Oh, look, we made it to the big time: http://steamed.kotaku.com/dozens-of-sega-mods-suddenly-removed-from-steam-worksho-1788257372
Hi Kotaku! Please fire Luke Plunkett, the man is a hack and worthless. :v: + - Hey, can't blame a man for striking while the iron's hot. Call it a mod perk. =P
Nah, to be fair, this is a valid news story, even if it does just boil down to "whiny bitches on internet mass-flag Steam ROM hacks".
You're complaining about Kotaku for actually doing research and looking on our forums to see what's going on. I get that people don't like the site, but come on now. Anyway, Sega gave Kotaku a statement about the stuff that happened: http://steamed.kotaku.com/dozens-of-sega-mods-suddenly-removed-from-steam-worksho-1788257372
Oh, my bad then. I just misunderstood the context of the post. Glad to hear it was just a result of users mass-flagging and not something worse. That's a relief.
Just got a Steam Support mail (in German) that the ban was lifted and they apologize for the circumstances. They didn't further go into detail what exactly happened, but it really just seems to be a case of mass-flagging everything. Goes to show that number of reports alone is not a good heuristic to automatically deal with user content.
Unable to get mines lifted due to Steam Support refusing to review the bans, it's been a run. EDIT: Able to get Hyperdrive back up but not Somari for some weird reason. (Copyright perhaps)
Today's delusional prick doesn't see the stupidity of "it's not a crime if you don't get caught". It seems my previous (months old) report was ignored, but now that this moron has given himself away, I don't think a few more reports will go unnoticed~ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=719217231
Yes, I'm bringing this up again. It looks like that wave of troll-reporting's made things a bit harder: the upload in my last post was taken down for a couple of days, but reinstated, like a lot of the rightfully-uploaded hacks following the troll-wave. I guess Steam/Sega don't like fact-checking or reading the upload's comments (where the uploader explicitly states that he never got permission. Way to go).
I think they might have taken the credits bit in the description as a way of saying they got permission.