But why? Sonic's been doing pretty well in the west already. There's even been conventions in both the US and UK. It's Japan that doesn't seem to care about Sonic. Even though Sonic Boom is a spin-off thing, I don't think this huge push is necessary, especially with those drastic redesigns. At least their intentions seem to be good, if not a little misled. All things considered, I'm at least glad Sega is experimenting with games that take place in a spin-off universe. That way, they don't have to tamper with the "main" series for the sake of experimentation like they have for a long time. Honestly, that's what they should've done with Adventure and onward. We'd still have the pre-1998 Sonic alongside the Adventure era Sonic, and the series wouldn't have went through so many changes.
OMG that sound! Hilarious as always, Retro. But yeah, I too have been on the fence today but I am leaning more towards positive now than negative, when before I was not pleased with it at all. The aesthetic seems to lend itself to a more open world concept, which I am definitely looking forward to trying. I see speed is back into play for all characters, and I think I even see some Werehog concepts with Knuckles gameplay, which is what I thought Knuckles should play like anyways (without the stretchy arms anyway). Tails will hopefully not solely revolve around tech gadgets in his stages, but will keep the speed in his levels too. Amy with her acrobatics seems to make sense, and could work in a Sonic game with a speedy twist on it. Sonic running on water seems to confirm they have ensured Sonic stays fast during his bits, though I hope he isn't ditching platforming either. Hopefully they won't completely drop the parkour system from SLW, as I saw potential with that. Eggman looks fine from the cartoon clip, and I can't wait to see if he will pilot some mechs in the game as bosses (pleasepleasepleaseRedButtonplease). The cartoon clip also seems to show Eggman creating new robots, which I hope they continue to let him do. That mechanical worm at the end of the game trailer gives me hope we are going back to a world where there will be many different creepy looking robotic animals to take out. Overall, I am cautiously optomistic. I have faith this can work if done correctly. Lets see if the devs at Red Button think so too.
A new badnik, or robot, whatever they're called this time around. They're more generic than the Eggman and animal styled enemies we normally get. But it looks like there'll be some that are somewhat more 'normal': All in all this game just screams 'Western' like no Sonic game ever has done before. For better or for worse it's not really possible to say. It's just do different. I'm excited!
I can't quite put my finger on 'WHY', but something about the game play footage looks like it could work as a 4 player arcade game. I really love the look of Tails and Amy. The changes make them look older, mainly Amy...Tails just looks more like the mechanic he is with the addition of the goggles. However I'm not too sure about the bandages. Knuckles I can understand (taped fists/fighter) but Sonic's feet? Where are they going with that?
To be honest this image actually reminded me of the t-rex badnik in Hidden Palace Sonic 2. Also past few years has been generic Egg Pawns with exception of the the animal-style badniks making an appearance in Lost World + Sonic 4: Episode 2
I am at a loss for words. The models look okay in the show, but a bit stiff on the animation/jokes/slowmojumpbullshit. They look bad and good in the game, depending on what screenshot/scene you're looking at, almost like we're seeing multiple old/new builds. The fucking brostep was not necessary and shoehorned in terribly. Whoever made that call needs to be sacked. Skrillex was the most generic brostep artist they could have picked, anything would have been better. Dorito chip Eggman is kind of a nice change. The game world and gameplay looks pretty and smooth. It's so fucking inconsistent that I don't know where I stand. I WANT to hate everything about this, but I also feel strangely compelled to reserve judgement until release.
It's strange. Sonic was originally designed to appeal to the west circa the cartoon renaissance of the 1990's. Since then, that renaissance ended in favor of anime, which then ended in favor of CG cartoons. Sonic's evolution from a Felix the Cat lookalike to a shonen anime protagonist to a wisecracking CG animal is truly a reflection of the times.
Hey, don't look at me; I didn't put it in there. Does seem to start over if I click "Edit" on the "badass lapel" post, though, so I'm guessing it's that post? And yeah, I hear "orange rings" at the end, too. Curious as to the source of this audio.
Only '06 and SA2 really used generic looking robots, and Unleashed at a bit of push. Everything else has used Egg Pawns, other Eggman-based enemies or the traditional animal-based ones. While Egg Pawns may be generic within the series, they're distinctively Sonic styled and would stick out elsewhere.
Note: I'm an old man and I don't like change. I'll reserve any thoughts on the game until I actually get hold of it (and I will be pestering Sega PR about this), but good lord do I ever hate the creative direction. Then again, I probably don't really matter anymore. Sigh.
I'm really liking the look of this, when they unveiled the silhouette of Knuckles last year, I was a bit apprehensive as he is my favourite character. But honestly the lot of it just looks cool, and the fact its a spin off meaning the other designs stay too, it'll just be really cool to see it all up and running. Excited for sure. :D
I think it's kind of cool. The characters looking older fits better with their personality, and the arms thing actually makes a lot of sense (and it distinguishes Amy more). Knuckles is a bit too buff, and in general the characters heads' are exactly the same, but I can get over it. The bandage motif is weird, though it's not a showstopper. Those in-game models though, ugh. The game sounds promising, but I see why the trailer started with a "in development" disclaimer. For the show, I'm happy to see a more lighthearted quarter-hour format, maybe they should even bring back those villainous sidekicks from that other Sonic cartoon set in the wilderness. It looks a bit too clean, but that's certainly better than the alternative. I personally would've been A-OK if this was a reboot instead of a spinoff, but eh, whatever works. I am a bit disappointed Blaze isn't here, given her status as a competent, unique, non-annoying non-sexualized female character. IRONY Also, hey I'm Sonic + - Jon should be Shadow, because they're both abandoned now lololololol