Ah, thanks a million for this dude. So there's a surprise game release coming next week then. Awesome. This service still has ways to go but I still think conceptually it's fantastic and I am looking forward to expanding my retro-Sega game library on my phone. And yeah Vectorman was their last release and I completely misremembered there - so there's not that much of a gap between releases after all.
[media]https://youtu.be/UVmSIiYJMaQ?t=72[/media] Sonic 4 Re-mastered by Taxman/Stealth of course!!! But that Sonic 4 Metal Sonic gif just makes me uncomfortable now when Sonic 1, 2 & CD have had their SEGA Forever releases. Just leave Sonic 4 burning the trash m'kay SEGA.
I mean it's a worthless game being released for a worthless service, so in that sense it's a perfect relationship. That and outside of diehard fans, putting that trash sequel up there for free is probably the only way they'd get people to play it nowadays. (Emphasis on worthless--I found out with absolute joy last Friday that a. I couldn't play Sonic 1 offline and b. Sonic CD was able to be played offline but the game kept randomly pausing and cocking up my playthrough).
I mean if they can update Episode 1 so Sonic's model no longer suffers from stanky animations that'd be nice.
speaking of which remember when sonic 4 episode 1 got an update two years after its release that only inserted ads for other sega games and also accidentally nuked your save data and then sonic 4: episode 2 got an update that also only inserted an ad for other sega games andĀ also caused the game to crash on older phones sega forever likes to run ads on the service (even for games you paid for to specifically get rid of ads) and games on the service run like ass so if you pair the three together, does that mean sonic 4: sega forever edition will outright fucking break your phone's OS
Ha, I knew they'd get round to adding Sonic 4...eventually. Wonder if they'll release both episode 1 & 2 at the same time, because you can't play Episode Metal without having both episodes installed. So, it's about time SEGA Forever added something Sonic related which wasn't already available on mobile. Knuckles Chaotix or 3D Blast (Saturn version) would be good choices, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I think it would have been better to leave the Sonic 4 Episodes project as a forgotten memory particularly after Mania came out as the true sequel Sonic 3K never received. Sega gonna Sega I guess. First game on the Sega Forever service I won't download. Hope whatever is coming next is more enticing. Wonder Boy for example.
Yeah... Some people are inevitably going to think that this is a new game and that 2D Sonic games got worse all of a sudden and aren't their cup of tea anymore. Bad move.
Who remembers when people tried in viral and ARG marketing? The cassette tapes? The cereal boxes? We haven't gotten anything clever in a while. "We're listening"
Oh not at all, it just means the game won't run. Which means you can't play it. So genuinely an enhanced Sonic 4 experience!
Sonic 4 Episode 2 is now available to download via Sega Forever. One change though, Episode Metal is apparently enabled by default regardless of whether you have Episode 1 or not. So that's neat I guess.
Indeed it is: https://twitter.com/SEGAForever/status/1025045975134609408 Interesting that they appear to have skipped Ep1...
I'm with ICEKnight in that this just isn't an intelligent move by Sega here particularly after Sonic Mania. If I were pushed to say something positive at least they've gone an elegant way of going about this - skipping the disaster that was Episode 1 entirely and just going with the remarkably much-improved and superior Episode 2. Would have preferred if something else more worthy got a port though. The final Monster World game that was only ever released in Japan (Monster World IV) localised on Sega Forever would be an awesome game to be on there for example.
So Danny who works at SEGA said the team at SEGA Europe having trouble updating Sonic 4 Episode 1 for SEGA Forever due to the reason above in the RadioSEGA Discord server and I'm sure how to respond to that really. I quite like that this release of Episode II has the Metal Sonic part unlocked from the get go which really should've been like that in the first place as a nice extra rather than "Lol look remember Lock on Techology on Sonic 3 and Knuckles ? Well it's kinda like that except you need to own Episode 1!"
Ah so Episode's 1 exclusion wasn't intentional then ruling out any wise decision making - they just couldn't port it because of the engine. I honestly do hope they read places like here (we have a Sega Forever staff member on the forum for example) because feedback is imperative to improve a service like this so do hope they're listening.