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General Project Screenshot/Video Thread

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Tweaker, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Liliam


    I know, remaking the game for modern systems completely ruins the challenge
  2. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Eh :v: well anyway I think both that and Neo's project are great.
  3. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    I'm currently preparing a thread for my project, Sonic Mania: The Misfits Pack, but until that time comes, have some more up-to-date screenshots and previews.

    Hill Top Zone has seen some minor level design changes and a new route at the top of the stage for the explorative types!

    Labyrinth Zone is starting to show its age, which means it's due for a facelift! There have been multiple changes and additions, like more pathways and the waterfalls pictured. It's also recieved new custom artwork as shown.

    One of the main complaints about Wacky Workbench Zone was its length, or lack thereof. To rectify this, the first act has been extended and more routes have been added. The music has also been updated with some more bells and whistles (literally)!

    That's right, Aquatic Ruin Zone is now a part of The Misfits Pack! Don't worry, we've left behind some of the less desirable parts of the level, like the cheap enemy placement. Act 2 will be a complete twist, so stay tuned!
  4. Nice work!
  5. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Looks fucking fantastic! Excellent work and very much looking forward to the new dedicated thread. Awesome project and I look forward to seeing its progress.
  6. [​IMG]
  7. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    That's looking good TishaKot! It's nice to see fancharacters appear in hacks, when done correctly. Does your character have any new abilities? Also the Misfits pack is looking fantastic jubbalub!
  8. Thanks... While he has all the abilities like a Sonic from S3K.. Because it is S3k..
  9. MrLordSith


    Hello! I'm making a new Sonic 1 beta remake. I've got a lot of stuff done, so I'd like to show to everyone here the progress that I have done so far.

    Here's how the zones that have been changed currently look:


    Green Hill Zone

    Green Hill Zone has got a different palette now. I've modified the main orange so it's brighter like in really early builds of the game and made the inside color of the flowers purple instead of green like in a lot of beta builds of the game.
    Water has now been made to have the title screen's palette, as really early builds used this palette for the water as well.
    The layout has been modified, specially in act 1 and act 2. Act 2 is the one that you'll most notice that has changed when playing the ROMhack, but act 3 hasn't got that much changes because we don't have lots of images for this act unlike act 1 and act 2.

    Labyrinth Zone

    Labyrinth Zone has no objects whatsoever now, and has a "new" background, which is the one featured in almost every beta screenshot we've got.
    I've decided to keep water but make it look like that one screenshot where the background is blue. Notice how Sonic's palette is the same underwater.
    The layout has been modified a little bit on act 1, but not on act 2 or 3, as we barely have any screenshots of these that show differences layout-wise.

    Marble Zone

    Marble Zone has been changed a lot.
    To start off, the main color has changed to the mockup palette and some early builds' palette, which is blue.
    There is no longer fire on the torch art, just like in early prototypes, and I've also tried to recreate the early lava as well (I have to redo the lava itself except the surface though).
    I've changed caterkillers with Yadrins and added the sideway stomper, although I haven't added UFOs yet.

    Clock Work Zone (Scrap Brain Zone)

    Clock Work Zone has been emptied out as well, but it's unfinished, as I have to add some other stuff yet into it.
    I think that the first few parts of layout in the first act should be completely identical to the early builds, because all it changes is the background and a bit of different layout, but that's it. So, I'm pretty happy with
    how this zone came out for the first act.

    Special Stage

    The Special Stage has been remade as accurate as possible to the screenshots of what we have of it. From what it seems, there was only one stage for it, so I may disable others and only leave this one.
    I've made a working "W", which doubles the speed of the camera rotation one time, after you touch it, it won't make effect on the camera anymore (thanks to my friend for telling me that W in Japanese sometimes was used as the world "double", which made sense as of why there was a "W" object, so it was probably used to double the speed of the camera rotation, but got replaced with the UP and DOWN objects).
    I had to finish what was left unseen of the stage by myself, as we don't have screenshots of the full stage itself, so I followed the stage's logic and tried finishing it.

    Other Stuff

    I've changed Sonic's palette to be more blue, as in a lot of prototypes, Sonic is more blue than in the final product, but not cyan like in some screenshots, that is because of the camera's colors.

    I have also reduced the ROM size to approximately 470 KB to make the ROM look like it's a real beta ROM (The ROM is 473 KB big at the moment, It'll probably get to 460 KB big while I keep removing and changing things).

    I've added back the victory jump when finishing an act.

    And the most important thing; the sound driver. I've made the DAC samples have a lower pitch so it's as close as possible to the beta sound driver of Sonic 1.

    Well, that is almost or all I've done for now, hopefully I get to release a build of this ROMhack soon! =D
  10. Fadaway


    I'm really liking this.
  11. rata


    Trying to be useful somehow.
    I can see why they changed palettes for the final build, finding Sonic was like finding Waldo there...

    But, wasn't only the water colour changed, instead of Sonic? Maybe I am misremembering, but Sonic's palette wasn't changed. Also, keep in mind that those old scans can have distorted colours.
  12. Hez


    Going to echo this. The scans had a lot of color bleed. I see that you've changed a lot of palletes to more match that than the actual beta.
  13. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    I'm also not convinced Sonic's colour changed. And if it did, it wouldn't have looked like that as there's not much contrast in the palette.

    I would genuinely be interested in some of the science behind it all. I don't know if it's a case that the cyan and magenta levels being dodgy, or that there's a slight chemical reaction with the print, but I do find it odd that you can get grey, blue and green from the same source:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    is it a problem with early 90s screen capturing solutions? I wouldn't expect the colours to line up perfectly, but there's a lot of range here.
  14. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    See, you're inspirational:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The same promotional shot in two different magazines. Marble Zone looks purple in one, but blue in the other.
  15. MrLordSith


    Hello! I'm going to show more progress that I've done on my beta remake. After receiving feedback from here and there, I'm going to be improving some parts of my remake that weren't right.
    I haven't fixed everything yet, but the important stuff has been fixed.

    Okay, so, I'll start off with Sonic's palette:

    Sonic's palette has been fixed, and from what it seems, I was completely wrong about his palette being that dark. His palette did change because of the water, and then the water changed because the scrolling bug, but Sonic seems almost the same in every screen, so I think this is his early palette, but I'm not 100% sure yet (If you can't notice the difference, he's slightly more blue).

    Marble Zone's blue palette + a bit of new layout:

    I have reverted Marble Zone's blue palette to the original one again. The screenshot that I based it on most likely had wrong colors, because there's an earlier build that has the pink palette instead of a blue one, and the one that had the blue one actually had wrong colors I think. It all seemed more blue. I still have yet to add UFOs and fix the lava.


    I also have added a new path in act 2 that comes from this screenshot:

    Labyrinth Zone's background:

    Labyrinth Zone's background has been improved, it's no longer as chaotic was it was before, but there's still some parts about it that need improvement.

    Some minor stuff:

    The level select has been worked on, but I have to adjust the position of the numbers for the sound test.


    I have improved code-wise the japanese credits screen, I'm no longer using a custom palette and such, I've found the code for these credits and have removed the sonic team presents code from the ROM.

    And lastly, here's a screenshot of the title screen, because I haven't showed one until now:
  16. Hez


    I think the green may have been from act 2, but I get your point. I'm also convienced Sonics pallete never changed, just the water in GHZ.
  17. Sappharad


    I wish I could link a reference, maybe someone can find it, but I remember a Digital Foundry episode with John and Richard where Richard talks about his time working on Sega magazines in the early 90's. It may have been a recording from one of their live Panels at a convention. The screenshot situation came up in that episode and Richard talked about what they did before capture cards.

    I TIHNK the response was that they photographed high quality CRT monitors at one point, but I could be completely wrong. Still, maybe this would help someone track down the answer? It's definitely true that at one point in time they didn't have direct capture yet.
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!

    Just a random dorkly showcase of "cursed" Sonic ROMs (idk why Robotnik's Revenge is in there though that's a good hack not a cursed one). None of these are new to us but it's a fun trip down memory lane
  19. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Yeah I watched that at the time - it's a bit difficult to tell with the EMAP publications, since they had a habit of throwing all sorts at a page:

    Our scans are a bit crappy but I think the colour is reasonably okay, just desaturated (which is what I'd expect if they were taking photos of a CRT). I think the three screenshots above are direct capture, otherwise you'd expect to see a bit of distortion from the curved screen (I actually think the first one might be straight from Sega but it's tough to prove).
  20. Devon


    La mer va embrassé moi et délivré moi lakay. Tech Member
    your mom
    (At 5:21)