Streets of Rage and Shinobi III should hit the e-shop today, stay tuned :3! Edit: It's there already!
So guys, been awhile since we heard any news on the 3D Classics front, but check this out: Looks like Japan's getting Fantasy Zone next week. There's also more details here:
I NEED 3D FANTASY ZONE NOW EDIT: OMG its the arcade version too. I like the SMS one but this one is GREAT!
Hah, you posted it just when I found out about it myself. In any case, yeah, that does sound like the last main arcade one. There's still likely more than a few MD/Genesis games that folks may want, Sonic aside. But yeah, hopefully Sega and M2 keep up the good work.
Wonder if they'll use the Dreamcast versions car or not..either way nice to see Outrun at last. Other arcade games I would love to see them eventually do: Power Drift, A.B Cop, Bonanza Bros, Golden Axe nd Return of Death Adder, Outrunners, Rad Mobile/Rally, I could go on.. Hell I'd love to see them even do some early 3D games. I'd love to see the blocky Virtua Racing and Fighter models popping out of the 3DS screen. I assume the rest of this batch will be Mega Drive games however, and if that's the case I'd be up for: Streets of Rage 2, Gunstar Heroes (they hinted at wanting to do it), Ristar and Sonic 2.
They've been struggling to get After Burner running at full speed, so I'd say the most advanced arcade we're going to see in this series would be Power Drift and maybe Outrunners (both of which I'd approve, specially the latter). Bonanza Bros. would be nice, but they'd no doubt take the lesser (Mega Drive) version, for that same reason. Golden Axe, they'll probably just find another excuse not to use the Arcade version (for instance, the Mega Drive game has one extra filler level with a recolored final boss).
They used the Arcade version on Xbox LIVE Arcade and also for the Golden Axe Vintage Collection on XBLA.
God, I wish they'd release a cart with all these on it. I really don't want to fuck around with eshop purchases.
They should release Fantasy zone II DX 3D. Just because that game deserves a western release, being one of Sega's best arcade games ever.
So when is the second wave going to come out here? I heard sales weren't particularly good (on Kotaku UK) but I really don't want this to be a Model 2 case where Sega just goes "fuck it, no one wants these."
I for one only didn't buy because they weren't on a card. I do wonder how putting all of them out on a single card as a budget release, as Sega has done for collections of individual enhanced titles in the past (specifically Sega Classics Collection), might do.
The majority of the SEGA Model 2 collection was released in US/EU was it not? Aside from Virtua Striker and Virtual On. But you can if you have a 360, just sign into the japanese marketplace with an alternative account and then buy them using a microsoft card for that region (Easy to obtain)! Once downloaded they will work with your regular account.