. Like the over exaggerated stares with Sonic and Knuckles. I get that they're trying to re-establish that Sonic and Knuckles can have some tension and light rivalry between each other, but maybe it just feels weird/off since it's been so long since I felt any of that tension.
  11. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    I want Sage to continue being an antagonist, if only because "villain who is in on the bit and just thinks this kind of stuff is fun" is a dynamic we don't really have for villains in Sonic games. Sure Eggman can be comical but he's definitely serious about whatever he's doing, meanwhile a Sage that thinks it's funny to kick Sonic's ass but also has a vested interest in keeping things from becoming too dire (despite the motivations of her dad) would be interesting. Eggman for instance being torn between being a loving dad but also she's kind of messing up his plans for her own goals.
  12. synchronizer


    Sage is the voice of reason for Eggman, as an opposite to Orbot and Cubot, which were really just lackeys. She just happens to have Eggman work with Sonic because it’s the most strategically-sound choice. (Also it’s a given at this point in the most well-produced 3D games — Eggman needs help because the evil side of the forces of nature is more powerful. Very Miyazaki.)

    Also, Eggman himself respects Sonic even as an enemy.
    So it wouldn’t surprise me if Sage just continued the same way: opportunistically doing what’s best for Eggman, and well, having a similar relationship with the hero characters.
  13. ELS


    Has anyone released a way to fix the draw distance? I've seen videos and it seems like the only way to play this game.
  14. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Nope. Not yet, at least.
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  15. Kyro


    Apparently, at some point it was intended for you to be able to drift at any time, similar to generations and unleashed. Its been scrubbed from sonic, but super sonic is actually still able to by holding LT, and he has a unique animation for it too!
    What I find most interesting though, is Morio kishimoto saw this tweet and responded! Here is his DeepL translated response
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2022
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  16. Bluebobo


    Weird take central Member
    Kishimoto once again with the transparency, this is so new to me, especially after such a fresh release of a piece of media.

    And yeah, if you like Frontiers or not (i do, a lot), it's painfully obvious it's unfinished and this just keeps on adding to the pile. And yeah that is enough to break the game experience for a lot of folk. Though i'm not sure which cut features were intended to be included but were unfinished, or are just cut concept art they had nothing interesting to do with.

    I can only hope Sonic Team works on the foundation of this game.
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  17. Fadaway


    I began playing it last night for the first time. I like a lot of of but there are things I'm not thrilled about. But, the overall gameplay is pretty good. It's a lot to take in. The cut scenes were kind of cringe for me. The gameplay is solid, though.
  18. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Hello Sonic Frontiers thread reader.

    I imagine not many are dodging spoilers by this point, but nearly two months after launch and a week past Christmas I'm just giving a warning a few days early. Soon the spoiler thread will be locked, and then spoilers can openly be discussed in this thread. If you are still saving story beats or what have you for yourself, skip this thread until you know what's up. I'll post again when this is in effect.
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  19. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    I thought the spoilers thread would be merged into this one.
  20. Yeah, I had thought of that too, why can't it just get merged or something?