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Sonic 2 (2013 - iOS/Android) Post-Release Bugs/Fixes/Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by D.A. Garden, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    They are. These are referred to as oscillating values. Actually I emulated the Sonic 1 Osc. values to a tee with THIS little build here. (Back during my own attempts at a remastered version of the classic Sonic games.) This build shows one of the osc. values in action. You can time it with the actual engine, and compare them.

    I don't know if the object in question uses said values in the original game but if they do, and these ones don't, you may very well be right. I DO think that at least some of the objects DO use osc. values though... not too much stuff seems out of sync with each other aside from this.
  2. E-122-Psi


    I have to kinda agree with that outlook, I kinda saw Hidden Palace more as a mystical secret location than a wacky prehistoric place, if maybe partly due to it's elusiveness as a lost stage. Pacing is a little odd but then again half the tracks are similar anyway (Wing Fortress most blatantly) plus I feel I find more unique charm in it having it's own theme than recycling one from elsewhere in the game.

    I admit, after seeing how antsy some of the comments are on that Twitter, I feel kinda bad them getting flak over such a tiny detail though, it was a miracle the level is there at all. I only really support it due to 'tiny intricate cheats for minor things' seems to be a recurring thing with their ports enough to make it possible.

    Though I can't really say a damn thing about it unless it comes out on consoles (though if it does I suppose any fixes here might reflect how it turns out).
  3. jackaroo


    Few issues I noticed in the iOS version.
    First, I've had the collision issues noted by other people in the topic about getting crushed in places you normally wouldn't in the megadrive version. Also had the issue of getting hit way more frequently in the oil ocean zone boss. It might just be me but it seems alot harder to jump out of the oil aswell. It seems after jumping out and landing back in you have to wait a second or so before you can jump out again. I don't believe it was like that previously.
    In Aquatic Ruin act 2 I reached a floating platform with a 1-up on as Tails. From here I flew towards the boss but happened to fly straight past him and to the egg capsule. I tried it with knuckles but couldn't reach the 1-up platform so I ended up fighting the boss as normal. If he can reach it somehow I believe he could do the same.
    In Chemical Plant act 2 in the new area for Tails/Knuckles there is a hidden passage where you walk through the wall and the depth is incorrect. The character appears in front of the wall instead of behind :

    In Wing Fortress with Tails I managed to fly up into one of the slopes and got stuck in there. I could move around within the slope but couldn't get out and had to restart the level :

    I've also had the game randomly crash on me a few times. It just closes out automatically. There's never a specific point it does it at it just happens randomly. Im using an iPad 2.

    That's about everything I've encountered so far. Despite these I'm absolutely loving the game so far. Just going through my 5th playthrough now :)/>/> . I'd also like to make a suggestion for a Hidden Palace Music switch option. I understand why MCZ 2P was used but for me that music will always be associated with MCZ 2P and the unused music will be associated with Hidden Palace. It just doesn't sound right to me. It's a personal preference but an option to switch between the 2 tracks would be much appreciated.

    EDIT : Oh and one other thing. When fighting the Hill Top Zone Boss if you fall into the right hand corner of the right hand pool of lava you will fall through the wall and die. Happened to me a few times during the boss rush mode. I Don't know if it happens in the left hand pool of lava.
  4. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Ah, that first pic reminds me, the characters appear in front of the foreground right before entering the Chemical Plant pipes.
  5. Sappharad


    I didn't see this mentioned on the first page, so I'm not sure if it's been brought up yet...

    Playing as Sonic and Tails, in Chemical Plant I entered one of the pipes. When I popped out, the timing of tails behind me was such that the pipe was open for tails to exit just as I was falling back down towards the pipe after exiting it myself. Since the pipe was open, I fell into it and ended up being sucked backwards through the pipe all the way back to where it started. I don't remember being able to go back through the pipes in the original.
  6. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    A small thing but it's related to sound and also present in sonic 1 iOS, but if you HDMI out the game plays fine on a tv but the sound emulation or what ever goes on is all in super slow motion and broken, this only happens with HDMI out, AirPlay to an apple tv (mirroring the device to your tv via compressed video) is fine, but sound in sonic 1 and 2 iOS really hates HDMI out on my iPhone 5.

    Is this a possible fix? I play a bunch of my games on my tv.
  7. jackaroo


    Found a few more things.
    I know I mentioned the collision previously and it has been brought up in the topic several other times but it's really noticeable here :

    Half the time I get killed trying to make it through this part. Also just after this part is a lever to lower a bridge. You cannot jump off to the left, you just latch back onto it. You can only get off by jumping to the right. It was possible to get off from the left in the original.
    In Casino Night Zone there are the tubes that automatically curl you into a ball and place you onto those springs. If you just walk into these or try to stand next to the entrance you get pushed away from them. You need to enter them with a bit of speed which wasn't required before. Also in Act 1 I was following the top route and fell into one of the "pinball" areas (I believe it was the second one you come across). When I tried to fly back up as Tails I kept get turned into a ball and knocked back down even though there was nothing there. Also if I spindashed up the side of the wall and tried to jump off the wall it wouldn't allow me too. I'll take a screenshot of the specific area later and edit the post with it.
    Also I got a speed up and then turned into super sonic. Eventually Super Sonic ran out and the level music started playing again but sped up as if I still had the speed up shoes. It didn't slow down again until I finished the act.

    The game crashed on me again aswell and I have a feeling it's related to the music changing. It has crashed 3 times on me today so far. Once when I got an invincibility box, once when I cleared an act and once when I got a speed up box. The only thing I can see that these 3 things have in common is that the music changes. Could be a coincidence but just thought it could be a possibility.
  8. Bartman3010


    Site Staff
    For some reason in 2 player mode, when I have the MOGA Pocket controller connected, the game automatically picks Sonic and won't let me select a stage.
  9. Xilla


    Had a glitch in 2P earlier. In Mystic Cave 2, my opponent hit a teleport box, but whilst I teleported to him, he remained where he was.

    Also, had a very large amounts of opponent Game Overs in Mystic Cave 1, normally almost right away when he still had lives remaining. Either people really suck at that Act or it's something glitchy :P
  10. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    I noticed the teleport box doing weird things too, I presumed that the teleport was tweaked so only the leader is sent back, which IMO might work better overall.

    If anyone wants to play 2p on iOS feel free to add me, 'Diab' on gamecenter
  11. Ashura96


    Speaking of 2P mode. It would be nice to be able to view the other player's Score/Time/Rings and Life counter, since you could see this (except score) on splitscreen in the original.
  12. Effexor


    JUSTICE Member
    Another thing I've encountered in 2P mode is speed shoes not wearing off after a teleport.
  13. Ashura96


    Can we get a full list of changes for iOS version 3.0.1?
  14. Bartman3010


    Site Staff

    Now I can start citing from the stream we did.

    In two player mode, at 6 minutes 51 seconds I hit a teleporter that caused me and Gene to be transported...somewhere, and we were falling forever.
  15. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    Noticed something regarding this.. with the aforementioned MTZ crusher. This object is NOT controlled by osc. values in this release. This can easily be noticed by placing multiple ones in debug mode... if the object movement code used said values to dictate movement, then you'd have objects all moving in sync with each other. This doesn't happen. One thing I also found is that it seems that upon spawning, the objects START on the opposite end from where they are supposed to start. Hence, why they are always facing up when Sonic approaches. The fix is a simple matter of changing the object's starting state.

    ALSO I was incorrect about the crushing routine. WHILE it is much easier to get crushed, likely due to coding, this is NOT due to being able to get crushed into ceiling tiles like I'd originally thought. This is a simple result of placing invisible block objects on ceilings where they are NOT present in the original game... again, a simple peek in Debug mode showed me such.
  16. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    EDIT - I meant for this to be an edit... but it came as a double post... and now I'm on a new page, so no sense really in fixing this, I guess. Sorry guys.

    I noticed something a tad off about achievements... primarily... how easy it is to exploit the game to get them.

    Let's take the Early Bird Special for instance... Forget about restarting the special stages, and then the level after the fact... I didn't even do that. I simply used the 04 01 02 06 cheat, and selected Emerald Hill Act 1. The achievement unlocked for me instantly... yea because that's totally fair, and all.

    This is just the most blatent example... but there wasn't a lot of testing to make sure these achievements couldn't be taken the easy way out. One can also use Tails to get the Chemical Plant achievement. Gone are the Sonic CD 2011 days where only Sonic can unlock achievements...
  17. Uberham


    King Of Oblivion Member
    From just looking at the video of the "Teleport glitch" could it be because Sonic is in a different state? IE in a tube, hanging from a switch, etc?
  18. Ashura96


    But being able to play as Tails is a default feature of the game.
  19. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    Which, with all due respect, has Zero to do with making achievements Sonic-exclusive... though I do see your point... since they are defaults... they shouldn't be restricted to get achievements, in theory. However, IMO It comes down to not letting players cheese their way through the achievements, I.e. taking advantage of the other characters' extra abilities to make challenges much easier... Thus making them not challenges. ANYONE can fly to get the Chemical Plant achievement... skilled players can get by with just Sonic (you can use a well timed spinjump to skip the water block section entirely!) That skill is what an achievement is all about. Otherwise you really didn't achieve dick. You got handed something ffor mashing a jump button to fly upward.
    IIRC Tails and Knux could be used for achievements in Sonic 1 iOS as well... they weren't defaults either. Still wasn't right then, either.
  20. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    This is a cellphone game. It's already challenging enough for the market.