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So I made this Ultimate Timeline Form of the games from 1991 to 2018

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by raphael_fc, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    I made these images, which are quite long, but they fit everything (I think). It would be very confusing to write the timelines here, so I made the images.
    Here's the deal. I tried to establish clear criteria to define what is canon and what is not. A game is not canon if:

    • It is a misrepresentation. This is when a game portrays characters in a completely different way than they should be, playing unthinkable roles. Example: Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car (1991).
    • It is a puzzle/educational game. These are games made to teach mathematical operations, tile matching, etc., very common in the 1990s. Example: Sonic's Schoolhouse (1996).
    • It is a crossover. This is when characters of the Sonic franchise team up with characters of other franchises in a game. Example: Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (2011).
    • It does not have a plot. It is not possible to consider that the plot of a game is part of the canon if the game has no plot at all. Example: Sonic Drift (1994).
    • It belongs to another universe. Although it is a game that may possess all the characteristics of a canonical game, it is set in a separate universe. Thus, it can be canonical for that universe, but not for the main one. Example: Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric (2014).

    Additionally, the following condition has been added to consider that a game does not belong in the canon. A game is not canon either if:

    • It was not originally released for console or PC. Several games were released for mobile, arcade or electronic toys and, if they were relevant to the canon, they should have been released for console right away. Example: Sonic Jump (2012).

    The only exception is SegaSonic the Hedgehog (1993), referenced in the Sonic Mania Plus (2018) booklet, which says that when Might and Ray last saw Sonic they were escaping from Eggman Island.

    At the same time, a game can be "canon" and be part of a timeline that no longer exists. The most famous case is Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008) might be the case as well.

    I know that Sonic Team makes games with Infinite inconsistencies and Forces us to accept them. But I focused on a list of alleged inconsistencies in order to be able to make these timelines. Here they are:

    • There are three sequels for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles (1994), all involving Metal Sonic. In Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode Metal (2012), Metal Sonic has remained unconscious on Little Planet since his defeat in Sonic the Hedgehog CD (1993). In Sonic Mania (2017), Eggman finds Metal Sonic's location on Little Planet during the battle in Press Garden. In Knuckles' Chaotix (1995), Eggman had to recover Metal Sonic's CPU, as his body had been destroyed.
    • After Sonic in Sonic Generations (2011) asked Tails if Green Hill looked familiar, Tails said "not to me". This is a reference to the fact that Tails has never been in Green Hill, since he did not participate in the events of Sonic the Hedgehog (1991). However, in Sonic Mania (2017) he goes to Green Hill. Not only that; all Master System / Game Gear games in which Tails participates in the events are all located on South Island and it is difficult not to know Green Hill in this case.
    • In Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit) (1992), Sonic and Tails are already friends and live on South Island, when Tails is kidnapped by Eggman. But Sonic only met Tails in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit) (1992) on West Side Island and there is no time for this adventure to take place before the end of Sonic the Hedghog 3 & Knuckles (1994) – what would make this game a fourth sequel to Sonic the Hedghog 3 & Knuckles (1994).
    • In Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode Metal (2012), Metal Sonic was rescued in the bad future of Stardust Speedway. It was to be expected that Sonic had managed to make the good future. The same bad future can be seen in Sonic Generations (2011), although in this case perhaps it was the influence of the Time Eater.
    • In Sonic Generations (2011), Sonic from the Classic Era was seen as the past of Sonic from the Modern Era. However, in Sonic Forces (2017) he is seen as a Sonic from another dimension.
    • In Knuckles' Chaotix (1995), Vector, Espio and Charmy were captured by Dr. Eggman. In Sonic Heroes (2003), Charmy has never heard of Dr. Eggman.
    • In Sonic Rush (2005), Eggman Nega is seen as Eggman's counterpart in Sol Dimension and they are allies. In Sonic Rivals (2006), Eggman Nega is a descendant of Eggman in the distant future and is his enemy. In Sonic Rush Adventure (2007), they are allies again. In Sonic Rivals 2 (2007) they are enemies again.
    • After Silver changes the events in Sonic Rivals 2 (2007), he says in Sonic Colors (DS) (2010) that his future is good and happy. But in Sonic Forces (2017), Silver had to travel to the present to warn about his chaotic future. And Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008) is another game in which Eggman has apparently conquered the world. On the other hand, in Sonic Generations (2011) Modern Eggman claims that he never managed to defeat Sonic, and in Sonic Rivals (2006) Eggman Nega came from the future stating that Eggman disgraced the lineage because of his failures.
    • In Sonic Rush (2005), Sonic and Blaze met. In Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), Sonic and Blaze met again as if it were the first time and Blaze lived in Silver's future.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2020
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  2. Speeps


    I remember making one of these, but I focused on the emeralds and backstory more.
    06 is a mess and I had to like write a whole new timeline to justify how every other game happened (especially SA2 and ShtH) after Silver stole the grey emerald for 10 years.

    Anyway, this is pretty good! I love seeing timelines with a lot of thought put in.
  3. Myles_Zadok


    IDK Member
    At first, I was confused because I thought your timeline resulted in the classic Sonic in Generations being from a different timeline than the one in Forces (meaning that Classic and Modern in that game wouldn't have met before), but once I wrapped my head around it, I realized that this is pretty good!
  4. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    As the whole idea of the Adventure Era and Modern Era stem from the bad future of Sonic CD can make people cringe, it is possible to make an alternative version of the Classic Era in which the good future is the most important.

    #1- CLASSIC ERA TIMELINE (2).png
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2020


    The lack of PicoPico games in the canon triggers me.

    But no seriously, this is actually pretty clever. Most story based Game gear titles splitting off from the timeline even sort of explains their lack of reference/appearance in games like Mania and Generations.

    Nice work. it reads just like the ever so convoluted Zelda timeline.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
  6. Pengi


    Sonic the Fighters is a glaring omission. The game had a story, followed up on existing lore and introduced new characters.
  7. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member

    I didn't include Sonic the Fighters because it fell under the criteria of not being released for the console in its release. I know that it was going to be ported, but since it wasn't, I exclude it.

    I couldn't explain how Tails designs a rocket that requires 8 Chaos Emeralds anyway. And it's strange that the new characters are already treated as friends of Sonic and protectors of the Chaos Emeralds, but we've never seen them before.
  8. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Sorry, I don't get it: you assume 8 emeralds to power a rocket is weird, but you're evidently accepting here there's a set of chaos emeralds for each different island on classic games, fitting that with a timeline (adventure era) where it's assumed there's only one set of chaos emeralds from which anybody seems to find easily one or two of them, and there are games which are very lightly tied together despite the inconsistencies Sonic Team doesn't bother to avoid in 3D games.

    BTw, about the bad/good future thing, while possible to use, doesn't really mean a thing here, or you'll have to list every bad ending too. Take into account that little planet's blurry timeline (past, present and future are blended and happen at the sime time there) would only affect the rest of Sonic's world in the advent that Eggman manages to keep it as a base, so the alternate timelines from there would be 1) little planet stays as Eggman's base and 2) it doesn't, which i'm not sure if that's a matter of bad/good ending or a matter of Sonic beating the game or not. This last option could lead to an alternate timeline for every game in which Sonic fails to save a given location or end a given plot from Robotnik, yet somehow stays alive to at least try to beat the next game, something only ever referenced to have happened prior to Sonic Forces through events that took place off-games. Every game assumes the good ending is the ending that leads to the next game, the bad ending being just a "good, but not good enough, try again" result.

    Oh, and 8-bit and 16-bit games are alternate timelines by default, even the two versions of the very first sonic game have differences that affect their plot. I'd even dare to say classic Sonic in Generations and specially in Forces has more in common with 8-bit games than the 16-bit ones (less physics, more automation, and Sonic acquires skills from the main games but these work slightly differently, plus vehicle powerups like the skateboard monitors in classic City Escape).

    Sorry to be rude, but trying to fit things together which, not only were they meant never to be fitted, but that even actively resist any kind of fitting, is lost energy. The only chance for this to work is when people make fangames based on a existing game that rewrite the plot to actually fit.
  9. RDNexus


    Excuse me for being a nag, but I only deem the main console line of games as the main timeline, majorly not-connected to any of the handheld or more obscure games.

    SONIC 1
    SONIC 2
    SONIC 06

    Still, from HEROES onward, even I kinda dislike how SEGA advanced the line.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2020
  10. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    Well, I disagree. Even if classic games imply that there is a set of Chaos Emeralds on each island, it is easily acceptable that it was retconned and that it was actually the same set all the time. As far as I can remember, the only controversy this could cause is in the Sonic 3 manual, but you can work around it. People finding Chaos Emeralds more easily is just a matter of script.

    We always assume that Sonic got the good ending in each game because he is the hero and such, but Sonic CD is the only game in which we saw the bad future being applied to another game (Sonic 4). In no other game did this happen. It is very difficult to come up with an explanation for the bad future shown in Sonic 4 that never happened. And speculating what would happen as a result of this bad future should be the work of Sonic Team, the timelines are only used to try to organize the games.

    Regarding the 8-bit games, I kind of agree, but since Sonic from Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces is confirmed to be the same Sonic from Sonic Generations, it needs to be the 16-bit Sonic.
  11. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    We all do, I think. We all do.

    The problem with considering only the main games is the presence of characters like Blaze, Silver and Cream. There may be some other problem, but this is what I'm remembering now.
  12. RDNexus


    True Story. One would have to consider at least the Advance, Rush & Rivals Series because of said characters.
    Since 06 retconned itself out of existence... xD
  13. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    And Sonic Battle, because of G-merl in Sonic Advance 3.

    Shuffle, the Riders series and those of mythical books are really unimportant. But these are just 5 games, we can shove them in the timelines somehow haha
  14. Josh


    No, I actually think it makes a lot of sense, from both a canon and meta perspective. In fact, if you're going to see them as at least starting from the same origin, I kind of love it as the fulcrum separating the "modern" universe from the "classic" one. If we take it as given that Sonic 4 depicts the modern design, and we know Metal is rescued from Stardust Speedway's Bad Future, AND on a meta level, Mania's elevator made it a point to de-canonize Sonic 4, it's very easy to see the Adventure games onward as breaking out of CD's Bad Future, with the timelines converging again in Generations.

    If it's okay with you, I might spin off of this, and try to come up with my own timeline. Maybe try to work it so that Metal only ever shows up again in the Bad Future games?

    I know someone up there claimed that this sort of thing is a waste of energy because none of this was EVER supposed to fit together, but I think that's what's fun about it.
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  15. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    It is actually possible to make a timeline in which Metal Sonic only appears after the bad future, and kind of easy. Take the original timeline of this post and just place Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R after Sonic Mania Plus. It's like a mix of the two timelines that I posted.

    In that case, absolutely no game exists after Sonic 3K in the good future.
  16. Josh


    Ahaha, finally, the "everything sucks after 1994" types who were so prevalent and noisy circa 2010 have been vindicated!

    What I meant by appearances though, and I should have clarified this, was depictions of Metal Sonic in the "present." This would include Sonic 4, Heroes, Rivals, etc.

    In the "Bad Future," Metal was eventually recovered by Eggman from Little Planet prior to Sonic 4 Episode 2. Adventure depicts him being repaired, and he goes rogue sometime between then and Heroes.

    In the "Good Future," Metal was time locked on Little Planet, but can still appear by time traveling or reality warping to a point before that, as in Generations and Mania. (Of course, you could also argue that Eggman recovered him in this timeline AFTER Mania, as depicted in Mania Adventures, and any appearances of the character alongside classic after that such as Triple Trouble, R, or Chaotix are happening AFTER Mania, _or_ in the other timeline, _or_ maybe both! Whee!)
  17. LockOnRommy11


    This is interesting but I find it very difficult to swallow that the games are in such an order: out of chronological release and a mix of different consoles at different times.

    The Game Gear games are really just alternate timelines altogether unless you make up something for the fact that they only ever have six Emeralds. I mean, they never have Super Sonic so it’s possible that they never find the 7th.
  18. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    My personal timeline goes like this. It goes interrupted for the majority of the time:
    • SegaSonic
    • Sonic 1
    • Sonic CD (bad ending; Sega CD version)
    • Sonic 2
    • Sonic 3 & Knuckles
    • Sonic 4
    • Sonic Advance
    • Sonic Adventure
    • Sonic Advance 2
    • Sonic Adventure 2
    • Sonic Heroes
    • Sonic Battle
    • Sonic Advance 3
    • Shadow
    • Sonic '06
    • Sonic Rush
    • Sonic Unleashed
    • Sonic Rush Adventure
    • Sonic Colors
    Then comes Generations, which takes place after Colors for Modern Sonic and in between 1 and CD for Classic. This splits the timeline in two, where the Classic timeline then goes to CD (the good ending; also this time it's the 2011 version because Tails) and carries on through 2 and 3K, then Mania and Forces. When Classic Sonic returns, the events of Mania Plus and the Game Gear games play out. Also, during the events of Forces, Knuckles' Chaotix happens. And Lost World takes place shortly before Forces. That's how I always envisioned it.
  19. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member

    I found it quite similar to mine. The main difference is the moment when Classic Sonic and Classic Tails were taken to Generations, and from then on in the classic timeline.

    But one thing made me curious: why would Sonic Rush Adventure come after Sonic Unleashed?
  20. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    The ending, with Sonic running alongside Tails in the Tornado, coupled with the world-hopping plot, made me think that Sonic and Tails went looking for the energy source at the beginning of Rush Adventure right after Unleashed. That was just how I saw it though.