Shibunoa commited what I would consider a terrorist act - and an entirely pointless one as well. What kind of a little shitbird would try to hi-jack someone else's website to create their own? They should know it can't possibly work out for them in the end. If I go to a site I like, and some fucker has replaced it, that's not going to endear me to them at all. It's going to make me want to give them the finger... And if he doesn't like vulgar language, he can just kiss my motherfucking ass. Anyway, I'd like to applaud Sonic Retro for handling the situation with panache. I'm proud to belong to Sonic Retro, and I wish there were something I could do to help. I probably don't have many of the wiki images on my HD, but I have a bunch of the manual scans, and magazine article scans (although some of them might be from other sources). I could also recreate any lost zone maps. Also, congrats GerbilSoft. Gens/GS rocks, and I'm sure you'll make a great admin.
I forgot to say on my last post: Good luck on your administration, GerbilSoft, and... GOOD RIDDENCE, SHIBUNOA.
I must say congrats are in order for everyone involved in bringing this site back up. And to GerbilSoft on your new admin status. Keep up the good work guys.
I may be missing something, but don't you need to run diagnostics on the drive itself, and not an image of the drive? Unless that image successfully saves every sector (even unmapped ones), you won't find shit on it that isn't already accessible.
Ohnoes how could GerbilSoft overlook something like that I think Borisz should be the new admin ... yes, he downloaded an image of the entire drive, each and every sector, all 250 gigabytes of it.
Congratulations to everyone who brought the site back, to Gerbilsoft for his promotion, and etc. etc. /inb4thirdandfinalattack :v:
QFFT!!!!! As to Shibunoa, thank you for proving us that: - Sonic Retro is a solid Sonic community who is NOT GOING TO FALL - Nobody will approve opinions or methods of morons like you - you're a epic fail troll, go get a life! And I'd like to congratulate those who have helped to restore Sonic Retro and limit the damages that this fucking idiot caused.
I'm glad the site survived this. I had to deal with this shit on a constant basis for the past 6 years between RangerBoard and PowerRangerEmpire. RB had much higher statistics and are more popular, but that was not enough. They would constantly attack PRE until it was finally dead for good. It is bullshit when you can't just leave a good or bad thing alone. You take the joy out of a hobbie or interest when you keep hacking and hurting something. Just because they don't like it here and think they are better doesn't mean they have to take that away from the people that do like it here. Hang in there Sonic Retro!
If I'm right, every time Shibby comes, he will be lead to, right? Lead him to a javascript Rick roll in 20 tabs, as well. That would be hilarious!
I think the current is perfect for him, rickrolling him would just be dumb in my opinion.
Well done to everyone listed in the original post on the speedy recovery of the site. In Sloan's Country, what Shibunoa did would garner a 50 year sentence in the core of the planet, game over indeed. I really wish I could help with the images problem but I know some of them have been gathered over a long time and probably can't be found again.
Apparently being at paid work during most of this crisis means you get no posted credit. At least I helped with - and am arguably in the most prominent position XD I've sent about 500-600 files to Gerbil from the wiki for recovery purposes. I expect every member to have a look on their systems when the testing tools are out to help in the recovery effort - though you'll probably be nowhere near this, every little helps! =P
I have a backup of the original Sonic title screens, was going to send them to Scarred Sun but I wasn't sure if it'd be of any use.
x64 did :v: But I'm gonna clarify this as I've heard this comment several times already. Shibunoa did not want to make a new site. He has no interest at all in Sonic, and in fact he told me several times that we should outgrow him. Certainly he isn't going to make a new site. REALLY SONICâ„¢ was just a fake site he came up with in order to fool us before we found him. It's pure trolling. This reminds me, what method are people using to determine what files to send? Because I'm checking files with Cygwin (which basically means I'm using the very same tools as Gerbil to make a massive SHA1 hash calculation of the files in my hard disk), but I doubt all the Windows users there have Cygwin. What is the method used in those cases?
Yes indeed. My only response: But in all seriousness, it is good to be back. I'm sure the recovery efforts will succeed.
Tails92? Ha ha, no kidding. That little shit's only been trolling SRB2's chatroom for ages, evading bans with a bazillion proxies. I never called him out on it since I thought he was more or less well-behaved while here, and it'd look bad on me. Guess looks were deceiving; he's still the little douche he ever was. Speaking from experience, he's going to ban dodge. A lot. Plenty of proxy use. Good thing the administration here's quite competent, so these things will be promptly Trash'd.
He'll get bored because he'll have to behave properly in the validation process or it won't work. Also he has been doing that at IRC already.
What files are you guy looking for? I know I have some .rar files for hacking and such. I would like to help but I don't know what there is to do, or if I can help.
Just to reiterate: Save any files in your browser cache from the domain, before they get deleted. There's a huge number of sprites and screenshots that are likely to still be in your cache and would take forever to replace.