I would say the 3DS is more than "moderately successful" considering it basically owns the handheld market at this point.
It wouldn't surprise me if signed Sanzaru on for two games when they did the Boom deal so this sequel is probably something they are contractually obligated to release. It's quite likely that work started on this sequel before the original shipped, so it's unlikely to be a significant improvement over the original. The again, Sonic Rivals 2 came exactly a year after the original and was significantly better (in some areas), so they might be able to turn it around.
I don't even. There are no words. I'm not even angry, I just have this big emotionless smile on my face.
Well. Didn't see that coming, because you'd think they'd have more sense than that. Of course maybe releasing a licensed game based on a show before the show came out wasn't such a great idea. Oh wait, sense? Ha no I forgot this is Sega. Their company's mission statement probably mentions making as little sense as possible. But hey, maybe, just maybe they'll make something worthwhile this time. It's a... sign at least when one of their tumblr hashtags was along the lines of "It'll be better than the first one!" Hell I'm surprised after the horrors of the first two that Sega of Japan let them make a 3rd.
I'm... Confused? Part of me wants to be excited for this, but the other half knows that Sanzaru is gonna screw it up again. Shattered Crystal was literally just "Metroidvania the Hedgehog", and I didn't think the Metroidvania gameplay meshed well with the GOTTA GO FAST gameplay. It was an experiment that mostly fell flat on its ass. Am I gonna pick this one up though? Maybe. I'm holding out until you guys get your hands on it and give your opinions on the game itself before I pull the trigger and buy it. And who knows? Maybe this WILL end up being better than the first one like Sega is claiming! :specialed:
I honestly don't understand why this was announced or made at all over the new mainline game. Maybe it's just me, but I would have been okay if Boom was just a cartoon with some mobile games. Also, the title sounds really boring. At least Shattered Crystal sounded cool. Fire and Ice just sounds super dull.
Ladies and Gentle, if I may have your attention for just a moment, I implore you to gaze into my magical crystal ball, for it shall reveal all things that have come to pass and are destined to repeat. Sega releases Sonic Boom Fire and Ice on the 3DS. One third of those who play it are 8 years old and like it, another third decry it as the worst Sonic game ever. Finally, the last third contend it has improved substantially over the first installment, while not perfect it is a decent game and shows promise. SEGA then instinctually decides to never touch Sonic Boom on the 3DS again and moves on to their next half baked idea… forever, and Ever And EVER!!!! MWHAHAHA! POOF!
But seriously, I don't really have any expectations for this game. Like, I guess I had more fun with SC than RoL, but....ehhh.
"Play with Fire. Race With Ice." Between this and Jason Griffith's condom commercial, seems the franchise is ready to break into the adult market :P
"Sonic Boom Condoms" Yeah, let's just call it that. Any particular way we could possibly make that nickname stick elsewhere? Reddit maybe? I think it would be great if one of the game's most popular nicknames became Sonic Boom Condoms.
I'm completely lost as to why all of you hate Sonic Boom. Personally, I wasn't a fan of Sonic CD due to the shitty boss fights and the awful level design, but I really think that the song did a lot for the quality of the franchise. Coupled with what was essentially an entirely new approach to Sonic games via the anime opening, it really did a lot for the attitude of players coming straight off of the Genesis works. What's more, Pastiche does a fantastic job sounding like an early 90's black female pop group when they are in fact an early 90's white female pop group (I know that kinda sounds racist, but I can't really think of any politically correct ways to articulate what I'm trying to convey). It's certainly much better than that crap Crush 20 or Crush 40 or Crash whatever remixed, which somehow managed to bleed away all the charm of the original while still retaining the same source material. Honestly, it's all green eyes and Nike grins with you guys. Try appreciating things for what they are rather than how they weren't what you were wanting. Edit: Wait, Sonic Boom is a game?
Oh wow, yet another sub-par Sonic game. The future was looking so bright after Generations. Where did it all go wrong?