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Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    Regarding Lost World to Gens. Lost World is way easier then any other Sonic game for modding. And doing stages.

    Whoops seems like I uploaded a FX Pipeline instead and a old WIP of my Unleashed Model update woopsie.
  2. Herm the Germ

    Herm the Germ

    Hmm, not bad. Well done, doctor! Member
    Dresden, Saxony, Germany
    MIDI-to-SMPS-conversions, mostly. Takin' requests, too.
    To put that into a context I understand myself: Just 'cuz Sonic 1 music hacking is easier to do compared to, say, Sonic 3 music hacking, that doesn't mean people only ever do music hacks for Sonic 1 and never for Sonic 3. :B It's not like people will drop what they've been doing if they got a project going. Kinda like how some people still use RPG Maker 2003 even though RPG Maker MV is just about to launch? =B
  3. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    Just saw this on Facebook:

    It's a recreation of Angel Island Zone. Pretty awesome and great progress so far.
    Just wanted to share with you guys.
  4. Falk


    The attention to detail is pretty astounding.

    Too bad classic plays nothing like the classic games though, so who knows how it'd turn out in practice. (Green Hill classic for example had a lot of elements rescaled, etc)
  5. winterhell


    Link doesnt work "Sorry, this content isn't available right now"
  6. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Sarsion Had this project. not sure if they're still working on it.
  7. On/off. Life being encroaching. Restarted the whole project (again). Decided that approaching it from a tileset angle is a hell of a lot smarter than trying to build the entire level as a whole. Means I can use instances/references so editing is unanimous. Been keeping track of this thread with email notifications. Loving the look of a lot of the projects lately, but have been weighing up priorities in amongst everything else I've been up to.

    Is anyone actively working on Glvl? I understand it's a lot to be handed an open-source project especially without dario's availability. It's slowed a lot of my interest in all honesty without new iterations, which was what I was originally holding back from doing much for.

    I'll probably share some updates soon. Hate to have scrapped/redone this project so often, but it'll make sense and be nicer when I show it off once more.

    Also, accurate retro physics or not, it's still really nice to have faithful recreations to explore in a new engine. Nothing needs to be 100% the same, else you could just go play those originals.
  8. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    I don't know what you guys are talking about that what detail?

    Unless they plan to add more detail to it since it seems to be just flat. If they plan to add more detail to it later then cool.
  9. Falk


    Maybe "Effort at adhering to the original" is a better term.

    I really don't see the point, other than novelty. (No offense Sarsion) It... really doesn't play well since the physics are already irrecoverably different to begin with. It's not exactly Megaman in Mario Maker tier of a disconnect, but it's still a disconnect.
  10. None taken at all. I actually agree with you. Honestly the whole thing started as a means to write up documentation for personal standards and techniques for best-practice modelling and some tutorials for modding. Gave me an incentive to do more self-teaching, and an opportunity to nurse some nostalgia.

    Whether it played well was second to whether it looked right, to me. Perfectionism minus practicality probably sums that up.

    That said, what I've actually played of my previous iterations have been pretty fun. The scale seems to line up with jump heights and pacing of the original. Might just be one of those things that looks off until you've got the control of it.

    Either way, I've taken away what I've wanted to learn from the whole experience thus far, so I'm content.
  11. JansenM


    Devon, UK
    Generations mods
    I gave a concept I've been sitting on for a while a try.

    Unfortunately the devs' backwards optimisation (and/or incompetence?) and the game's finicky UV anim rendering meant it can't continue, but it was fun while it lasted.
    My first approach for this was to create a custom skeleton and create lots of planes, assigning each sprite to its own bone so that it could be scaled up and down appropriately in each animation. However, I had trouble with getting the skeleton in undistorted and figured the animation blending would override the stepped animation.
    It was then brought to my attention that I could use UV animations, which I'd previously written off because I couldn't figure out the maths for the offset values. However using the eye material and its (hardcoded?) UV anims, I gave Parax's script a go and things started looking pretty decent! Unfortunately the run animation kept flickering, probably due to it wrapping too quickly in the space of a frame, and for whatever reason the dash animation doesn't have its own unique UV anims (despite there being separate files for them), so this ended up being a write-off.
    The lack of alpha channel was also an issue, but I was told it'd be remediable through hex editing later down the line. I was also pretty pleased with how the normal map helped with some Rayman Legends-like dynamic lighting.

    Thanks to Parax, Zoney, Dario and TGE for the help and tools.
    I may try picking this back up when I have time again 'cause it's a nice idea. We'll see.
  12. Atendega


    Lesser Sea Sponge Member
    Comfy couch
    Collecting insults
    That is absolutely fantastic. Shame it doesn't work for now.
  13. Blivsey


    Charismatic Sonicaholic Member
    I think it's a little harsh to say "wow the devs were lazy" when the game isn't made to do things like this in the first place. Still a cool concept!
  14. JansenM


    Devon, UK
    Generations mods
    It's more the fact that they made the resources but didn't link them up properly, meaning they've got unused files sitting around that should actually be triggered. Still, you don't even see Sonic's eyes most of the time so I don't blame them for forgetting and/or taking a shortcut :specialed:
  15. Want more Mario in your Generations? You got it:

  16. Retroman


    Guess I was 5 days late :v:
  17. KingOfBunnies


    I have a question concerning mods. So, I'm looking for the skill point mod since I heard it exists and want to try it. But all the links I come across say I need a cheat engine for it, which is weird. Is there not a mod file I can just use for Sonic GMI? Also, I found the disable flight paths mod for Super Sonic, but I was wondering, is there a "rings don't deplete as fast mod"? Because I hate how fast rings go down as Classic and Modern Super Sonic. If they exist, is there a site that has them? I try googling it and it brings up nothing. Either I'm not looking enough, or I have to use a different phrase in my search.
  18. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    There's no actual mod for skill points. The best way to modify skill sets is to use MainMemory's Generations Skill Editor. Just open your save file in the program and adjust each of the skill sets to your liking. Just don't try to give Modern Sonic any of the Classic-exclusive skills, since most of them don't work properly for Modern Sonic.

    As for Super Sonic's Ring drain, just use this Ring Drain fix mod I made a few minutes ago.
  19. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    Goodness that looks downright amazing. Had it not been for the black background it looks like a 2D sprite perfectly interacting in a 3D world, not unlike Mr. Game and Watch in the Smash Bros. games. I'm also really impressed with how the lighting of the level reflects off the sprite itself.

    I do hope that if you pick it up again you'll be able to find a workaround because I'm really impressed.
  20. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    Didn't you yourself make at least one mod that made Classic/Modern skills compatible with the opposite hedgehog (and even gave additional charges to some of the limited-use skills)? I've got something like that in my mods folder, but I think they might be some specific files I copied from one of your larger mod releases (probably a version of Super Sonic Generations).

    You should really consider doing a proper release of those fixes (maybe including your Super Sonic ring drain adjustment) as a standalone mod if you haven't already, maybe package it with that skill editor if MainMemory would be up for that. It's really fun stuff to toy with.