Huh, so there are some interesting differences depending on which language you set your Genesis Mini too. If you switch it to Japanese you get Puyo Puyo instead of Mean Bean Machine and you get the later revision of Sonic 1 in Japanese and the original release in the US. It seems like most, if not all the other games that had regional differences will still retain these differences simply by changing the language. Pretty cool although I wish you could just change the versions shown/played without changing the entire language.
Yea my thoughts exactly. The US version has the spike bug thing and none of the funky background effects. It's not like Sonic 1 had any actual Japanese in it.
Looks like Darius is getting a product code starting with "T-11", just like Taito's other games released back in the day: T-11183?
So I just got an update from Amazon: That's... a few extra days that I wasn't expecting. Oh well, still excited. And considering a gift card brought it down to $30, it feels like a steal.
Glad I switched my pre-order over to Best Buy for in-store pickup. The Amazon delivery guys around here are terrible and lose our stuff all the time, anyway.
So on one hand I'm kind of excited for this as it means I'll have an excuse to play these games again. And yet... I had my Genesis Model II from my childhood for years, along with 50+ games. After I moved to my current apartment in late 2014 the console never left the box I packed it in. Somewhere around the middle of last year I gave it away to a friend so that it can see some use instead of just sitting in a sealed box gathering dust. I feel like if I spend money on this mini-console then I wouldn't play it much beyond the initial "oh hey look at the novelty of this experience" that wears off pretty quickly. I experienced something similar with Nintendo's SNES Classic, even after modding the console and loading several games onto it. I'm speaking as someone that played the HELL out of the Genesis and SNES for several years after they were officially "dead" as well; I missed out on most of the 32-bit era as I (correctly) thought that well-done 2D artwork trumped early bad 3D. I also (incorrectly) thought that 2D was the future and 3D was just some flash-in-the-pan nonsense that wouldn't amount to anything. I mean I want to be excited for this mini-console but I don't know if I have it in me.
Pretty cool to see Puyo Puyo on an easy to find a device to play on that isn't from across the other side of the globe without having to deal with importing and the sorts. I think I'll pick up the Genesis Mini just to officially support Puyo Puyo and have a Sega Genesis playing on a CRT I own. Unless it doesn't have Composite Cables, and just has HDMI. Then I'll have to buy a converter.
Something to do with frequency overflow when the note played is very high? Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it also happens with The Machine in Sonic Spinball.
An American version of the Tower of Power exists, complete with packaging. No confirmation of a full release, but I guess influencers are getting them.
Shaq Fu is notorious for this, if it's the issue I think it is: What it should sound like(?): What Kega Fusion says it sounds like:
So, there *is* an officially-produced Tower of Power for the Genesis Mini... and it's an extremely limited run sent only to a handful of YouTube "influencers." (TGC was not among them, alas.) I NEED IT. And I wish they'd make at least a FEW more of them. I think a limited-edition item like that would sell to hardcore Sega fans, no problem. EDIT: Ugh, sorry, I'd just woken up and didn't see this was already posted earlier!
I pre-ordered the Japanese one, but I'll be spitting chips if there is a limited run for an official PAL tower that was unavailable to purchase.