Keep dreamin'. Ep II is looking marginally good right now. the only thing I'm worried about is how far they're gonna take this saga. Here's how I see it: If the they do two, maybe three episodes = OK. If they go over those numbers, people are gonna get very cranky unless they see Classic Sonic or some innovative tropes from Dimps (I'd love to have both, but hey. It's SEGA and Dimps were talking about here).
Well, instead of using a homing attack, he can fly to make other parts of levels easier. For example, instead of jumping from card to card in the Casino Street Zone, Tails could fly over the cards and avoid that hazard, therefore making it slightly easier. He may be able to fly over the homing attack chains as well.
Sounds good. But what if Tails get exhausted in mid-flight and you end up in a bottomless pit? That killed me so much in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and 3
There was barely any AI in those games at all! Tails just moved exactly the same as Sonic but with 1 second lag :P
There are some other places where you could throw it. And if I recall correctly, Episode II and any future episodes were described as independent of episode one by PR. I expect no lock-on at all, nor can I see the advantage of it (why dig up rotten faeces for round 2?).
I doubt this will happen, but it'd be cool if future episodes locked-on with Episode II if they're actually of quality.
Well, if there was a lock-on capability, then we could assume that would be the reason why Episode II took so long to arrive (alongside the new graphics, gameplay, and physics note). Besides, we expected more from Episode I and seeing as we STILL bring that up, I say let them try fixing the "feces". It's better than letting it stay that way if you ask me.
How could there possibly *be* any lock-on capability if they're supposedly using a new/different engine entirely (which would potentially mean different physics, thus would undoubtedly affect the gameplay of Episode 1)?
Maybe a remake of Episode 1? I dunno man, I'm just pullin' ideas out of my head about this. If they did make a lock-on capability, then that could attest to the 1 and a half year gap.
More like update Ep. I so that Tails is in it, but only allow him to be playable if Ep. II is on the same device. And then maybe when you beat all of Ep. I, the game hotlinks you to Ep. II. Piece 'o cake. It'd be cheesy... but that's what we expect outta SEGA anyways. :P
A Knuckles lock-on would actually be pretty cool. Assuming that he appears in Episode III. As for lock-ons and stuff, one of the main reason why I want it, apart from Tails playable in Episode I, is the World Map.There could be different locations appearing on the world map, allowing an easy switch between Episode I and Episode II's levels, without having to switch games.
Hey man, a playable Knuckles could mean character specific pathways. And I'm all for that. The map-screen update sound's cool too, just as long as it gets a more organized layout. Every level theme was crammed together, and it looked like Sonic should've just taken the fight straight to Mad Gear Zone instead of just roaming around the island. Which you could do, by the way.
Guys I'm sure the whole lock on that happened with the originals was because they were running late with the game so they split it in two so the alternate paths were there before it happened. These episodes are deliberately split up so I feel pretty confident that the games are not supposed to be combined as one giant game. DLC of course is a possibility for a playable Knuckles but considering the cost of adding DLC is not cheap I am also pretty certain that this won't happen either.
Bet we don't see more than 10 seconds of footage. My expectations are so low right now for this "trailer." It's just going to be another sloppy boring mess made from that contracted company with some unrelated music in the background that has nothing to do with the game, plus 10 seconds of footage in the middle, then at the very end, a fade-in of the Sonic 4 Episode 2 logo. God I hope I'm wrong.
Woah... Funny, I never thought SEGA would thank us for complaining... Squeeky wheel gets the grease, huh? :v:
That is interesting. We shall see if Ken is full of shit soon. I'm very optimistic-- it just feels better that way! :v: