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Sonic 2 (2013 - iOS/Android) Post-Release Bugs/Fixes/Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by D.A. Garden, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    Fair enough... Many of the casual cell phone players are pussies anyway, as evidenced by their 2P playing skill. (read: ragequit)

    I hope we could all agree to at least require players to ACTUALLY PLAY Special Stages to get this achievement... That's just a load of shit. and no... I did do that one on accident. [​IMG]
  2. Deef


    Android users, were you forced to update Google Play services? Mine says it won't run without it, but I can cancel the store webpage and then the game starts fine, but every one of the online features simply says "Unable to connect". I'm not keen to update Google Play to be honest, because it now asks for every permission under the sun. Really not impressed, Google. :|

    I love the work done on the game but this does give me the impression of being pushed out the door a bit too quickly, because I think a good number of the bugs being mentioned were found in people's first run. I know I have a handful (raised already) and I've only run through it once myself. Here is another I haven't seen posted earlier though: At very the end of Sky Chase, just before losing control to the zone completion I spin dashed (as Knuckles) to the left of the screen. And that's where he stayed. Control was disabled and after a bit of waiting and mashing, I had to restart the level.

    Loved Hidden Palace Zone. I need to play it more but a strong contender for my favourite zone in the game, so I was bummed that it had only 1 act. Would have been nice to see the beta HPZ squished in there as another act, but no biggie. The HPZ this game does have is really a great level. Really fun and looks very nice. Love the flamethrowers too! On the subject, I agree that the music is something that deserved an option, just because the $10 tune has meaning to a fair few people.

    The special stage upgrade is fantastic too. A little slowdown on my phone, but definitely worth it. (It's an old and bloated phone anyway.) Never before have I ever completed all of Sonic 2's special stages without help, and I always got bored of them. But this upgrade had me enjoying them so willingly that I not only got them all, I did so in my first run. That's an achievement for me. :) Didn't even know restarting was an option. And all on a touchscreen. I other words, the 3D special stages are so good I actually like them now.

    To finish on a down note, two personal nitpicks:
    The slight image blur and ghosting is a bit disappointing, since a pokey old emulator looks much sharper on the same device. Widescreen is definitely nice to have though.
    I wish Sonic had just his insta-shield, since Tails is simply superior now. But no huge deal.
  3. Blivsey


    Charismatic Sonicaholic Member
    Here's a decent question: why is Tails allowed to hit checkpoints as an AI? Sometimes I don't have enough rings to trigger a Special Stage, so I skirt to a stop in front of a checkpoint to avoid hitting it... only for Tails to come in at top speed, running past Sonic and tripping it anyway, making it useless.
  4. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    I wonder if this is related to another bug I've noticed. Whenever I spindash into the left screen boundary, and hold down right as the character hits it... the character rebounds backwards a little bit... almost as if to bounce off the wall, but he remains spinning.

    As this is the zone ending sequence you are on about, it's possible that a similar thing could be happening, as the sequence consists of the controls locking, and being held right. Did Knuckles stay spinning in your bug? If so, it's possible these bugs are linked... and it's not a Knuckles exclusive deal.
  5. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Something regarding the behavior of objects when they're off screen:

    -If you trigger one of those elevator thingies in Hidden Palace and you fall to a lower level, the escalator won't come down until you look up so it's again on screen.

    In the Sonic 1 remake, objects always reset their behavior when they left the horizontal or vertical boundaries of the screen, something that should only happen when they're horizontally out of bounds (or else it can lead to some unexpected enemy reappearances when using vertical springs). Perhaps both things are related?
  6. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Enemies shouldn't respawn after being killed anyway.
  7. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    Could be... That being said, I believe the S1 remake follows Sonic 3K's object management code, with regards to deactivating everything outside the bounds of the camera altogether... as you mentioned. May be related to this, and our earlier object in MTZ... that said, the MTZ crusher HAS been fixed in the update.

    I also did just notice the object you pointed out now, in a test playthrough. That's a funny one, that is.

    I think he meant non-destroyed enemies reappearing at their spawn points so quickly, just by moving upward... which could lead to some cheap shots.
  8. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    This. It's a little more obvious at that room in Labyrinth with the hidden-within-a-monitor switch.
  9. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    I've heard that ducking underneath the Chemical Plant Zone boss's chemical dump as Sonic hurts you now, when in the original it harmlessly bounces off. I don't see mention of that in this thread, though; was that already fixed?
  10. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    It seems the 'ducking thing' was a bug in the original.
  11. Ashura96


    Or you can take the hidden path in the wall like I always do. :eng101:
  12. Dan Lioneye

    Dan Lioneye

    So I don't have any pictures or anything but in EHZ II, I was on the secret floating island above the two loops near the start of the act (the bigger island with the rings and yellow spring), I jumped down onto the up/down moving platform and was hit by an invisible Buzzer.
  13. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    Here is a quick and dirty video of the sound bug over iOS HDMI out

    You can hear the sound is really slow and messy, only over HDMI out.
  14. Abiondarg


    If you land the finishing blow on Hidden Palace's boss while it's shuddering from the water spout, the boss will start blowing up but continue fighting. It's invulnerable at this point and there's nothing you can do except die/restart and try again.

    The OP mentions Super Sonic being the cause here but it ain't.
  15. Deef


    Nope, he stood up.
  16. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    Bit of a nitpick, but the app icon would look a lot cleaner without that 2 in the corner. It's distinguishable enough from Sonic 1 anyway.
  17. doc eggfan

    doc eggfan

    Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Wiki Sysop
    GreatMegaLD, GreatSC3k, Great SG1k
    I've also had some weird collision problems and glitches, but they were probably weird enough to be non-repeatable. The funniest was the cut-scene at the end of Wing Fortress got all screwed up when I won as Super Sonic, and sonic was ill-positioned on the Tornado and at the scripted jump to the Egg Rocket, he missed the ledge and fell to his doom.

    There are times when it feels like Sonic jumps a little bit higher than in the original, making it easier to jump up to ledges that are normally difficult to access. It could be just me not remembering the original very well though.

    Some suggested requests:

    • An option to switch off the Super Sonic music, I was enjoying the remasters so much I didn't want to transform
    • Similarly, an option to disable boss music in Death Egg Zone, seems a shame to remaster it and only hear the first few bars
    • Why no resurrection of this sprite for the CPZ boss [​IMG], I was kind of expecting it, as it would be subtle enough to pass through without question
    • An option for beta CNZ tiles?
  18. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    On the launch night stream we did, Stealth was saying that the CPZ animation wasn't in... yet. It'll likely be coming soon, and the method for triggering is... quite obvious.

    I think it should count as a hit on the boss, but that's just me. :specialed:
  19. doc eggfan

    doc eggfan

    Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Wiki Sysop
    GreatMegaLD, GreatSC3k, Great SG1k
    I figured it would be just part of the death animation
  20. Graxer


    It was more that if I jump into the circled area from below I am immediately crushed the minute Sonic unrolls from his ball form and his collision box increases vertically in size. (Thus overlapping the above moving square) I don't believe that the action of coming out a roll could kill you in the original. I believe it is the same problem as in the first of my 3 images. (And possibly the second as well)