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Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by McGuirk, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
  2. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Have a free placeholder scan. I've even named it, so you can just take it as it is right now, upload it on the Sonic Retro wiki, and get all the credit.


    It's a Turkish release.

    There are many Turkish video game releases. We've not documented any of them.

    In fact, nobody has.


    Here's your chance to make history!
  3. Artemis Davar

    Artemis Davar

    Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but are sonic CD's ending songs hard coded into the ISO? I wanted to have the USA release of the game with the Europe/Japan themes but the ending theme in the music files isn't the same as the ending you hear during the credits. Replacing the theme in the audio files only changes the one heard in DA Garden. Why?
  4. Billy


    RIP Oderus Urungus Member
    Colorado, USA
    Indie games
    Yes, they're part of the video files. Just play the 920 beta.
  5. Fenrir


    Eh. Member

    Despite the absolutely horrid clickbait of a title, this article actually brings up some good points. Points that have been discussed to death here already, I'm sure, and he does seem to exaggerate a few things. Still, figured I'd share this since it popped into my feed.
  6. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Right at the beginning of Sonic 1 you have some small slopes that show their influence on your jumps, some rings to grab by jumping while unveiling Sonic's unique buzzsaw attacks, an enemy that you can kill by either spinning or jumping on it, a breakable power up, a flying enemy that can shoot you and help reveal the ring loss mechanics and which you can also hit from below, an obvious hidden spring inside a palmtree and a steep slope that teaches you how ramp physics work.

    Every basic gameplay mechanic is shown in the very first few seconds of the game, so what was this guy playing.
  7. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    Small update, but I realized I actually skipped one last Sonic title on The Magic Box's US Platinum Videogame Chart--the original Sonic Advance, at 1.21M. (I missed it because it was published by THQ, while the other Sonic games in the chart were Sega releases.) Will also add this to previous post, as well as the wiki later.

    I think this is still important (at least important enough to make for a post) because this makes Advance the only handheld Sonic game confirmed to have sold over one million copies in one source, as well as the only handheld Sonic game to have sold over one million in one region. Rush came close to but didn't sell one million in its first FY (930K across US and Europe), it took additional sales from Europe in the following fiscal year to get it across the line. Advance 2 is also said by Wikipedia to have sold over one million, but the number is tallied together by accumulating sales data from various other sources of the game's sales in other regions; and each of those sources have the game selling less than one million in each territory.
  8. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Shadow the Hedgehog

    If you're a collector on a quest to get every version of every Sonic game, you might want to have a re-think.
  9. Artemis Davar

    Artemis Davar

    Is it possible to swap the video files? Since the Japan/Europe version isn't any different visually from the American version. I'm using the Sonic CD++ hack, so 920 beta is a no go.
  10. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I've always had this messed up memory that I can't quite put my finger on.

    I remember going round a cousin's house and playing Sonic for the first time. It was on the Master System and is a Sonic game I've never seen since.

    It was a level that looked like Green Hill Zone and it played like any other Sonic level. But here's the twist; when you got hit by a badnik, you didn't just lose all your rings (and couldn't pick them back up), but fell into the underground. At this point the music would turn sinister and Robotnik would chase you down and kill you. I get the impression that if you were near the end of the level you could escape from him and win, but every time I fell underground he got me.

    I know it sounds like a bad creepypasta, but it's something I honestly remember. I think I'm probably mistaking it for Sonic 1 on Master System, where you fall underground to progress in the level, but does anyone know of any bad homebrew games or anything that resemble this?
  11. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    You guys are so weird. Must be the tenth time somebody remembers this exact scene.
  12. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Your memory mixed the Green Hill Act 2 underground entrance in Sonic 1 with the Under Ground boss intro in Sonic 2 and with a bad dream.
  13. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Maybe I'm a strange person for suggesting this but,

    there are only half a dozen Game Gear and Master System Sonic games, and a really big internet full of videos and ROM dumps. You could, like, check every game until you find a match.

    I mean it's not like we have this big network of wikis that I post about at every opportunity because I have spent countless hours of my life adding to them and I have a low sense of self worth christ I'm lonely why am i so lonely
  14. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    I'm always keen to make a FIX THE WIKI topic but there's a long track record of nobody reading these requests:

    Here is a list of JPEG screenshots. We do not like JPEG screenshots. Can we encourage you to replace these JPEG screenshots with PNG screenshots? (and/or correctly categorise these files, because some aren't screenshots at all).


    Here is a list of files that are not being used. If you have a use for them, kindly use them.

    Cheers me'dears.

    Did anyone here ever order Sonic Heroes from Scholastic? I've barely seen anything about it on the Internet (only 1 Twitter post) so I assume it's fairly uncommon. The jewel case it's in isn't the original (the original had the Scholastic logo on the left side and I believe the first disk on the left side of the inside) and nothing on the discs seems to be different from what a normal PC version would be like (no Scholastic branding or anything).
  16. Pengi


    I didn't know if this was worth making a whole new topic on, but here's a thought I've had a few times.

    Sonic 3 contains the Sonic & Knuckles mini-boss music in the sound test. It doesn't contain any of the other S&K themes (title, invincibility, Knuckles encounter, 1-Up, credits medley etc). During the Hydrocity Zone Act 1 boss if you jump out of the water during the drowning countdown jingle the S&K mini-boss music will activate instead of the S3 mini-boss track.

    This is common knowledge. But what was the original intention for this track?

    In S3's sound test it comes right before the Act 2 boss music. The S3 mini-boss music is later on with all the miscellaneous BGM.

    With that (and the Hydrocity glitch) in mind, my thought is that the S&K mini-boss theme was the originally intended mini-boss theme. It certainly sounds like an "Eggman machine" theme song.

    As for the S3 mini-boss theme, that pairs up well with the S3 Knuckles theme doesn't it? I believe the S3 mini-boss theme was originally intended for the fight with Knuckles in Hidden Palace Zone.

    Just a theory, but it would make a lot of sense wouldn't it? Unfortunately this isn't an option in "Sonic 3 Complete". D:
  17. SuperSonicRider


    In Sonic 3 Complete, if you set Knuckles' theme to "Sonic 3", the S3 mini-boss theme will play when you fight Knuckles in Hidden Palace Zone. This is independent of the mini-boss option, so if you set the mini-boss music to "Sonic & Knuckles," I think you'll get the result you want. :)

    But yeah, I've thought about this a little bit too. The position of the S&K mini-boss theme in S3's Sound Test always made me have the same idea of the situation.

    In S(3)&K, S3's mini-boss theme was overwritten by a duplicate of the S&K version, and they use this new "position" of it (2E in the Sound Test) wherever the S3 mini-boss theme would be used, so S3's original position (18) still goes totally unused unless you trigger that glitch in either of the Hydrocity Zone bosses. However, in Sonic & Knuckles Collection, track 2E was overwritten with the unused theme, and they use track 18 (still the S&K mini-boss music) wherever track 2E was used in S3, S&K, and S3&K. So I've always wondered what that was all about too, haha.
  18. Pengi


    Oh, nice! I assumed it would just play the "encounter" theme, since that's what S&K/S3&K does. They really did think of everything. (Except the Egg Robo teaser that leads into Knuckles' story is still missing from Sonic/Tails' "all Super Emeralds" ending. It was always so weird that you could only see that in the "all Chaos Emeralds" ending. I didn't even realise it was a thing until I complete S&K stand alone as Super Sonic.)
  19. Brainulator


    Regular garden-variety member Member
    If it means anything, Sonic 3 Complete always uses track 18 for the Flying Battery 2 Barrier Eggman boss as well as when Eggman steals the Master Emerald (the latter can be changed to continue the Knuckles fight music via a patch).
  20. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    I had never given it any thought, but it makes perfect sense now that you mention it, as it sounds like a remixed and expanded version of the S3 Knuckles theme.

    I don't get why they would tie that to the Knuckles' theme setting, rather than making it a separate setting? What if you want to use the S&K Knux theme for his cutscenes and the S3 miniboss theme for his boss battle? Or use his S3 theme for both cutscenes and his boss battle?

    Eh. I don't really see the problem. Knuckles' story still works if you assume Sonic never upgraded the Chaos Emeralds to Super, and the lack of cliffhanger cutscene makes Sonic's best ending feel like a perfect ending. It also allows you to consider Sonic's S3&K story the finale of the classic Sonic trilogy if you want, if you assume that Knuckles' story only happens if you don't get the Super Emeralds as Sonic.