Oh! Well, certainly sounds good! Perhaps that might be just it then, I guess we'll wait and see. hhhhh... Well, as far as I know it does! Or was it just a joke...
I edited it, see? Well, anyway, I've been drawing some general object art over the last few days and I will be posting as complete a mock up as I can once I have made a decent amount, so you lot know where this stuff is heading.
Can't wait to see more stuff, though I'm curious as to what you are planning with the acts. So how are you planning on animating that sexy Sonic Sonica? Like running animation and jumping? I've said I love to see a more stylized take on the animation to spice things up. For example, if you want to do the figure eight legs ala Sonic CD something like this would be fantastic: (stolen from Luckettx off deviantart) EDIT: Fuck. I really need to move that SMNC guide off my photobucket. It kills my bandwidth faster than anything. Link instead. http://luckettx.deviantart.com/art/Sonic-CD-Animation-Sprite-HD-153689456 Maybe tone down where the red seems to fly all over the place, but the spirit is there.
I actually started some animation a while back (which will change a heck of a lot): Yea look at him go, go go! I may include that animation if I find a way to do it that I feel fits in nicer with the rest of the animations, basically not the rubber band flapping around.
That Sonic really is brill. I don't want to sound like I'm knocking S2HD (I'm not) but I like it better than theirs.
Felt like the monitor was missing some details. For a 90's game this kind of monitor would be neat, because it would have 10px of height. But in HD those things cannot be that simple otherwise you'll get the result of S2HD, which is a Sonic 2 with Anti-Alising. Without texture, without atmosphere, without life. So... Yeah, a few details can grant you more awesome results :3
I was planning on that! Little things like this that make things look that bit nicer will not go missed! And If you like little details, I'm sure you will be pleased to see some more developed art soon.
No lie. THAT is Sonic in HD how I imagined it. You have my blessing. Now go forth and make the ultimate Sonic 4.
I said I would do a complete mockup, but I thought I would show them slowly instead. So I've changed a few things. 1: I realised that the old monitors rarely had the button in the centre, so I took a quick look on the Internet for some ideas with the front and I got that. Also the coloured buttons looked like crap. 2: I added speaker holes for that juicy touch 3: The text at the top says 'Sonica Televisons', nice, eh? 4: I loved how you drew that P3DR0, so basically I copied you.
That is gorgeous. Much improved over the previous one! Furthermore, I cannot wait to see that Sonic sprite in action!
Perhaps it's too soon to be speaking of this, but what plans did you have concerning 2P Versus Mode? Or would that be a "Multiplayer" Mode (implying 2-4 players at a time)? I've always thought something like Sonic 2 Vs. Mode would be good but with all levels. Also, perhaps a Co-op Mode that operates like that, split screen and all, would make a good addition. If in addition to both those the S3 Vs. was added, that would seal the deal and make mutiplayer excellent imho.
2-player wouldn't work for all of Sonic 2's levels because certain parts of the level would be impossible to complete for one player if the other one got there first. I know this isn't Sonic 2, but there's the possibility that will happen with some levels in this game too.
Here is an early work in progress. I tried to do something creative with the middle, but I really don't like it, so it will change. About the 2P mode, I haven't ruled it out, but I haven't really thought about how it would work either. Maybe challenges like in Generations (but two player, obviously)?
lmfao one thing after another proving modern day Sonic Team's incompetence and nauseating unworthiness to the rights they hold over the Sonic name.
I remember, once upon a time, that some forum (SFGHQ, I think it was) had a ban on people saying shit like "this is better than Sonic Team's stuff!".
That's great and all but at least they get something done. Now, I really, REALLY hope this gets done, but I'm not holding my breath.
Why exactly couldn't 2-player mode work for all the stages? Just have the player you're racing against appear like a ghost or something a la Mario Kart, and have it so any gimmicks they trigger aren't activated on your version of the stage. You can still see everything they're doing, it just won't affect your run. What would be even better would be if you could save and load ghost data files, and exchange them with other people to play against them. (Even better, being able to load multiple ghosts for the same run. Imagine racing against the top 10 fastest times all at once!) If that gets implemented, we will need a special topic here to keep track of the fastest ones and allow people to download them to compete against. You know, an official leaderboard.
I agree for the triggering gimmicks that allow you to continue further, but some of them can be made to respawn when the first guy passes( like with the pulley of Mushroom Hill Zone). Interacting with the same things like swings or monitors and rings is going to be way more fun that just a time attack challenge with a ghost. Whoever is faster sure will take more rings, but will also have to pass more badniks, which may slow him down so the other guy can catch up.