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Sonic 2 (2013 - iOS/Android) Post-Release Bugs/Fixes/Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by D.A. Garden, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member

    Not bugs, but I was thinking that these areas could maybe be "fixed". The miscolored grass due to the original limited palette, and Sonic (and other objects) could appear behind the lava but infront of the background wall. Both aren't big deals, but they always bugged me a bit in the original.
  2. Im not sure if this is mentioned already but I've noticed the following (mainly on 2p vs)

    Dsynch on the special stages
    If both plays pass the spinner at the end of the stage while being too close to each other game freezes

    A few differences:

    While on the Aquatic Ruin Zone act 2

    This area I used to be able to jump through the ground to the top on the android version its solid


    This spring (the yellow spring in the water, not shown in this screen shot) used to be able to propel my character to the top. But now I have to use the additional red spring next to the boxes to get to the same place. Because that area is solid in the android version.


    Other than that its a great game especially with the hidden palace and 2p vs mode online the achievements are a lot of fun.
  3. davmillar


    Has anyone besides me experienced an intermittent bug with the opening/closing platforms at the bottom of WFZ on iOS? On 99% of my attempts, the last four or so platforms never come out. The number of missing platforms sometimes changes, but only once have I ever been lucky enough to make it across; every other time there just aren't enough platforms. It's putting quite the damper on time trial mode, although exploring and marveling at the now-finished HPZ has occupied my mind in the meantime.

    (Admittedly (and shamefully) I had never beaten Sonic 2 as a kid on my Genesis. Please forgive me if this is the intended behavior and I am missing some trick necessary to complete the level.)
  4. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I don't believe it's intentional, but it's a problem in both the original version of the game and this new one. The latest patch that's not yet out on iOS fixes it.
  5. PicklePower


    Wiki Sysop
    In 2P mode, if you jump at this one part in CPZ while the other player is in the tubes, you'll get sucked into the tubes:
  6. davmillar


    I've come across a 2P logistics issue that isn't necessarily a bug, but does hinder gameplay. In CPZ Act 2, I hit the item boxes under the stair blocks near the beginning of the level (shown in the screen capture) and one made us swap places. I'm guessing since the stairway was offscreen for my opponent, it never lifted on his side when I touched it and remained in the down position, effectively trapping him inside and allowing me to complete the level at my leisure. (He still beat me on the level in points, total rings, and item boxes, though, so I don't feel too bad.)

    (h/t SonicZone0 whose map I cut this from)

    There were also a smattering of the other 2P issues already mentioned throughout the thread, but all in all it was still fun playing levels in 2P that weren't 2P in the original.

    Oh, and since it just happened here, happy new year!
  7. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden

    Sonic CD's Sound Test Member
    So, just a few more things I thought to mention before I stop making Taxman's, and Stealth's, lives a misery:

    • You can soft lock the game (requiring a menu quit) in Chemical Plant Zone 1 with Knuckles by passing the signpost and then quickly turning left and grabbing the wall on the far left of the screen (sometimes off screen, but grab-able). The controls then lock and you are stuck on the wall indefinitely.
    • The Mystic Cave Zone bridges that open into 2 parts are solid after they open, which is confusing as they weren't before. This also makes jumping off of the vines a bit harder.
    • Not too sure if it's just me but it's a lot harder to hit Rexon in Hill Top Zone without getting hurt. I seem to get hurt a lot more when trying to jump at him.
    • The Aquis (Seahorse) badnik in Oil Ocean Zone has an earlier response time than before, causing him to attack in different places. He also hangs around a bit longer before flying off left.
    I've also recently come across an oddity with version 3.0.2 that wasn't there in 3.0.1:

    The large, rotating cylinder in Metropolis Zone 3 can no longer be ran through in one go without being stopped by an invisible object half way through. It's at the top of the cylinder and it's causing problems running the level. I'm not too sure whether there's an object there or whether changes where made to the cylinder object that have had this effect but either way, it's quite strange.

    EDIT: Almost forgot one that has been on my save file since the first few days. Score only shows 6 digits (like this: 999600) yet can actually count more than a million, resulting in oddities that looks like this: 000100. I think either the 7th digit needs to be added or the score should be capped at 999990. It's a lot easier to get higher scores as well, due to the
    100000 point time bonus you recieve for finishing a level in 9:59, like in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
  8. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    I fired up the game for a bit last night on my Nexus 5 and had to deal with a burst of static noise any time I jumped. I played again this morning and didn't hear if the glitch went away or not but I noticed that the Android taskbar (or whatever the thing with the home button on it is called) was overlapping the game, cutting off the life counter.

    Also just a minor annoyance, but I'd like it if I could orient the phone in either landscape position when I play. The position it locks to currently means I can't hear the game at all normally because of the poor speaker placement on the Nexus 5. Using an external app to temporarily force the phone's orientation fixes the issue but a hard-coded fix would probably be better for a lot of users.

  9. weezul


    My only gripe lies with the lag on input controls... I can fly through Sonic 2, Sonic 3+K on Mega Drive / Emulator, but on my Tablet, and my Galaxy s3 either touch screen or gamepad, there is a latency on the input. It makes all the difference for me....
  10. Gunner112k


    Catch Thirty-Three Oldbie
    I don't know if this has been pointed out but all the rings and monitors taken in a level reappear after doing a special stage. This makes for some easy ring collecting to get to the special stages.

    Amazing port, by the way. Stunning job on Hidden Palace!
  11. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    I'm pretty sure Sonic 2 on the Genesis did that too
  12. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Sonic 2 didn't, but it was an explicit change made to S2K to rebalance the game, alongside the easier special stages. Intentional or not in this remake, I much prefer it this way.
  13. Andrew


    Interesting! Just had to fire up OpenEmu and have a quick play to make sure I wasn't going crazy but the rings and monitors DO come back after exiting the special stage. Maybe there's a regional difference here? I sure remember playing this when I was younger and enjoying going in and out the special stages in Emerald Hill and trying to collect all the rings, monitors and kill all the badnicks in between!

  14. Sonic Boom

    Sonic Boom

    The "change" you're referring to in S2K was keeping the ring amount entering a special stage after completing it. Rings and monitors reappearing in the level is the same for both the original and with Knuckles.
  15. Gunner112k


    Catch Thirty-Three Oldbie
    You are right. I stand corrected
  16. I've got two bugs to report.

    In Aquatic Ruin Zone Act 2, if you beat Eggman and jump on the animal capsule and immediately head right, you'll keep going off the screen until you run off it and then it resets the level.

    Some images:



    The other bug is that if you select Wing Fortress from a completed save file, then clear it, and get onto the Death Egg...your save is no longer is a completed one. It's gets changed to a Death Egg save. You have to complete the Death Egg again until it becomes a completed save again.
  17. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    I was in Oil Ocean 2, fell down near the start because I suck at touch screen controls, tried getting back up via the series of upward blowing fans, didn't have any rings and got shot by one of those seahorse badniks. Sonic died still playing the sideways rotating animation (same one as the corkscrews in EHZ, if it's not clear which animation I mean), the enemy stopped moving and the screen locked, but it never faded and I'm stuck and have to restart the level. In frustration, I started fiddling with the controls, and could actually hear Sonic spinning, but I'm pretty sure I died.

    It seems that Sonic's vertical collision size doesn't change even if crouching/spindashing. This casues me to get crushed in areas where I wouldn't be in the original.

    Not sure if this was like this in the original, but there's a section in Metropolis 3 where one of the brown pistons launch you so high that you inevitably hit spikes on the ceiling. Also, while the smooth gears look really nice, they make it far more difficult to jump onto at certain points.

    The second one is that the top two tiles of Sonic's head are shifted backward by one pixel, leading to his muzzle having a sharp angle on that one frame. It was like this in the original too, and for all I know it could be intended, but it looks like crap and I don't think it was intentional. Viewing the sprite mappings of the Mega Drive version, the top two rows of tiles are aligned to match the tile borders, but the actual art within doesn't match up.

    Also, Sonic's sprite for using an air bubble has a bright orange spot on the corner of one of his shoes, this should be dark red instead. This is because STI never bothered to fix the palette clashes on that particular section of the sprite when the palette was changed to accommodate Tails.
  18. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Oh, we got a fun one to report. It's an oldie but a goodie.

    What happens when you're in the transfer pipes in Chemical Plant Zone and the other player just so happens to hit a teleport monitor? Out of level boundary teleport!

    Video, courtesy of Bartman.
  19. Montblanc


    I found a place in HPZ where you can get stuck inside a wall by accident:

  20. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    That's just one of Dr. Robotnik's deadly speed traps. :v: