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Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. KingOfBunnies


    Now, is there something similar to this with like, the number of items I can use as Classic Sonic? So, like, instead of 1 fire shield or 1 skateboard, I could have 5? Or is that not possible? If it is, I'm sure it exists and I could probably find it by googling it.

    Edit: also, apparently something happened? My save file is fucked up and now it reverted to where I don't have all the red rings and stuff even though I did? I must have messed something up.
  2. KingOfBunnies


    Just gonna double post. So I closed the game and re-opened it hoping it was just a glitch or something. Nope. Turns out, it reverted my save to like a while back and I'm not sure why? I used cpkredir.sav. I assumed that was the right one. Maybe I was wrong. So basically, I have to beat all the missions again and get basically a lot of the red rings again. Is there anyway to fix this? Did I use the wrong save, since I know there are 2 I guess since I use the Unleashed Project. Is there anything I can do or is there nothing I can do and I just have to do it all over again?
  3. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    Replace "at least one mod" with "all of my character mods," and you'd be correct. I just didn't feel like mentioning that since KingofBunnies didn't say anything about wanting to use character mods (nor did he say anything about wanting to use Classic Sonic's skills for Modern Sonic.)

    I updated the Ring Drain fix mod to also include both the skill fixes for Modern Sonic, and the ability to use "item" skills 5 times each for both Sonics. Just keep in mind that it should now only be used when not using any character mods (which isn't a big deal for the Ring Drain part, since quite a few major character mods already included fixes for that anyway. And my character mods include all of the skill fixes, AND already include the ability to use "item" skills 5 times each.)

    As for your save file, did you get most of the Red Rings and stuff while using any mods that come with their own save file? If you did, you should copy the save file from whichever mod you had on, and use that as your new cpkredir.sav.

    Finally, if worst comes to worst, you can just take the 100% save file included with one of my character mods, edit the skills in that save file, and then use it as your new cpkredir.sav.
  4. KingOfBunnies


    I used no mods while completing the missions and red rings. So I have no copy of it. I guess I'll just use that 100% save. Thanks. I guess I should keep this in mind for when I use mods. Hahahaha.
  5. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    I have an "Improved Super Sonic" mod by NeroDeAngelo, that fixes the ring drain and I think it also makes Classic Super Sonic faster and jump higher (since his physics didn't seem to be changed much from regular Classic Sonic). There's actually three different versions of it iirc.
  6. KingOfBunnies


    Remember how last night my save reverted to an older version? Well, when I was booting up the game today, it gave me the usual "the configuration doesn't match this PC's set up" error message. I forget the exact wording, but it's something like that. So I fuck around with the configuration and no matter how many times I do it, nothing works, even though when I usually do that it works. So I verify the integrity of the game cache on steam and it re-acquires two files. I boot it up, set the configuration correct, boot up the game, hit continue, and my regular save is back. So all the red rings are there, my old skill list is back, and I have all 82 lives. I don't know how this happened. When I went to the skill edit to see what happened, the cpkredir.sav was still Joe T.E.'s save with his skill set up and everything. So I'm not sure where to find the save that's mine and has the most recent stuff, e.g. 82 lives, my skill set up, etc.

    So, if any of you that know the game know how this happened, and how to locate the save, please tell me. I already looked up .sav in the Generations folder and it gives me Joe T.E.'s save that I used last night, and the two .sav files that the Unleashed Project uses.

    I'm posting it here since I figure since this is a hacking thread, you guys could help me figure out what folders and such everything is in.
  7. Atendega


    Lesser Sea Sponge Member
    Comfy couch
    Collecting insults
    The save directory should be:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\NUMBERS\71340\remote\sonic.sav
    where NUMBERS will be a random string of numbers.
  8. Have .ar.00 files got some kind of checksum verification? If I'm lazy to unpack them just to change some parameters in XML file, can I just open .ar.00 in a Notepad or some HEX thing and do it here?
  9. KingOfBunnies


    So, even though I have nothing changed, the standard ring drain for Super Sonic doesn't work anymore. I have it checked in GMI, I installed the mod, and I'm still losing 2 rings per second. What should I do? I've tried uninstalling the mod, and nothing.
    EDIT: Disregard this, I got it working again.
  10. Yarcaz


    USA, Connecticut
    All Sonic Games Ripping Project, Lost Hedgehog Tales Comic, and Archie Sonic 3D project
    So, Recently I have been trying to "de-compile" all of sonic generations. Along with that I have been using "SonicGLvl-v0.5.7" to export all the .model files as .dae files so that more people could have access to the models. But I ran into a problem in 2 places so far. In "Disk" -> "bb" is where both of the problems are occurring so far.

    Currently in "" & "" I can't rip the following models: "boss_PerfectChaos_HD" & "Boss_PerfectChaosArm_B_HD" & "Boss_PerfectChaosArm_HD" & "Bpc_obj_tornado" and I also have the same problem with/in "" & "" for the following models: "Boss_TE_Armup_L_Effect_HD" & "Boss_TE_Armup_R_Effect_HD" & "Boss_TimeEater_HD" & "Boss_TimeEaterSun_HD" & "Boss_TimeEaterSun_Light_HD".

    All of these so far are located in bb and are related to the boss models and when SonicGLvl tried to convert these .model files into .dae files it always crashes. I have tried with the 3ds max export script as well, but it only worked fine with the Perfect Chaos related models. But even with that, the perfect chaos model is actually missing parts and the textures that apply to it, like when normally exporting models using SonicGLvl as it creates a "textures" folder when converting .model files into .dae files.

    I was wondering if anyone has experienced this same problem, or if anyone knows how to fix this. If not, I hope that we as a community can figure out how to fix this problem, least someone else has the same problem in the future.
  11. Korama


    Tech Member
    Just try it, it should work.
    Those .ar.## files have two unknown DWORDs for each entry/member files, but they don't appear to be checksums. Has anybody found out their purpose?

    Also, .arl files appear to have an alternate text format! The loading routine in SonicGenerations.exe checks the start of the file for the "ARL2" signature, and if it isn't there, then it processes the file as text, line by line (expecting CR+LF line endings). Unfortunately I don't know more about it. I briefly played around with it once, but didn't get it to work, because I don't know what data exactly the game expects then.
  12. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
  13. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    Hey! I know Unleashed Project stuff has been super quiet, and I'm really sorry, but I've been working in that time! I'm celebrating the New Year with the launch of a new channel to host Unleashed Project's update content, and I plan for content updates consistently throughout the year, as I also want to have it finalized in 2016. Please check it out and subscribe, if you can. I can't hope to reach the kind of audience the original release did, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to work my hardest regardless.
  14. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    Regarding the AR format stuff in Sonic Unleashed for Cutscenes in particular me and Dario had to delete some stuff to make it load the ar file without having the .arl

    Basically the file would just be packed all in one file and not have a arl file so no ar.00 or 01 or anything of that sort when we did Knuckles Unleashed mod.
  15. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Crossposted over at SSMB to let them know too S0lv0, can't wait to see what you have in store.
  16. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    Thanks for the help. Since I saw it being asked over there, the video I posted to the channel is indeed filler and just a celebration of the channel opening. None of the content is new or unavailable, the most remarkable thing about it is that I did post-editing to implement Falk's interactive system for the track. Basically I wanted to have a stage video ready for the new year, but that didn't work out, so I threw this together instead. Not to worry though, fresh content is coming very soon.
  17. Faseeh


    There still isn't a working download link for the original release version of the mod. :/
  18. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
  19. Faseeh


    Ah, thank you so much! Must have missed it.
  20. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Are you sure that wasn't twlightzoney's HD Unleashed Sonic model? looked like it.