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Music Remastered

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Athelstone, Apr 24, 2008.

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  1. Gambit


    Sonic 2 HD Staff - Level Artist Member
    Sonic 2 HD
    Oh wow. This is kinda funny. Wouldn't that guy get banned or something if someone reports him as a thief?
  2. HighTreason


    Kingston upon Hull
    Too many projects, current main priority is Duke 3D for DreamCast
    Hmm, this whole project has shifted forwards a bit since I was last on here it seems. I haven't had any internet see.

    I had an idea, and thought this is the tread to post it in - I could be wrong, it may belong in a thread that has more to do with programming, and if this is the case I apologise and please move it to the appropriate place.

    Anyway, here's my idea;

    Seeing as how the music is in .ogg format, presumably it could be replaced by the user, but then there are also - I assume - loops of some kind (or there will be if I remember rightly)

    Could these loops be defined in a file such as a .ini or something and then have it documented on how to replace the music and alter the place where the loop was? That way, people who didn't agree with whatever music ends up in the game could consult the readme and replace the music with versions they liked better?
  3. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    Welcome HighTreason. We've already given some thought to the way the score will be arranged in the final version. The current plan is to have an option to change the tracks, but this does depend on a couple elements -- namely having enough quality submissions for each zone, and whether or not this will be a standard option or an unlockable. The project has already generated a fair bit of excellent remasters, so the odds are looking good.

    More relevant to your post, there's nothing in the works so far for creating documentation for the music to do what you described. As it is, we haven't had anyone else request this feature. If it becomes a popular issue, rest assured we'll take a careful look at it.
  4. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    I still have my NewGrounds account, though I haven't used it in months. I notified one of the mods, so hopefully he should be able to take care of the problem.
  5. About HighTreason's idea. I think it would be a better idea to somehow store the final soundtrack in one .DAT file. It looks a lot cleaner and you'll have less to worry about people mucking about or even losing the orignal soundtrack. I don't know how to do this myself, but I've seen it done before.
    If a user wanted to replace the music, they could make a new folder and store all their music in there, but if the music is to work, all the filenames must be correct. For example, "eh.ogg" would be the file S2HD would search, read and play for Emerald Hill Zone, "cp.ogg" for Chemical Plant Zone, etc. If one or more tracks are missing, the user should be prompted of their absence and offered a choice to choose that zone's track from the HD OST, to leave no music for that zone or to cancel the change.
    For ease and to allow for multiple custom soundtracks, S2HD could be able to seek out these new folders within the music directory and list them. For example, one folder could be named "Original Sonic 2 OST" and another could be "Sonic 2 Remixes", and both would be listed in the Soundtracks list.
    I don't think it needs to be any more technical than this.

    Also, I'd like to thank those contributing music to this project! I listen to any tracks that the forum find particularly good, and I can see a very good OST in the works! Good luck to all of you out there and keep remastering to new heights! :D
  6. Exodus


    In relevence to HighTreason's idea I think somebody mention a while a go that we could have slightly different renditions of each zone's music for each stage. For example there are several great contributions for Metropolis Zone and each submission could be used on a different stage
  7. AeonicB


    Nevermind, I took this wrong. Sorry about the post.
  8. Tweaker


    Erm... I was talking about the Newgrounds link, not your Mystic Cave 2P render. Sorry for the confusion.

    Actually, I gave your songs a listen and they're quite good! I like version C the best. :)
  9. I did a Sonic 2 Death Egg thing... it's not finished (not mastered, still missing instruments) but let me know what you think of my take on the tune. I was originally going to use sawtooth but then went for square waves as they sound more computery. Be warned though, turn down your speakers before listening (it's loud).

    Death Egg Music by blueblur87
  10. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    The sawtooth may well be a bit harsh there - though an interesting take on the tune, I don;t think it's got the atmospheric edge the other one had.

    (The beeps in the background remind me a lot of the dungeons in Link's Awakening, oddly enough)
  11. amphobius


    not so gone, after all Member
    Thrash '25
    I still think Blast Processing's version is better.
  12. Hmm, I don't think his version captures the song correctly, but it does have atmosphere, something which I can try and get with this. I kind of like the old school square waves, but I guess they're not to everyone's tastes... I can change the samples to strings, organ or maybe or add a filter to make it rougher?? I made some needed changes here anyway... changed volume, removed all effects (mostly distortion and delays) so you can hear it more clearly.

    2nd Version
  13. AeonicB


    It is quite an interesting take, but it has a lot of work to make it sound right. I do say I like square waves, and I like the feel of your song, but the squares just do not work here. But some other synthish sound, like a supersaw or maybe a plucked sounding synth, might work, or just a nice strings. It's all your pick.

    And thank you Tweaker. I'm sorry for blowing up at you like that, and I'm glad its cool. :) Thanks for the comments.
  14. Thanks for the constructive comments Overlord and Neko Kit Su, I appreciate anything that can give me some direction.

    I agree - more atmosphere and change the instruments. I think atmosphere may be helped if I add some reverb to make it sound like it's inside the Death Egg building. I like the intro as it is, but the rest not so much. I'm thinking on the lines of rotary organ or lead guitar for the main instrument, though it took me a while to write the notes so I'd prefer replacing samples. Not sure what to do with the pitch bending square wave instruments or trumpet, or the zelda background notes (kind of like the square waves for that as it adds a computer sound).
  15. this is exactly why I went for my style - attempts to make the song sond more like the original just don't sound good, personally. I especially don't like a droning series of beeps repeating in the background for the entire track.
  16. bobrocks95


    All I can say is that the trumpet part needs to be changed, preferably with a different instrument entirely. Sounds really out of place to me.

    In the original, the "droning series of beeps" did go on through the whole song, but were much less harsh and loud, being frequently overshadowed by the rest of the parts. Maybe that's the key here?
  17. Blast Processing: I don't like the choir thing at all, personally, I think it does not belong in a Sonic game. I did not realize the beeps were that loud, I'll make them quieter, but not removing as it took me ages to remaster the whole set of notes for the beeps.

    bobrocks95: The trumpet is actually the original, I have not yet replaced it with my own instrument yet.

    I'm still working on this, trying different instruments. I'll post one up when it sounds significantly better.
  18. bobrocks95


    Maybe the amazing sound capabilities of the Genesis blew my mind so much that I guess I couldn't tell those were trumpets. :shrug:
  19. RedStripedShoes


    And I'm gone again. Member
    What about having the bottle blow and saw play in sync. Same notes, same timing, same everything. It should hopefully sound like one instrument which captures the feeling we need.
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