And then there is Mega Man X, ooops. (Also FU, Powered-Up is a great game) Your comments have some reason behind it, the kind that it hurts but it's true, but like this it just look like baseless "It changed so it sucks" moaning.
OK, nevermind, forgive me. Copy/pasting in 4 levels is OK. They have a lot of work to do with just four zones within a development period of over a year. None of the competition compares to Sonic 4. The snow looks absolutely fantastic in some of those screens, like a real photo. PS: thanks for reminding me about Megaman X being Megaman 10. I forgot that! For some reason I was thinking that was a spin-off with a different art style altogether.
Ya Solid Soap mentioned it about a page ago. I was debunking that. Also I never said go the direction of Megaman 7 or 8, I was thinking they could have gone along the lines of something like the art work they made for the games. Those might make pretty decent sprites.
I like your logic, sustain an argument = put words on other's mouths, and pass it as a attempt of being "sarcastic". Of all the stupid things you could pick up you chosed the points I actually agree with you, the diference it's that I'm not THAT annoyed with it. And speaking of gameplay yes Mega Man X is a "sequel" to the classic series (you thought I was talking about what? Battle Network?), added stuff perfecting it while being true to it's core, that was the point you chosed to ignore, you know that made your blind analogy as something general (not Sonic 4-2) invalid.
One thing to keep in mind is that Mario is Nintendo's biggest franchise. I originally didn't buy Wario Land: Shake-It because I never cared for the gameplay in Wario games. However, because the game looks so damn gorgeous and I loved Epic Yarn, I later decided to buy it...only to get refunded a month later because Best Buy was out of stock. With Rayman Origins, Rayman just isn't a big name anymore, the game had intense competition, and Ubisoft learned nothing from the disastrous marketing they did for BG&E. Its sales are picking up thankfully and I think it'll do pretty well on Steam. As for NSMBW's art style, if it was like Wario Land: Shake-It or Rayman Origins, do you really think the game would have sold much worse? I seriously hope not. It should also be noted Nintendo did a horrible job marketing Wario Land: Shake-It but did a fantastic job marketing NSMBW. They didn't even bother to mention Wario Land: Shake-It in their 2008 E3 press conference.
Oh, well I use liquid soap so forgive me. This game should go Full-Throttle HD sprites in the same style as the Genesis games. I was playing the new Rayman game recently and thought it looked AAA+++. Far better than '2.5D' games. What is it like being wrong all the time? You hold a unique position here in this discussion that I cannot relate to. Maybe spend a little more time discussing the game and less time complaining about my style of posting, since it is clearly getting to you so much that you ignore the essential topic. As for Megaman, X is not a sequel to the NES games. 7 on SNES is, then 8 on Saturn/PS, then 9 and 10 on modern consoles. OK? It is sort of simple: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and finally 10. No X. Just count to ten. Real easy, champ.
It is related to the game, I just wasn't completely direct about it, I thought it wasn't needed but guess I'm wrong "all the time" in your preception, maybe if I use Sonic 4-2 on the sentece it will be discussing on it without doubts for you? The art style or using models against sprites style in Sonic 4-2 doesn't reflect shit about the quality of the game itself. Yes the game can be crap, but this is not a strong factor on it as you tried to imply with Mega Man examples, (7,8,Powered-Up). So I used other example in the same series (as in the whole Mega Man stuff, not just classic series), and I gave Mega Man X as an counter-example, it's uses the same core gameplay but it's not as limited with small "screens" and it's more fluid and free and it also have more detailed art fiting the same mold of your examples while counter them at the same time. oh that for me is an "sequel" (oh look plotwise it's also one, funny) it doesn't need any progression of numbers, if not that, an sucessor, same deal. BTW I never implied X = 10, never, I wonder where that was pulled from...
Life is tough when you are Rika Chou, huh? Now back to MastaSys. What is this about small screens?! Mega Man on NES clearly states 'high resolution graphics' just as the SEGA Genesis states 'high definition graphics'. You want pictures? See? So do not even try to say these are 'small screen' games.
By small screens I believe he is referring to the way old Mega Man games divided levels into screen-sized sections that did scrolled only at the edges. Not that this has ANYTHING to do with Sonic 4.
It's about time this thread lived up to the bullshit that was the Sonic 4: Ep 1 thread. I am proud of you all. Seriously though, this game looks like it's improved hugely from the original, y u complain so much? Go ahead and nitpick, nitpicking leads to improvement. But at some point don't you ever stop and think "Hey, wait a minute. This is a goddamn video game. Why do I care so much?"
...Well, I for one like the 2.5 D approach... I mean, wasn't there a interview with the Sonic 1 Devs where they said the graphical style was insipired by the computer graphics of the time? I mean, look at the GHZ palm trees! The polygonal indents on the landscapes in GHZ, SYZ, and LZ... and didn't sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles feature pre-rendered characters on the title screen? Nevermind the STILL prevelent computer-generated look that game had! By going 2.5 D, they're doing what the original Devs wanted all along! Now, I'm not gonna get into any arguments about copy/pasting trees, because it's a waste of time. EHZ and HTZ in Sonic 2 had the same ground tiles. LZ and SBZ Act 3 in Sonic 1 were just recolors of eachother. As for this ARZ clone, isn't Tidal Tempest a blatent clone of Labyrinth Zone? No one complains about that. Besides, the ruins of this new level look more like a medieval castle, rather than something built by "Roaming Romans". (Sonic 2 US Manual). Honestly, if Sonic 4 Ep. II has good physics and level design, I think it looks like a decent game. Hopefully SEGA will give us a lower price point. If this is about/under $5, than this game is lookin' alright.
Sega sold Sonic 4: Episode 1 for $15 at its launch. 15 DOLLARS. $15 for flat backgrounds, pre-rendered crap, and shit physics. You expect them to go lower with something of higher quality? Nope. Expect it to stay at $15.
I do but that was many years ago and it's pointless criticizing about something that was done so long ago. However Sonic 4 current, is aimed at classic fans but they did a poor job in the first part. We told them we didn't want any more rehash or throwback levels and they do exactly what we didn't want. To me that's taking the piss, especially if they are still trying to pass off old designs as new things, and yes it still counts even if they said one of the zones are a throwback because it's still a zone that could have been original.
Which brings it back to the question: what other kind of zone tropes [if 'trope' is the right word here] haven't been done yet? It seems to me that no matter what environment you say, there will always be someone that says "we've had that already, it's the [insert name here] Zone".
I don't think there are many COMPLETELY new tropes that can be done. I think what has to be done now would be mixing tropes, or making levels based on old tropes, but have a distinct visual and structural difference. White Park Zone is Winter + Carnival, and "Oil Desert" Zone is a mix of the Desert and Oil tropes, but is visually different from what we've seen so far! I'd say that besides Sylvania Castle Zone, these zones are as original as they could be by this point in the franchise's history.