And here's a rough translation of the original news from Yahoo News Japan: Source (ResetERA): Source (Twitter): Did my best to clean up the text there. If anyone wants to translate it with more accuracy then please feel free to do so. So Sega's upping their game in terms of video game hardware it seems. We had news of the official Megadrive, Saturn and Dreamcast controllers and now Sega's basically saying fuck all the licencing shit we've got going on (it's with AtGames at present?) and that they intend to produce their own versions of their legacy consoles though only the Genesis/Megadrive has been name checked for now. The thing that strikes me as interesting is that Sega's indicating some assertive ambitions to get back in to hardware here that may lead to more than just legacy consoles down the line - though this could just be improbable wishful thinking from a die-hard Sega fan here. Either way it's cool and interesting news. I'd buy one of these in a heartbeat. Thoughts?
I'd only be interested if it wasn't half assed amd if it could offer me something that an emulator couldn't do. Of course, I'm probably not in the target auidence. It would be great for Sega if they did a good job, included most of the best Genesis games (even S3&K), and did a great job of marketing it.
I don't know, man. If the AtGames consoles hadn't existed for years then this would be neat but as-is I just don't see the niche this product would fill? If it happens I'll keep an eye out, though. If the console's as easy to hack as the NES Classic and SNES Classic then it'd be neat to have a way to play hacks on a TV without purchasing a flashcart.
Come on Mega Drive: Genesis / Genesis: Mega Drive, with slots for any Mega Drive game, a disc slot for Mega CD games and 32X-compatability... ...what, a person can dream.
Incoming hardware with poor audio emulation. And for a bonus round bad image upscaling and extra lag.
Better be exactly like my own era specific Mega Drives! Just with proper HDMI. Unlikely, I know. But it'd be nice.
Well if they make it in roughly the same scale as the nes/snes minis i might have to get it purely on aesthetic conformity =P
I think that Sega are almost definitely going to produce something better than the AtGames console iterations - or otherwise what would be the purpose of this? I could see more games being included than this new machine's predecessor and better emulation and so on. That and Jax seems correct here in that this doesn't sound like an exact copy of what Nintendo is doing even if they may be the inspiration, but something that may be a little different. One idea they could take from Nintendo is including some rare games and hidden gems as Nintendo did with Star Fox 2. So I'm thinking along the lines of potentially the Japan exclusive Megadrive games like Monster World IV or Golden Axe III. Or including the Japanese Bare Knuckle III over Streets of Rage 3 for example. One can dream. What I'm primarily interested in is whether Sega's hardware ambitions extend further than this - as in whether this is just the beginning. Will also be keeping a keen eye on this one.
Seconded - though also think we've already dodged that bullet given the new controllers had an emphasis on exceptional build quality to replace and supersede all previous iterations. Meaning Sega will probably produce this in-house in all likelihood. They're inferring here they want to do something different than what currently exists on the market (i.e. that disappointing AtGames stuff) so high quality is likely though admittedly not assured. Point is it honestly sounds like Sega want to be in charge of this one themselves and do this internally - or at least one would presume and hope.
Seems like it's only SEGA japan starting to consider importing AT Games's Mega Drive Flashback to Japan. Nothing to see here.
It would be kinda cool to see Sega's approach to hardware in 2018 after they've left the industry for so long; but I think the bigger question is if this will result in Sega going back through their old design documents for not just the Genesis, but for their other hardware (namely the Saturn). It would be cool if Sega taking a small stride back into hardware would result in a meaningful push to bring their post-Genesis classic library to modern platforms. ....oh. If that's all that statement is, then this honestly comes off as a waste of everyone's resources TBH.
Hey, remember that Mega Drive miniconsole Sega announced earlier at this event? The one that we got interested in until it was clarified it would (likely) be an imported atGames Flashback miniconsole and then checked out? Well, you might want to check back in--Sega recently announced the upcoming Mega Drive mini is now be handled by a Japanese developer. So we might actually get a good MD miniconsole this time. (Given the description that the developer is domestic, some fingers have been crossed that the developer in question is M2 of Sega 3D Classics fame). The MD mini has also been pushed back to 2019 and has been confirmed for a Western (US and EU release). (Bumping this topic since the topic about the new miniconsole was locked once the atGames clarification was revealed. If a mod can unlock the topic and copy/move this post there, that would be great.) e: Thanks Overlord!
Genesis Mini site launched. September 19th, $79.99, 3-Button USB pads, localized selection of 40 games compared to the Japanese Mega Drive variant. Japanese (so far): Comix Zone Gunstar Heroes Madou Monogatari I Puyo Puyo Tsu Rent A Hero Shining Force Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Space Harrier II Vampire Killer (Castlevania Bloodlines) Wrestleball American (So far): Altered Beast Castlevania Bloodlines Comix Zone Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Ecco the Dolphin Gunstar Heroes Space Harrier II Shining Force Sonic the Hedgehog 1 Toejam & Earl