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Sonic 3D discussion

Discussion in 'Prototype Discussion' started by drx, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Yeah, the eye animation in the cutscenes is weird. I only really noticed after these topics, though.
  2. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    Well we're in the prototype discussion area... and he... uhm...

    Meh, sorry I didn't even think he was talking about the final. I THOUGHT he thought this was a 3D next gen Sonic topic.

    and I no longer have a copy of Heroes to check this out.
  3. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher

    Here's my question, since 819 is the same as the previously released E3 beta, does that mean, this nosegay buisiness is in that proto too?
  4. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    Sorry for the double posting, but I put all this up on the wiki. There were no differences noted about the 94 beta, so that is pretty much blank.
  5. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    On the top right side theres a little drop down bo x that says tools. Just click that and it will give you a edit option. Yeah, its sorta annoying when your used to wikipedia.
  6. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox

  7. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    I was responding to drx, I guess my post don't make sense now that he deleted his post. I was explaining how to edit a article in Retros wiki.

    Edit: some images.

  8. evilhamwizard


    Yay, time to bring this topic back from the dead (for a purpose).

    July 3rd, 1996:
    -Title Screen BGM plays at a slower tempo (just by a hair, I think).
    -Green Grove Act 1 BGM is missing a few instruments
    -Level Complete BGM plays at a slower tempo as well
    -To Be Continued BGM plays at a slower tempo as well
    -The Title Screen doesn't reset itself or go to a demo, it just stays on standby until you press a button
    -Header says "Sonic 3D"

    August 14th, 1996:
    -The Title Screen resets itself (going past the Sega logo though) with no demo gameplay
    -Green Grove Act 2 BGM is shorter by not having some lines of music programmed in (yet?), loops differently because of this
    -Rusty Ruins Act 1 BGM is shorter by not having some of the lines of music programmed in (yet?), loops differently because of this
    -Rusty Ruins Act 2 BGM is...using Act 1's BGM instead
    -Final Boss BGM is still being used as the normal boss BGM at this point
    -Spring Stadium Act 1 BGM is missing some instruments and might be mixed a little bit differently as well
    -Diamond Dust Act 1 BGM is missing some instruments (maybe)
    -Diamond Dust Act 2 BGM is...using Act 1's BGM instead
    -Volcano Valley Act 1 BGM is shorter by not having some of the lines of music programmed in (yet), loops differently because of this
    -Volcano Valley Act 2 BGM is...using Act 1's BGM instead
    -Gene Gadget Act 1 BGM is...using Volcano Valley Act 1's BGM instead
    -Gene Gadget Act 2 BGM is...using Volcano Valley Act 1's BGM instead
    -Panic Puppet Act 1 BGM's ending is slightly different about 10 seconds before it loops again
    -Panic Puppet Act 2 BGM is...using Panic Puppet Act 1's BGM instead
    -Header says "Sonic 3D"

    August 25th, 1996:
    -BGM 0F and 10 are both the Special Stage BGM - but they don't seem to be playing properly (kicks and snares seem to respond late)
    -SFX test has Sonic 3 & Knuckles sounds as well. Even though it's not really a surprise, but it might have some "unused" SFX as it seems to stop at the 99 value.

    September 4th, 1996:
    -Those artist strings for each BGM make their first appearance here. So I guess it was a late addition for some reason, heh.

    September 11th, 1996 (final):
    -The "C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S - SECRET LEVEL SELECT" thing makes it's first appearance here

    I know it's kinda lame, but there's a reason for this. I think a lot of the good stuff is buried underneath the ROM. But as you can see, I'm interested in the changes between all the music tracks.

    My request is that I want someone to go look at the two of our earliest prototypes (73 and 814) to look for any unused/different music tracks. Or hell, just get all the music out that's actually in the game. I'm curious...
  9. ccat


    As much as I don't know a lot about this game, you brought back an excellent thread, sir. (hurr hurr derp the hedgehog :D)

    If you want music out, people have done that already I believe.
  10. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I'm wondering if there's any more unused shit in some of the earlier ROMs we haven't found yet, a la the Sonic 4 Boss theme =P
  11. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I found that unused Sonic 3D/4 track by ignoring the common misconception that it wasn't possible to find any music tracks not referenced by the pointers.

    I started looking for music headers inside the ROM, copy-pasting entire songs over a known one, and there it was, along with the Sonic 3 gumball machine track.

    Perhaps somebody with more time could start doing a checklist of all the songs that are actually stored inside the ROMs, rather than just the ones that are supposed to be in there because the pointers say so.
  12. evilhamwizard


    Where's Sik when you need him? :(

    I'm sure that even though in the 814 build they reused the Act 1 music many times in Act 2 stages, the real Act 2 music is somewhere in the rom - unfinished or not. I think in drx's first prototype release back eons a go had some music that was composed for some acts but never used even though they were finished. So maybe...

    I don't know how to check for all this though, but it's worth investigating. The earliest prototype we have shouldn't be a problem since most of the game is decompressed (I think?).
  13. Tweaker


    The music should be there, yes. I remember making a series of savestates at one point that played the unfinished songs in their entirety. Unfortunately, Fileden wiped my old files and the savestates no longer exist. I should still have the information necessary to recreate them, but I'm still rather annoyed by how I lost them.
  14. JoseTB


    Tech Member
    There is, I assure you, it's just people got bored too quickly of the drx release - at very least I recall a debugging function in one of the Sonic 3C builds that I never quite figured out how did it work, neither I've seen anyone posting (publically) an explanation. I wish I had the time to look into this now, but anyhow, the possibility there's still stuff to be found in the drx proto release is there, imo.
  15. evilhamwizard


    I know for a fact there is, but like you said, not a lot of people care enough to hack through every single rom to possibly find some insignificant. :\

    I would love to rip each rom a new one, but it's hard to find information and time to do everything quickly.

    But someone here must be interested at giving it a shot, at least. :(
  16. RattleMan


    I am very disappointed in you, Tweaker.
  17. PicklePower


    Wiki Sysop
    Which build of Sonic 3D are these savestates supposed to work in?
  18. drx


    mfw Researcher

    73 music locations (there aren't any other):
    Code (Text):
    1. ec104 - Green Grove 1
    2. ed24b - Title Screen
    3. ed657 - Final Boss
    4. edb68 - Sonic 3 Act Complete
    5. edd1c - Game Over
    6. edf77 - No Way No Wai
    7. ee391 - 1up
    814's music is byte-for-byte identical to 819 (the prototype I bought on cart(s))
  19. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Any chance you can find where is the data for the unused track from the 825 proto?
  20. evilhamwizard


    This game needs more hax.

    Object array for 73 (note: the 'predicted' stuff is unused in this version):

    Code (Text):
    1. ROM:ECF8 ObjectSubroutineList:
    2. ROM:ECF8                 bra.w   Obj_UnusedCrabBadnik ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    3. ROM:ECF8 ; End of function ObjectSubroutineList
    4. ROM:ECF8
    5. ROM:ECFC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6. ROM:ECFC                 bra.w   Obj_BadnikInsectGGz
    7. ROM:ED00 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    8. ROM:ED00                 bra.w   Obj_SpikeballGGz
    9. ROM:ED04 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    10. ROM:ED04                 bra.w   Obj_ConeBadnikGGzBody
    11. ROM:ED08 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    12. ROM:ED08                 bra.w   Obj_SnakeBadnikGGzHead
    13. ROM:ED0C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    14. ROM:ED0C                 bra.w   Obj_SnakeBadnikGGzBody
    15. ROM:ED10 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    16. ROM:ED10                 bra.w   Obj_Spring
    17. ROM:ED14 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    18. ROM:ED14                 bra.w   Obj_GGzFloorGate
    19. ROM:ED18 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    20. ROM:ED18                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic
    21. ROM:ED1C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    22. ROM:ED1C                 bra.w   Obj_SpinningThingy
    23. ROM:ED20 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    24. ROM:ED20                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic
    25. ROM:ED24 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    26. ROM:ED24                 bra.w   Obj_BigExplosion
    27. ROM:ED28 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    28. ROM:ED28                 bra.w   Obj_SmallExplosion
    29. ROM:ED2C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30. ROM:ED2C                 bra.w   Obj_ConeBadnikGGzSpikeball
    31. ROM:ED30 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32. ROM:ED30                 bra.w   Obj_LoopBlock
    33. ROM:ED34 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34. ROM:ED34                 bra.w   Obj_Monitor
    35. ROM:ED38 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    36. ROM:ED38                 bra.w   Obj_BigRing
    37. ROM:ED3C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38. ROM:ED3C                 bra.w   Obj_Medal
    39. ROM:ED40 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    40. ROM:ED40                 bra.w   Obj_Eggman
    41. ROM:ED44 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42. ROM:ED44                 bra.w   Obj_GGz3Claws
    43. ROM:ED48 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44. ROM:ED48                 bra.w   Obj_GGz3Spikeball
    45. ROM:ED4C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46. ROM:ED4C                 bra.w   Obj_GGzTurrets
    47. ROM:ED50 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48. ROM:ED50                 bra.w   Obj_Mine
    49. ROM:ED54 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50. ROM:ED54                 bra.w   Obj_InflatableBadnik ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    51. ROM:ED58 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52. ROM:ED58                 bra.w   Obj_RandWalkBadnik
    53. ROM:ED5C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54. ROM:ED5C                 bra.w   Obj_OctopusBadnikGnGdz
    55. ROM:ED60 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56. ROM:ED60                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdzFloorHazard ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    57. ROM:ED64 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58. ROM:ED64                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdzGateBeams ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    59. ROM:ED68 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60. ROM:ED68                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdzTeleporterDoor
    61. ROM:ED6C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62. ROM:ED6C                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdzFloorGate ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    63. ROM:ED70 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64. ROM:ED70                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdzMovingPlatform ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    65. ROM:ED74 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66. ROM:ED74                 bra.w   Obj_AutomaticGun ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    67. ROM:ED78 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68. ROM:ED78                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    69. ROM:ED7C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70. ROM:ED7C                 bra.w   Obj_RRzSpikeballs ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    71. ROM:ED80 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72. ROM:ED80                 bra.w   Obj_RRzSpikeballsChain ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    73. ROM:ED84 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74. ROM:ED84                 bra.w   Obj_RRzHiddenPlatforms ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    75. ROM:ED88 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76. ROM:ED88                 bra.w   Obj_RRzFloorGate ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    77. ROM:ED8C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78. ROM:ED8C                 bra.w   Obj_ErraticBadnik ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    79. ROM:ED90 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80. ROM:ED90                 bra.w   Obj_MovingPlatform ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    81. ROM:ED94 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82. ROM:ED94                 bra.w   Obj_CrocodileBadnikRRz ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    83. ROM:ED98 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84. ROM:ED98                 bra.w   Obj_RRzFireball ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    85. ROM:ED9C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86. ROM:ED9C                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    87. ROM:EDA0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88. ROM:EDA0                 bra.w   Obj_BumperLight ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    89. ROM:EDA4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    90. ROM:EDA4                 bra.w   Obj_RRzRollingSpikes ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    91. ROM:EDA8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92. ROM:EDA8                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher
    93. ROM:EDAC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94. ROM:EDAC                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher ; Predicted (Jump Table Entry)
    95. ROM:EDB0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96. ROM:EDB0                 bra.w   Obj_RRz3Cannon
    97. ROM:EDB4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98. ROM:EDB4                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher
    99. ROM:EDB8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    100. ROM:EDB8                 bra.w   Obj_RRz3Hand
    101. ROM:EDBC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    102. ROM:EDBC                 bra.w   Obj_DDzBounceEnemy ; unused
    103. ROM:EDC0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    104. ROM:EDC0                 bra.w   Obj_DDzMovingSnowman ; unused
    105. ROM:EDC4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    106. ROM:EDC4                 rts
    For sake of comparison, here's the final's object list (this is from Sik's S3db disassembly):
    Code (Text):
    1. ROM:0001BF42 ObjectSubroutineList:                   ; CODE XREF: RunObjects+ACp
    2. ROM:0001BF42                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; Null
    3. ROM:0001BF46 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4. ROM:0001BF46                 bra.w   Obj_BadnikInsectGGz ; Insect badnik from GGz
    5. ROM:0001BF4A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6. ROM:0001BF4A                 bra.w   Obj_SpikeballGGz ; Spikeball from GGz
    7. ROM:0001BF4E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    8. ROM:0001BF4E                 bra.w   Obj_ConeBadnikGGzBody ; "Cone" badnik from GGz's body
    9. ROM:0001BF52 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    10. ROM:0001BF52                 bra.w   Obj_SnakeBadnikGGzHead ; Snake badnik from GGz's head
    11. ROM:0001BF56 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    12. ROM:0001BF56                 bra.w   Obj_SnakeBadnikGGzBody ; ...and it's body
    13. ROM:0001BF5A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    14. ROM:0001BF5A                 bra.w   Obj_Spring      ; Springs
    15. ROM:0001BF5E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    16. ROM:0001BF5E                 bra.w   Obj_GGzFloorGate ; GGz floor gate
    17. ROM:0001BF62 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    18. ROM:0001BF62                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; Rock from GGz2
    19. ROM:0001BF66 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    20. ROM:0001BF66                 bra.w   Obj_SpinningThingy ; Spinning thingy
    21. ROM:0001BF6A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    22. ROM:0001BF6A                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; Breakable walls from GGz
    23. ROM:0001BF6E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    24. ROM:0001BF6E                 bra.w   Obj_BigExplosion ; Big explosions
    25. ROM:0001BF72 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    26. ROM:0001BF72                 bra.w   Obj_SmallExplosion ; Small explosions
    27. ROM:0001BF76 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    28. ROM:0001BF76                 bra.w   Obj_ConeBadnikGGzSpikeball ; "Cone" badnik from GGz's spikeball
    29. ROM:0001BF7A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30. ROM:0001BF7A                 bra.w   Obj_LoopBlock   ; The things that block the paths to loops
    31. ROM:0001BF7E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32. ROM:0001BF7E                 bra.w   Obj_Monitor     ; Monitors
    33. ROM:0001BF82 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34. ROM:0001BF82                 bra.w   Obj_BigRing     ; Big rings
    35. ROM:0001BF86 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    36. ROM:0001BF86                 bra.w   Obj_Medal       ; Medals (the ones that give continues)
    37. ROM:0001BF8A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38. ROM:0001BF8A                 bra.w   Obj_Eggman      ; Eggman
    39. ROM:0001BF8E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    40. ROM:0001BF8E                 bra.w   Obj_GGz3Claws   ; GGz3 eggmobile claws
    41. ROM:0001BF92 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42. ROM:0001BF92                 bra.w   Obj_GGz3Spikeball ; GGz3 spikeball
    43. ROM:0001BF96 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44. ROM:0001BF96                 bra.w   Obj_GGzTurrets  ; GGz turrets
    45. ROM:0001BF9A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46. ROM:0001BF9A                 bra.w   Obj_Mine        ; Mine
    47. ROM:0001BF9E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48. ROM:0001BF9E                 bra.w   Obj_InflatableBadnik ; Inflatable badnik
    49. ROM:0001BFA2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50. ROM:0001BFA2                 bra.w   Obj_RandWalkBadnik ; GnGdz rat
    51. ROM:0001BFA6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52. ROM:0001BFA6                 bra.w   Obj_OctopusBadnikGnGdz ; GnGdz octopus
    53. ROM:0001BFAA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54. ROM:0001BFAA                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdzFloorHazard ; GnGdz floor hazard
    55. ROM:0001BFAE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56. ROM:0001BFAE                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdzGateBeams ; GnGdz gate beams
    57. ROM:0001BFB2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58. ROM:0001BFB2                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdzTeleporterDoor ; GnGdz teleporter doors
    59. ROM:0001BFB6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60. ROM:0001BFB6                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdzFloorGate ; GnGdz floor gate
    61. ROM:0001BFBA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62. ROM:0001BFBA                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdzMovingPlatform ; Moving platform (GnGdz, PPz)
    63. ROM:0001BFBE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64. ROM:0001BFBE                 bra.w   Obj_AutomaticGun ; Automatic gun (GnGdz, PPz)
    65. ROM:0001BFC2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66. ROM:0001BFC2                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; RRz pillars
    67. ROM:0001BFC6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68. ROM:0001BFC6                 bra.w   Obj_RRzSpikeballs ; RRz spikeballs
    69. ROM:0001BFCA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70. ROM:0001BFCA                 bra.w   Obj_RRzSpikeballsChain ; RRz spikeballs' chain
    71. ROM:0001BFCE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72. ROM:0001BFCE                 bra.w   Obj_RRzHiddenPlatforms ; RRz hidden platforms
    73. ROM:0001BFD2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74. ROM:0001BFD2                 bra.w   Obj_RRzFloorGate ; RRz floor gates
    75. ROM:0001BFD6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76. ROM:0001BFD6                 bra.w   Obj_ErraticBadnik ; RRz bee badnik
    77. ROM:0001BFDA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78. ROM:0001BFDA                 bra.w   Obj_MovingPlatform ; Moving platform (RRz)
    79. ROM:0001BFDE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80. ROM:0001BFDE                 bra.w   Obj_CrocodileBadnikRRz ; RRz crocodile badnik
    81. ROM:0001BFE2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82. ROM:0001BFE2                 bra.w   Obj_RRzFireball ; RRz fireball
    83. ROM:0001BFE6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84. ROM:0001BFE6                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; RRz blocked wall
    85. ROM:0001BFEA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86. ROM:0001BFEA                 bra.w   Obj_BumperLight ; RRz bumper light
    87. ROM:0001BFEE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88. ROM:0001BFEE                 bra.w   Obj_RRzRollingSpikes ; RRz horizontal-going rolling spikes
    89. ROM:0001BFF2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    90. ROM:0001BFF2                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher ; RRz3 scenery: piece of left shoulder
    91. ROM:0001BFF6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92. ROM:0001BFF6                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher ; RRz3 boss helmet
    93. ROM:0001BFFA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94. ROM:0001BFFA                 bra.w   Obj_RRz3Cannon  ; Cannon at the bottom of RRz3's boss
    95. ROM:0001BFFE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96. ROM:0001BFFE                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher ; RRz3 boss arm... balls :V
    97. ROM:0001C002 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98. ROM:0001C002                 bra.w   Obj_RRz3Hand    ; RRz3 boss hand
    99. ROM:0001C006 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    100. ROM:0001C006                 bra.w   Obj_DDzBounceEnemy ; Bouncing enemy from DDz
    101. ROM:0001C00A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    102. ROM:0001C00A                 bra.w   Obj_DDzMovingSnowman ; DDz moving snowman
    103. ROM:0001C00E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    104. ROM:0001C00E                 bra.w   Obj_DDzGate     ; DDz gates
    105. ROM:0001C012 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    106. ROM:0001C012                 bra.w   Obj_BumperLight ; DDz bumper light
    107. ROM:0001C016 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    108. ROM:0001C016                 bra.w   Obj_DDzTurret   ; DDz turret sprite
    109. ROM:0001C01A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    110. ROM:0001C01A                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; DDz ice pool sealed opening
    111. ROM:0001C01E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    112. ROM:0001C01E                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; DDz snow blocks hiding springs
    113. ROM:0001C022 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    114. ROM:0001C022                 bra.w   Obj_DDzExplodeSnowman ; DDz exploding snowman
    115. ROM:0001C026 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    116. ROM:0001C026                 bra.w   Obj_DDzIceball  ; DDz turret iceballs
    117. ROM:0001C02A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    118. ROM:0001C02A                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; DDz spikey blocks sprite
    119. ROM:0001C02E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    120. ROM:0001C02E                 bra.w   Obj_DDzWalkingEnemy ; That weird DDz walking enemy :S
    121. ROM:0001C032 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    122. ROM:0001C032                 bra.w   Obj_FrozenFlicky ; Frozen flicky from DDz
    123. ROM:0001C036 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    124. ROM:0001C036                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher ; DDz3 boss launcher
    125. ROM:0001C03A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    126. ROM:0001C03A                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3IceThrower ; DDz3 boss ice throwers
    127. ROM:0001C03E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    128. ROM:0001C03E                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3IceBall ; DDz3 boss ice balls
    129. ROM:0001C042 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    130. ROM:0001C042                 bra.w   Obj_VVzVampire  ; VVz vampire
    131. ROM:0001C046 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    132. ROM:0001C046                 bra.w   Obj_RandWalkBadnik ; VVz turtle
    133. ROM:0001C04A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    134. ROM:0001C04A                 bra.w   Obj_FrontAndBackBadnik ; VVz scorpion
    135. ROM:0001C04E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    136. ROM:0001C04E                 bra.w   Obj_ErraticBadnik ; VVz gasp
    137. ROM:0001C052 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    138. ROM:0001C052                 bra.w   Obj_VVzGate     ; VVz gate
    139. ROM:0001C056 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    140. ROM:0001C056                 bra.w   Obj_VVzBigFireball ; VVz big fireball
    141. ROM:0001C05A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    142. ROM:0001C05A                 bra.w   Obj_VVzSpikeball ; VVz spikeballs
    143. ROM:0001C05E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    144. ROM:0001C05E                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; VVz breakable walls
    145. ROM:0001C062 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    146. ROM:0001C062                 bra.w   Obj_VVzFireball ; VVz fireball chain... fireball
    147. ROM:0001C066 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    148. ROM:0001C066                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; VVz breakable rock
    149. ROM:0001C06A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    150. ROM:0001C06A                 bra.w   Obj_MovingPlatform ; VVz moving platform
    151. ROM:0001C06E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    152. ROM:0001C06E                 bra.w   Obj_VVzRaisingPlatform ; VVz raising platform
    153. ROM:0001C072 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    154. ROM:0001C072                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher ; VVz3 boss pipe orifices (before they break)
    155. ROM:0001C076 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    156. ROM:0001C076                 bra.w   Obj_VVz3FiryGas ; VVz3 boss firy gas
    157. ROM:0001C07A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    158. ROM:0001C07A                 bra.w   Obj_VVz3Firechain ; VVz3 fire chain
    159. ROM:0001C07E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    160. ROM:0001C07E                 bra.w   Obj_SSzSpring   ; SSz spring
    161. ROM:0001C082 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    162. ROM:0001C082
    163. ROM:0001C082 loc_1C082:                              ; DATA XREF: ROM:00023694o
    164. ROM:0001C082                 bra.w   Obj_BumperLight ; SSz horizontal bumpers
    165. ROM:0001C086 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    166. ROM:0001C086                 bra.w   Obj_ErraticBadnik ; SSz insect badnik
    167. ROM:0001C08A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    168. ROM:0001C08A                 bra.w   Obj_FrontAndBackBadnik ; SSz spidey? badnik
    169. ROM:0001C08E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    170. ROM:0001C08E                 bra.w   Obj_RandWalkBadnik ; SSz spikey badnik
    171. ROM:0001C092 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    172. ROM:0001C092                 bra.w   Obj_SSzBalloon  ; SSz balloon
    173. ROM:0001C096 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    174. ROM:0001C096                 bra.w   Obj_SSzSpikePole ; SSz spike pole (don't get pole'd!)
    175. ROM:0001C09A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    176. ROM:0001C09A                 bra.w   Obj_SSzSpikeballThrower ; SSz spikeball thrower
    177. ROM:0001C09E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    178. ROM:0001C09E                 bra.w   Obj_Tails       ; Tails!
    179. ROM:0001C0A2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    180. ROM:0001C0A2                 bra.w   Obj_Knuckles    ; Knuckles!
    181. ROM:0001C0A6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    182. ROM:0001C0A6                 bra.w   Obj_GnGdz3Rocket ; GnGdz3 rockets
    183. ROM:0001C0AA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    184. ROM:0001C0AA                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher ; GnGdz3 rocket launcher
    185. ROM:0001C0AE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    186. ROM:0001C0AE                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher ; GnGdz3 mines
    187. ROM:0001C0B2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    188. ROM:0001C0B2                 bra.w   Obj_DDz3Launcher ; SSz3 hand
    189. ROM:0001C0B6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    190. ROM:0001C0B6                 bra.w   sub_1888E       ; SSz3 arm ball
    191. ROM:0001C0BA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    192. ROM:0001C0BA                 bra.w   Obj_PPzSpideyBadnik ; PPz spidey badnik
    193. ROM:0001C0BE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    194. ROM:0001C0BE                 bra.w   Obj_ErraticBadnik ; PPz fan badnik
    195. ROM:0001C0C2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    196. ROM:0001C0C2                 bra.w   sub_15F60       ; PPz turrets
    197. ROM:0001C0C6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    198. ROM:0001C0C6                 bra.w   sub_17B02       ; PPz doors
    199. ROM:0001C0CA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    200. ROM:0001C0CA                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; Breakable wall in PPz2
    201. ROM:0001C0CE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    202. ROM:0001C0CE                 bra.w   sub_17606       ; PPz2 rising platforms
    203. ROM:0001C0D2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    204. ROM:0001C0D2                 bra.w   sub_16196       ; PPz2 hole floors
    205. ROM:0001C0D6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    206. ROM:0001C0D6                 bra.w   sub_16136       ; PPz1 switches
    207. ROM:0001C0DA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    208. ROM:0001C0DA                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic ; PPz1 breakable wall
    209. ROM:0001C0DE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    210. ROM:0001C0DE                 bra.w   sub_1680C       ; PPz1 flicky containers
    211. ROM:0001C0E2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    212. ROM:0001C0E2                 bra.w   sub_15D8E       ; PPz3 first boss: hand
    213. ROM:0001C0E6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    214. ROM:0001C0E6                 bra.w   sub_15DE0       ; PPz3: alarm light
    215. ROM:0001C0EA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    216. ROM:0001C0EA                 bra.w   Obj_GenericStatic
    217. ROM:0001C0EE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    218. ROM:0001C0EE                 bra.w   sub_15DB4
    219. ROM:0001C0F2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    220. ROM:0001C0F2                 bra.w   sub_1888E
    221. ROM:0001C0F6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    222. ROM:0001C0F6                 bra.w   sub_15D3A
    223. ROM:0001C0FA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    224. ROM:0001C0FA                 bra.w   sub_15CF4
    225. ROM:0001C0FE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    226. ROM:0001C0FE                 bra.w   sub_15C84       ; 6000 9B84
    227. ROM:0001C102 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    228. ROM:0001C102                 bra.w   Obj_FFz5thWeapon ; FFz 5th weapon
    229. ROM:0001C106 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    230. ROM:0001C106                 rts
    231. ROM:0001C106 ; End of function ObjectSubroutineList
    The unused/predicted branches are for the levels that aren't included in this build. Notice how there are some objects for Diamond Dust in this build. The first object in the list is unused, and is actually partially null in the final! When loaded in game, it appears to be an object that moves side to side and hurts Sonic when touched (but can't be destroyed for some reason). The animation data for this object is located at D4EC. When loaded in game, it does this:


    The movements and it's placement in the object list lead me to believe this is probably the unused crab badnik from the early prototype shots:


    Another thing, the level init table was truncated for just the stages available in the prototype. There could be a possibility that the data/code for the other stages are still in the game but just not included in the table, but very unlikely since the rom is already as small as it is. It seems that they really wanted to truncate the build of unused data as much as they could, for whatever reason.